
i just got a deal on this from
it was 20 bucks
so i bought it
ok, this is my first cycle of anything…im doing this for 30 days on and 3 months off
what should i take with it? i bought liv.52 to protect my liver which i will take 2 weeks ahead of time
and i bought multivitamins
what else should i take?
and what should i take pct? is gasparis novedex xt enough?

im 16, 5ft4 175 pounds looking to get up to 180-85 from this stuff and bring my numbers up

Now I’m not sure if chlorodrol-50 is a steroid or not. If it is you absolute should not be using it at age 16. Consider the 20 dollars you spent to be a learning experience and get rid of the stuff.

I remember your post from RMP.
You are not ready from a training perspective either.

I believe its just another hdrol clone.

Its not as dangerous as alot of stuff out there, but you still can not use it with out a real PCT.

You will need nolva, clomid, or torefemine for PCT.

Nothing you can buy at GNC will do the job.

Its a halodrol clone.

Your 16…too young! Just take a bat to your HPTA.

A proper pct is in order…not novedex xt.

I get pissed telling kids all the time that at your age your basically on a test cycle as it is.

From ages 16-20 I put on 75lbs!

Just eat and lift very heavy!


im hitting a plateau
i havent gained weight in awhile
i was 178, but then i got back to 175 and have been that ever since its been like 2 weeks…its starting to piss me off
so i asked some people my brother know(my bro is 275 6’1 10% bf or less) since he wouldnt tell me
they told me to eat so i started eating alot more…still no gain in weight
strength is going up like crazy though…i just need something for mass
and from what i read this 30 day cycle will put me up a good 10 pounds or more…idc about sides or any of that bull
the guy i was talking to is 18 and took a different one by powerlab. i

have no clue about pct though. he suggested maca and this stuff and lower the dose every week for like 3 or 4 weeks
idk if he knows what hes doing or not…so i asked this place
he told me he kept all the gains besides 5 pounds which was water weight…and he gained 10 pounds without water weight…which i believe he looks alot bigger you could literally see him transform lol
where can i get that stuff for pct?
and i dont shop at gnc…i hate gnc

If you are going to be one of “those guys” who comes and asks for advice, then completely ignores/rejects it, you are wasting your time and ours.
No one here is going to give the OK for a 16 year old to use steroids.

[quote]ghettocandyman wrote:

he suggested maca and this stuff and

That stuff you posted the RPM junk looks like a “fat burner” in other words its over the counter nonsense that is just packaged and sold like it works.

The halodrol clone is a definite no-no if your 16. Even 18 is too young, hell most people will say even 20 is too young.

You system is still developing, introducing an androgen to it can cripple it permanently.

This is you? No, you’re not ready.

[quote]Makavali wrote:

This is you? No, you’re not ready.[/quote]

Just think about it like this bro.

Your 16, and your 5’4.

You could probably hit 5’9-5’10 or so by 18 or 19 if you eat right.

Play with this stuff now and your likely to stunt your growth by rapid hormone fluctuations after you come off and potential estrogen rebound accelerating the bone cap growth cycle beyond its norm.

Even if you do a proper PCT, your still going to risk an E rebound, and therefor stunted growth.

say bon voyage to your endocrine system.

im not growing any more…which is why i want to do a cycle at 16
i broke my leg last year playing football doc said my growth plates are closed…which i believe i havent grown since i was 13
my other doc said im done with puberty
even tho my brothers are over 6 feet and my parents are 5’10 or taller but my grandma and her whole family is like 5ft4 to…italians…
and i kinda like this height…

either way i have to live with it
its saved me a few times at my girls house i had to hide in her closet and under her desk and bed and shit
if i was tall…that would have sucked
and that is me, but my legs are bigger now
they were 24 in that pic there 25.5 now and the muscle like splits in half. id post a pic but the hair covers it so it doesnt show on a picture and my camera is dead

my back is wider and my arms are .6 inches bigger…my arms were 15.9 there 16.5 now and my bodyfat is still the same

just throwing that out there
your prob going to call me a dumbass cuz im getting bigger and i want this shit…but idc this will make my gains better and better

and that rpm shit is a t-booster not a fat burner

[quote]ghettocandyman wrote:

  1. “my back is wider and my arms are .6 inches bigger…my arms were 15.9 there 16.5 now and my bodyfat is still the same”

  2. “and that rpm shit is a t-booster not a fat burner”[/quote]

  3. THEN YOU’RE GROWING NATURALLY!!! Good for you (seriously)! Keep it at that til you’re 21! Clean up your diet, eat more of the good food, and keep growin (naturally)!

