I have been on HRT for about 6 months and have been trying to dial in all levels. My big challenge has been around E2 which I seem to keep overshooting one way or the other. I know a key factor with levels is the timing of the blood test but that also shows you the extremes.
Currently I take 80mg test twice a week for a total of 160mg. I also inject 300 units of HCG 2 times a week on the day before my test injections. So Test is on Mon and Thu and HCG is on Sun and Wed. I have been experimenting with my AI and for the last 3 months have been using Liquidex. My last blood test I was using anastrozole and had E2 of 36 when taking 2.5mg/week.
Currently I am taking Luidex at .5mg each day for a total of 3.5mg/week. My goal was to see E2 levels at around 22 given the amount of increase in dosing. But I also know when and how much I take at a time also affects the swings.
I just got labs back which were taken in Thu after I took my Liquidex but before my test shot. I was surprised to see E2 of 10 (Labcorp). I am pretty sure that this reflects one of the lowest levels of the week and that it likely is higher on the day or two after an injection, but I surely donâ??t want to have it that low ever. I am wondering if it makes sense to dose with Liquidex as follows:
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Test 80mg 80mg
HCG 300u 300u
AI .5mg .4mg .3mg .5mg .4mg .3mg .2mg
For travel reasons I like the above injection schedule. When i do travel i just don’t take the HCG. My idea is that this would more closely match the half-life of the test and the liquizole it also takes down my total AI from 3.5mg to 2.6mg per week.
Does this make sense or does anyone have a better idea?