What kind of an amateur would get any on their hand. Pfft.
[quote]pushharder wrote:
We hear this term often on PWI. 100% of the time it comes from progressives/liberals and is directed toward conservatives. 100% of the time.
Of course, it’s intended to be a derogatory insult, falsely promoting the idea that conservatives all sit around agreeing with each other on everything. And I’ve been accused by the (dumber) progressives 'round here of being in the club.
Thing is, I’ve disagreed on some stuff with every regular poster on this forum over one thing or another at one time or another, be him/her a conservative, liberal or moderate.
Why do you progressives (that includes faux libertarians like Harold) like to use this term so much when an astute observer can plainly see that your fellowman’s cum is actually on YOUR hand?
It’s a rhetorical device, albeit a crass one. I enjoy playing the devil’s advocate at times. I like to think we’re going to find some common ground on the drone issue Push. I’m also very conservative when it comes to immigration and the 2nd amendment, so perhaps we will experience detente in the future.
[quote]pushharder wrote:
We hear this term often on PWI. 100% of the time it comes from progressives/liberals and is directed toward conservatives. 100% of the time.
Yes, well, I typically see conservatives talk about how liberals are all brain-washed by “something” (lots of things, too tired to remember off the top of my head, but lots of things) and consequently have no idea what they’re talking about.
Look at what conservativedog has to say about liberals who believe in climate change, for example.
The way I see it, that’s about the same thing as saying they’re in a circle jerk. They all agree with one another for bullshit reasons, and they feed off each other agreeing with one another and perpetuate idiocy.
So, in short, it goes both ways!
If anyone circle jerks it is the foaming leftist snot the conservatives. I agree with the libertarians as often as the conservatives.
[quote]magick wrote:
[quote]pushharder wrote:
We hear this term often on PWI. 100% of the time it comes from progressives/liberals and is directed toward conservatives. 100% of the time.
Yes, well, I typically see conservatives talk about how liberals are all brain-washed by “something” (lots of things, too tired to remember off the top of my head, but lots of things) and consequently have no idea what they’re talking about.
Look at what conservativedog has to say about liberals who believe in climate change, for example.
The way I see it, that’s about the same thing as saying they’re in a circle jerk. They all agree with one another for bullshit reasons, and they feed off each other agreeing with one another and perpetuate idiocy.
So, in short, it goes both ways!
You got it man.
@ Push it is because you have this little club of so called conservatives . You all sit around and agree with each other and if any one DARE contradict you or a esteemed member they are attacked on all fronts .
The difference between so called liberal and so called conservative is the so called liberals have no such society
Never used the term.
However, what it describes is both real and the subject of more dignified debate and interest.
When people of a like political mind get together: confirmations abound, memes (the kind Dawkins came up with–not cat pictures) propagate, flawed logic and/or dubious claims begin to go unchallenged (because they’re getting at something that everybody “knows” to be true anyway), opinions dresses up like fact, and “the other side” becomes a caricature, a Bosch painting of lurid idiots prancing around on their way to hell.
After a point, the whole operation becomes malignant–detrimental to each of the participants.
Doesn’t matter if we’re talking Left or Right. It’s everywhere.
I don’t think we’re in danger of this ruining our little corner of the internets. In fact I think we’re great about pushing such weaknesses away from ourselves. However, it would be silly to expect that at least some of these phenomena wouldn’t turn up some of the time. It just so happens that it’s probably more pronounced from the Right on TN, only because of numbers. When I express an opinion, and you disagree, you will usually see many more people standing with you than with me.
SMH has a valid point. Confirmation bias is real; nobody is immune; and it gets magnified in groups of like-minded individuals.
Grow up Push and stop trolling. Not only did I not mention anything about conservatives you just created an entire thread aimed at trolling me because you feel the need to personally attack people on this site and add nothing of value.
