Clockin' A Grip

I still do the “moves” so it’s like all concentric action. Take a step to get tension on the straps, then make the press/row/fly motion. Then step to take the slack out, and press/row/fly again.

I want to keep the muscles moving steady and the blood pumping for the cardio gains.


Sometimes dudes use the other style you mentioned. Including a WSM/Arnold Strongman champ, so maybe I should try getting down that way.



Band Straight Arm Pulldown x 10 x 5 sets

1 Leg Stiff Dead x 6 x 5 sets

Side Lying External Shoulder Rotation x 10
Read Delt DB Extension x 12
Band Internal Rotation x 10
2 rounds

1 Arm Standing Arnold Press x 10 x 5 sets

DB Shrug x 10 x 3 sets

One of my KBs is lost in the woods so I had to stack some small DBs on top of each other to get weights right today.

I should have listened to Dr Ken and painted it a nice, light color so it would stand out more in the weeds.


Uhmmmm… okay then.


There’s a path through some woods between my house and my neighbor’s house. I usually leave my tire sleds and a KB back there and do my BS conditioning stuff in the shade.

This path is cut into the steep hillside, so there 's almost a cliff on one side and a big drop off on the other. My neighbor was going to mow my lawn with his big-ass zero turn mower. And when he drove down the path he pushed one of the tires with the KB in it over the hillside.

I could see the tire but not the KB. This shit is steep and overgrown and you gotta be half goat to get up and down.


Sounds like a good challenge workout. Rig up a rope and off you go.

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I would ask the neighbor when he planned on going down there to get it… lol

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8-2 Push

Big Tire Drag x 25 yards forward, 25 backwards
x 3

DB Bench x 10 x 1 set, x 6 x 6 sets 5 sec rest

Lunge Stretch/Iso x 35 sec, 40 sec, 45 sec

Band Internal Rotation x 8
Band Overhead Tricep x 12
3 pairs

DB Fly/Tricep Press Combo x 5 x 5 sets

Feet Up Crunch x 15 x 4 sets

New Month, New Stuff

KB swings and Jump rope are “Out,” sled drags are “In.” 1 day short distance and heavy, one day medium and medium, 1 day long and light. Louie style.

My DBs are light, so I figured I could do some 6x6 or 8x8, short rest, Gironda style bench press. I didn’t absolutely love it today, but we’ll see how the chest feels about it tomorrow.

Loaded stretches or Lunge Isometrics came from Thibadeau. They’re supposed to work the “ends” of the muscle and the tendons, so hopefully I can build up my knees and get into some deep hip flexion while building More muscle fibers in my quads.


In the US the most bad-ass rappelling style is “Aussie,” where you go face down. Is that just how all rappelling is done down there?

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LOL yes mate we all just go face first, that way we can see where we are going.

8-4 Pull

Small Tire Drag x 50 yards forward, 50 backwards x 2

DB Stiff Dead with Band over shoulders
x 10
x 8 x 2 sets

DB Bent Row
x 10
x 8 x 3 sets

1/2 Kneeling DB Press
x 10
x 6 x 2 sets

Arnold Curl
x 10 x 3 sets

Dead Bugs
x 12, 12, 8 + 8, 8 + 8


Cool stuff from a nutrition guy.

great work lately Farms, keep it going. How did you find the barbellless training?

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Thanks man. I’m planning to keep chugging away.

About training with now barbell;

Some of it is really cool. KB swings, sled drags, jump rope are all a nice change of pace from weights, and they’re real easy to figure out. If you want it to be harder, just go harder.

And it’s fun to stumble across stuff that seems wimpy, but works Better than weights. Like bench dips on a lawn plus band neutral grip pushdowns are Blowin’ Up my horse-shoe tricep area better than anything I ever did the gym.

Plus Hindu/Dive Bomber pushups (plus time off from heavy shit) have been great for making my shoulders, elbows and all neck feel good.

But it can also be really frustrating! I’ve lost lots of general upper body thickness. It’s been hard to super challenge my Shoulder Girdle with small DBs and BW stuff. I find myself day dreaming about Smith Machine Overhead Pressing, PJR Pullovers, DB Inclines and Heavy-Ass Shrugs.

Anyway, thanks for asking! I was feeling kinda bummed out about today’s light-weight workout, then you made me think of all the positives and I feel better.


8-6 Push

Sled Power Walk
x 100 yards down, 100 yards back x 2 trips

Hindu Pushup
Hands Elevated x 10
Regular x 8 x 3 sets

Lunge Iso/Stretch
x 45 sec, 55 sec, 60 sec

3-3-3-3 Pushups
x 5, 6, 6

Feet Up Crunch
x 15 x 4 sets
-90/90 breathing stuff between sets



8-7 Pull

Nordic Hip Hinge
x 8 x 3 sets

DB Row, 4 count down, 2 count up
x 8, 10, 10, 12

Rear Delt Raise then Scare Crow
x 10 then 8 x 3 sets

Alt DB Curl
x 12, 13, 14

Dead Bug
x 9 + 9 x 3 sets

I must have gotten a little over zealous with the lunge stretch yesterday, my left groin is a little irritated now.


8-9 Push

Big Tire + Small Tire x 25 yards down/back x 3

Hindu Pushup
hands up x 10
floor x 8 x 3

Straight Arm Pulldown/Overhead Tri Extension
x 12/15 x 3 sets

Fly/Squeeze Press
x 8/8 x 4 sets

Ball Hack Squat
x 10 x 4 sets

Feet Up Crunches
x 20 x 4 sets. elbow tendonitis stuff between sets

Solid workout. It felt like it was working.

Elbow rehab.

Lay on floor, hold upper arm straight up. Start with lower arm parallel to floor, knuckles up. Then extend/straighten. Be sure to keep elbow pointing straight out sideways, and only extend so far that you can keep the elbow straight “out.” If you need to twist your upper arm in the shoulder or rotate your elbow your fucking up. Make the rotation happen in the lower arm bones.

Then to go the other way you lean over at the waits and do curls. Keep the upper arm pointing straight down,and keep the elbow pointing “out” the whole time. Only straighten the arm far enough that the elbow stays “out.”


8-12 Pull

Stiff Dead, Band Around Neck + DBs
x 10
x 8 x 3 sets

DB Bent Row, 4 count down, 2 count up
x 10
x 8 x 4 sets

1/2 kneeling DB Press
x 10
x 10
x 8 x 2 sets

Arnold Curl
x 12
x 12
x 10, 12

DeadBugs with Wrist/Ankle Weights
x 6 + 6 x 4 sets


8-17 Push

Dive Bomber Pushup
coffee table x 10
floor x 8 x 3 sets

Ball Hack Squat, 5 down- 2 Up
x 6 x 3 sets

3-3-3-3 Pushup
x 8, 8, 7

Feet Up Crunch
x 20, 25, 25, 20. Breathing junk between sets

My left knee and upper calf were all swollen and inflamed for a few days. I don’t know if it was too much pushing into extension sled dragging or too much bending into flexion with the ball squats. Or too much everything with the combination. Overzealous again. So i did the easiest possible squatting today to see if the knee can take it. Friggin’ zeal.


Flats my man!!

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