Clen With Bulking Cycle Questions?

I am thinking of putting clen in wid a bulking cycle, been reading it can be used this way and not just for fat loss. want peoples opinion and if you have used it this way did it ect… plus what should the dose be. wouldn’t think it was the same as using for fat loss.

It will stress your CNS to the point where your strength and recovery will be noticeably effected. In my opinion it is a bad idea.

I think I read the same profile that you did. It states that adding clen or even T-3 during a steroid cycle will increase muscle gains due to an increase in protein sythesis. However the elevated metabolism and additional stress on the body would IMO strongly outway the benefits of faster protein conversion rate during a bulking cycle.

I would never tell someone to run clen while bulking, or even during cutting. If you can’t tell I’m not a big fan of clenbuterol.

Id also stay as far away from clen as possible during a bulking cycle.