This thread has NOTHING to do with anything worth talking about and you are going on ignore. In the Pale Blue Dot thread you got called out by most of the forum and I thought maybe Push will grow up a bit and try to contribute to the forum more instead of personal attacks and limited content. Of course that change lasted about two seconds and you went back to your usual juvenile ways.
Seriously you’ve had moments where you’ve been a good contributor, but they are far outweighed by your trolling and immaturity on this board. I’d like to talk about politics and world issues, that is the reason I’m on here. You’d like to use personal attacks, jump on other people, troll other people, and basically act like a freshman in high school.
Which is really weird because we know you are an older guy. Honestly you’re not much better than C-dog. You’re both older guys who may be decent men in real life, but have no idea how to behave on the internet and run around like jackasses.
That’s too bad, but I have a way of dealing with a troll like you now. And it is hiding your little kid nonsense.
Also lol at Harold and faux libertarians. The only thing faux about this thread is your thinly veiled attempt to “act” like you are asking a question when really you started this to attack me because your precious little feelings got hurt.
And yeah, you’ll say I have no effect on your feelings like normal, but look who had to start a thread.
Goodbye Push. Maybe you’ll grow up one day. I just won’t see it.
[quote]Bismark wrote:
I like to think we’re going to find some common ground on the drone issue Push. [/quote]
This is a good, current example of how the charge, is really bullshit.
You, Push and I certainly don’t see eye to on this subject. Not to say there aren’t others where we do. However, there is no back patting or ass wiping going on about this particular topic.
And all three of us, even on this topic, would be characterized as “right” or conservative.
Then, if you look at the current National political scene you see a very real power struggle within one party, and a bunch of sycophants in another. So, at the very least, currently, you can’t really call the “right” a circle jerk on this one.
[quote]countingbeans wrote:
[quote]Bismark wrote:
I like to think we’re going to find some common ground on the drone issue Push. [/quote]
This is a good, current example of how the charge, is really bullshit.
You, Push and I certainly don’t see eye to on this subject. Not to say there aren’t others where we do. However, there is no back patting or ass wiping going on about this particular topic.
And all three of us, even on this topic, would be characterized as “right” or conservative.
Then, if you look at the current National political scene you see a very real power struggle within one party, and a bunch of sycophants in another. So, at the very least, currently, you can’t really call the “right” a circle jerk on this one. [/quote]
No one is calling the right a circle jerk and I’m much closer to right than left on everything except social issues.
This thread was directed towards me because Push is immature.
The “charge” is made up and is a thinly veiled attempt to troll. It has absolutely no real purpose other than calling me out (see the usual Harold response from the Ad Hom warrior).
And we don’t hear the term often on PWI. In fact, it is very rarely used. A simple google site search tells you that.
H Factor is right.
yesterday at 3:38 pm
[quote]H factor wrote:
[quote]pushharder wrote:
[quote]espenl wrote:
A world without religion would be great, but it will not happen any time soon. Luckily I live in one of the worlds most secular countries. Meanwhile enjoy the good things like Bach and the Cologne Cathedral.[/quote]
You enjoy the material things, peace, security and comfort that you have because western civilization, founded and guided by religion, has delivered it to you. Not because of secularism.[/quote]
What an absolutely absurd statement to make. Thank God Religion delivered us all these abundant treasures we have.
It wasn’t until the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment when we slowly began the descent away from religion that our Western Civilization even began.
What an unbelievably conceited thing for a believer to say. “You can thank religion for what you have.”
Wow. Uhmm, I came in saying don’t get rid of religion, but the believers are stopping in to take credit for everything good that has happened despite the insurmountable evidence that as we have become more secular we have seen less wars, bloodshed, and poverty.
We can thank men and women for what we have and the increase in knowledge that led us to today.
Whatever, the circle jerk crowd will jump in, defend one another and then laugh and declare victory because that is how the circle jerk crowd works. And you will call me Harold and the old man trolls of the forum will be merry knowing that though they are old they can always act young on the internet. [/quote]
Well, the Church sees this kind of mutual mastur…
Ooooooh. Figuratively.