  4. It’s still shit, and pointless, and maybe even detrimental at your age. STILL A NO-NO.

About your growth plates (and there’s more to it than just that)… I don’t know if you know this, but humans aren’t infallible (yes, including doctors). Just say no to drugs til you’re [> or = 21]. Srsly.

alright fine, i wont do this shit
whatever…ill just give it to my friend whos 26 he wants this shit but doesnt have a credit card imma sell it to him for 40 bucks(paid 20)
i still need pct for it though…he dont know wth hes doing with pct or anything for that matter…
he says he was on d-bol but…i highly doubt it

hes big as hell…but hasnt changed since ive known him

wise decision


[quote]ghettocandyman wrote: from what i read this 30 day cycle will put me up a good 10 pounds or more…idc about sides or any of that bull
the guy i was talking to is 18 and took a different one by powerlab.

your an idiot. your taking a clone of Haldrol-50 which is essentially oral turinabol. A three week cycle of this would not provide optimal results as the peak range would be somewhere between 3 and 5 weeks. Now after blasting virgin receptors for three weeks and not getting optimal gains and wasting virgin receptors on a bull shit half assed poorly planned cycle, your going to compound your mistakes, not care about sides, and run a PCT without knowing anything… Novedex XT would not be an appropriate PCT on its own.

I was going to pull this same stunt like 2 months a guy and wideguy talked me out of it. I did research found new lifting techniques, ways to improve my diet and real information in these forums about cycles and ive gained two pounds but stayed same bf% in two months…

BTW “idc about sides or any of that bull shit”- then go ahead and run a cycle of Methyl Masterdrol,Methyl 1D, Methyl Depot, and Winstrol. Add a clenb/t3 stack to cut and just use Novededx XT for PCT… Im ashamed to say i was once like you. Have some respect for your body., thats what body buildings about.

[quote]swurvenm wrote:
ghettocandyman wrote: from what i read this 30 day cycle will put me up a good 10 pounds or more…idc about sides or any of that bull
the guy i was talking to is 18 and took a different one by powerlab.

your an idiot. your taking a clone of Haldrol-50 which is essentially oral turinabol. A three week cycle of this would not provide optimal results as the peak range would be somewhere between 3 and 5 weeks. Now after blasting virgin receptors for three weeks and not getting optimal gains and wasting virgin receptors on a bull shit half assed poorly planned cycle, your going to compound your mistakes, not care about sides, and run a PCT without knowing anything… Novedex XT would not be an appropriate PCT on its own.

I was going to pull this same stunt like 2 months a guy and wideguy talked me out of it. I did research found new lifting techniques, ways to improve my diet and real information in these forums about cycles and ive gained two pounds but stayed same bf% in two months…

BTW “idc about sides or any of that bull shit”- then go ahead and run a cycle of Methyl Masterdrol,Methyl 1D, Methyl Depot, and Winstrol. Add a clenb/t3 stack to cut and just use Novededx XT for PCT… Im ashamed to say i was once like you. Have some respect for your body., thats what body buildings about. [/quote]

He (the OP) already said he is not going to do the cycle. No need to act all high and mighty by repeating what’s been said in this thread already.

[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
swurvenm wrote:
ghettocandyman wrote: from what i read this 30 day cycle will put me up a good 10 pounds or more…idc about sides or any of that bull
the guy i was talking to is 18 and took a different one by powerlab.

your an idiot. your taking a clone of Haldrol-50 which is essentially oral turinabol. A three week cycle of this would not provide optimal results as the peak range would be somewhere between 3 and 5 weeks. Now after blasting virgin receptors for three weeks and not getting optimal gains and wasting virgin receptors on a bull shit half assed poorly planned cycle, your going to compound your mistakes, not care about sides, and run a PCT without knowing anything… Novedex XT would not be an appropriate PCT on its own.

I was going to pull this same stunt like 2 months a guy and wideguy talked me out of it. I did research found new lifting techniques, ways to improve my diet and real information in these forums about cycles and ive gained two pounds but stayed same bf% in two months…

BTW “idc about sides or any of that bull shit”- then go ahead and run a cycle of Methyl Masterdrol,Methyl 1D, Methyl Depot, and Winstrol. Add a clenb/t3 stack to cut and just use Novededx XT for PCT… Im ashamed to say i was once like you. Have some respect for your body., thats what body buildings about.

He (the OP) already said he is not going to do the cycle. No need to act all high and mighty by repeating what’s been said in this thread already. [/quote]

I started typing before i left for class and posted after it. Just trying to relate to him on a more peer to peer level, as im closer to his age then most of the people who replied. Unfortunately most people who could relate more closely to him would encourage him to do the cycle because that would be “cool” or just tell him the pct thus enabling him to destroy his potential.

yeah im not doing it…
any info on pct to help my friend out?

is 6-oxo fine for pct?

[quote]ghettocandyman wrote:
is 6-oxo fine for pct?

Well tell your “friend” that 6-oxo is bullshit is only a very weak OTC AI and is not a PCT for anything but a cycle of creatine.

Your “friend” will need an SERM, Tamoxifen, Clomid, or Torefemine.

16-18 is really too young, you will regret it.