A friend is wanting to do a cycle or two of clen and T3. He thinks I would benefit as well. We both eat well and train hard but would like an edge and would like to get to our “ideal leaness faster.” I am a 32 year old female, 5’7 160 lbs 20% bodyfat. We think we’ve found a legit site online that sells the stack. But I have a few questions about ordering and taking…
What type of legal trouble if any can we get into for purchasing this?
Has anyone had experiences with taking the stack they would be willing to share? It’s ok to PM me if you feel more comfortable talking about it in private.
Thanks in advance!
Eat better, train harder. Judging by your stats, clearly your not doing as much work as you think you are.
The drugs you are considering are pretty serious drugs, ESPECIALLY for women.
Legal consequences are the same as any illegal drug. They are harsh if you are caught.
Further more:
I do not like clen.
In my opinion, albuterol is safer, more effective, and less side effect prone than clen, its basically a shorter halflife version of the same drug, and is easier to use.
I also do not recommend T3 usage as a “starter drug” T3 is a thyroid hormone and can be very dangerous.
I recommend trying an ECA, ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin stack first, it is very effective and most people prefer it on cuts. I personally do. Ephedrine is very similar to albuterol and clen, but agian less sideeffect prone and is a much “cleaner” stim.
Then much later if you decide to try albuterol you will atleast be experienced with beta drugs.
Dont try T3. T3 is the big guns so to speak and should not be used recreationally in my opinion, and certainly not by anyone who does not do fitness modeling professionally.
Thanks for your reply. Admittedly I do feel clen and T3 are out of my league…my friend just made it sound like a “magic pill.” What ratio for the ECA stack do you reccommend?
[quote]gymgrrl11 wrote:
Thanks for your reply. Admittedly I do feel clen and T3 are out of my league…my friend just made it sound like a “magic pill.” What ratio for the ECA stack do you reccommend?[/quote]
Research shows the synergy between ephedrine and caffeine to be highest at a 1:10 ratio. Take one bronkaid or two primatenes (for a total of 25 mg of ephedrine hcl) along with a vivarin or No-doz (for a total of 200 mg of caffeine), and you’re set.
Aspirin with the stack hasn’t really been shown to help except with the obese