[quote]H factor wrote:
[quote]countingbeans wrote:
[quote]Bismark wrote:
I like to think we’re going to find some common ground on the drone issue Push. [/quote]
This is a good, current example of how the charge, is really bullshit.
You, Push and I certainly don’t see eye to on this subject. Not to say there aren’t others where we do. However, there is no back patting or ass wiping going on about this particular topic.
And all three of us, even on this topic, would be characterized as “right” or conservative.
Then, if you look at the current National political scene you see a very real power struggle within one party, and a bunch of sycophants in another. So, at the very least, currently, you can’t really call the “right” a circle jerk on this one. [/quote]
No one is calling the right a circle jerk and I’m much closer to right than left on everything except social issues.
This thread was directed towards me because Push is immature.
The “charge” is made up and is a thinly veiled attempt to troll. It has absolutely no real purpose other than calling me out (see the usual Harold response from the Ad Hom warrior).
And we don’t hear the term often on PWI. In fact, it is very rarely used. A simple google site search tells you that. [/quote]
Honestly, I thought he was making fun of Pittbulllll, and just tossed the dig at you for good measure.
Pitt seems to say it any time he can’t actually back up his assertion and people point that out.
[quote]Sloth wrote:
Well, the Church sees this kind of mutual mastur…
Ooooooh. Figuratively.
lol. Good one
[quote]countingbeans wrote:
[quote]H factor wrote:
[quote]countingbeans wrote:
[quote]Bismark wrote:
I like to think we’re going to find some common ground on the drone issue Push. [/quote]
This is a good, current example of how the charge, is really bullshit.
You, Push and I certainly don’t see eye to on this subject. Not to say there aren’t others where we do. However, there is no back patting or ass wiping going on about this particular topic.
And all three of us, even on this topic, would be characterized as “right” or conservative.
Then, if you look at the current National political scene you see a very real power struggle within one party, and a bunch of sycophants in another. So, at the very least, currently, you can’t really call the “right” a circle jerk on this one. [/quote]
No one is calling the right a circle jerk and I’m much closer to right than left on everything except social issues.
This thread was directed towards me because Push is immature.
The “charge” is made up and is a thinly veiled attempt to troll. It has absolutely no real purpose other than calling me out (see the usual Harold response from the Ad Hom warrior).
And we don’t hear the term often on PWI. In fact, it is very rarely used. A simple google site search tells you that. [/quote]
Honestly, I thought he was making fun of Pittbulllll, and just tossed the dig at you for good measure.
Pitt seems to say it any time he can’t actually back up his assertion and people point that out. [/quote]
Nah Harold is his troll name for me (which is weird considering my name is Josh) because when Push disagrees with people he feels the need to attack them over and over again because he isn’t very mature. He got called out for that big time in his pale blue dot thread, but continues on. It doesn’t matter though, I don’t really need to see a trolls posts.
And this entire thing is a waste of the forum’s time and has nothing to do with politics or world issues, though that was the attempt of the author to make it “look” like he was actually serious about a question.
[quote]smh_23 wrote:
[quote]Sloth wrote:
Well, the Church sees this kind of mutual mastur…
Ooooooh. Figuratively.
lol. Good one[/quote]
Well, I charged in here with fire in my eyes, and some pep in my step, thinking I had an opportunity to do some old-fashioned sexual-moralizing.
Imagine my disappointment!
But seriously, I’m trying to remember that there is a point where listening and considering is automatically shut down.
Once you take on an abusive tone, you might as well forget the debate you wanted to have. Everything from that point is shut out.
I try to punctuate my posts with silliness, or by asking how the other is doing, or by simply wishing them a good rest of the day. Hopefully to keep us both from letting passionate feelings about a topic devolve into outright nastiness.
Once you allow it to get nasty, you might as well be saying “Blah, blahdderdy-blah. Blahpitty-blooh! Blah blah blah?” This on a topic you’re supposed to care about. That you’re supposed to want to be convincing about. Active listening just shuts down.