hi, i plan on doing a clen only cycle for 2 weeks, and then 2 weeks off and another 2 weeks on. A couple complications, im 19, i live with my parents so i have to open a p.o. box.
I dont want to use my creditcard because my father overviews my spending monthly even though i pay for it? weird, i know. And i live in a neighborhood with a very intense police(in the us). I just wanted to know does this sound like a good plan?
open p.o. box under my name, get pre paid credit card under my name, purchase clen from ag-guys. High risk of getting seized by police? because i dont really want police running into my parents house… lol.
Stats: around 210, 15%bf, been lifting for a little over 3 years. But cant lose the fat, i started at 25% and for 1 year its been stuck at 15. and i honestly cant get rid of it with 6 meals a day, high protein, low carb, and 1 or 2 times a day swimming/fighting/old fashion cardio on the treadmill
If i were you, I would just get some HOT-ROX extreme and go with that. Or throw together an ECA stack. Clen isn’t magic and can have some serious sides if you don’t know what you’re doing. I’m sure your parents will be much more understanding as well.
I tried Clen and liked it, but I didnt like the shakes I got. I am sensitive to caffine so I had an idea that it wouldnt work for me. One thing you have to understand tho about Clen, it isnt illegal to order if you are using it for “research” purposes.
So the Feds arent gonna bust your door down cause you ordered one bottle. So no, there is almost no risk of it getting seized. PO box and credit card info sounds good, but buying it from AG-GUYS does not. Chemone has it for much cheaper and they are fast as shit, you will have it in about 2-3 days. Hope that helped
thanks so much for responses, and ive tried things like melting point. but i had no results what so ever. Actually im considering doing eca, but ive heard eca raises metabolism by 2-3% while clen raises it by 10% in an article. So obviously it would meen its more effective.
Basically though i just want some more information on shipping and customs please, since i live in an area where the police send 10 police cars if you call and say the smallest thing. They have almsot nothing to do, so thats what worries me is that they would bust in my house directly since they have nothing to do at all.
o and should i order from Ag-guys or no because i heard there the best, i dont care about 10$ more or less so a little price isnt a big deal for me. thanks
Pre-load a visa and order it off chemone when the parcel comes it is pretty plain as it only gives abbreviations. Fastford is right its probably the easiest and the fastest
hi, i just went to chemone with a dot com added to it. and they did not have clenbuterol, maybe im looking at the wrong thing. Anyway whats the safest place to order from in terms of not getting package seized for just 2 cycles of clen
[quote]joe123455 wrote:
hi, i just went to chemone with a dot com added to it. and they did not have clenbuterol, maybe im looking at the wrong thing. Anyway whats the safest place to order from in terms of not getting package seized for just 2 cycles of clen[/quote]
Chemone is rock solid. Many of us have used them. Being a domestic company seizures from customs are non existant. According to law, it is legal to buy, sell, and possess research chemicals, it is illegal to ingest them though. Funny U.S. laws… I don’t work there.
I agree with firestanggt i have some clen that i ordered from chemone (best service by the way)and i only took it once i just could’nt function on it.The shakes are incredible from clen and i only took .5ml in my opinion you should try animal cuts it works great (dont work 4 them)
[quote]joe123455 wrote:
thank you very much for all your help. But for a last question, what do you need when you open up a p.o. box?[/quote]
Wouldnt you think that the post office would be the best place to ask that question?? You know you could call them and ask and get that answer immediately, instead of posting and waiting.