This video gave me chills. Never forget September 11…
This video gave me chills. Never forget September 11…
Feelings that are beyond words…
What kind of people…
Interestingly, that video is blocked here at work for “Tasteless Content”. And I work for the government!
Here is a direct link. There are porn banners on the site, thats why its blocked.
I still remember exactly what I was doing on 9-11 when I heard the news. I was on my way to my 8am class and the DJ on the radio said an airplane flew into on of the WTC towers and that was all they knew. At first I just thought WTF you know? Terrorism was the last thing on my mind. I live in the United States of America for fucks sake. We are invincible.
Anyway I went on to my 8am class and didn’t think too much about it. However once I got to lab the teacher said that we should all go into the conference room to see what was happening and on the projector they had the news on. I just sat and watched for a little while. Then I tried to go back and finish working on the lab but I couldn’t really keep my mind on work.
I had a few other classes throughout the day. We for the most part just talked about what had happened. I doubt I could forget about it even if I tried. I always remember my mom saying she remembered exactly where she was and what she was doing when JFK was assassinated. I know what she means now.
I agree we must not forget. I can’t help but wonder, though if the Cosgrove family or any of the other families know this is on the net. If they don’t, I would have to agree with the “tastless” label. I remember exactly where I was when I first heard the news. I was standing in the base gym at Kapaun Air Station in Germany while attending Airman Leadership School. I don’t think I have ever been so angry in my whole life. -Aaron
I had a similar reaction, analogkid. I was leaving work for a morning class, and someone said a plane had hit the WTC. My first reaction was to laugh and question the eyesight and brain function of a pilot who couldn’t see the towers and avoid them.
On the way to class, I heard the report of the second hit, at which point I was getting creeped out. By the time I heard about the Pentagon, I was on my way back to my apartment to watch the coverage the rest of the day. That was a long, scary day for alot of us; we work in a government building thats clearly marked and isolated from buildings around it. Very tense for a very long time.
[quote]chinadoll wrote:
This video gave me chills. Never forget September 11…[/quote]
wow, I don’t know what to say to that.
That was terrible. Videos like these serve as good reminders. So much bullshit in politics and wars it takes all feeling and emotion of tragedies sometimes you gotta look back at the cause and remember how it all started.
May God bless their souls…
No words. Just no words.
It amazes me that seeing footage of that still has the same effect on me that it did the day it happened. No matter how many times I see it.
And the call… wow. I officially speechless.
I choked back some tears listening to that. When you think of all of the kids who didn’t have their Mom or Dad come home that night it’s just awful…
wow… how horrible.
I was just getting ready for my morning workout, position meeting for FB and then classes. I just heard about the first plane hitting and thought it was another drunk pilot since the SW Airlines incident had recently happened. Then I saw the second plane crash live and had a sinking feeling in my gut. I damn near cried on my way to class that day. That just wasn’t
“supposed” to happen in my country. The DC-Metro area was like a ghost town that day. I don’t think It’s ever been that quiet in the area in all the years I lived here.
Think of what america does to other countries on a daily basis. Some of which is worse. A quote i once heard i felt rang true “When people kill american civilians its called terrorism, when americans kill civilians its collateral damage”
how many home/schools/churches have americans bombed by “accident” while attacking other countries for whatever reason?
I’ve never posted before but I feel like I have to. My college roommate was on the upper floor of tower 2 probably within 4 floors of that man. Hearing that call …I mean I can’t tell you the rage…the hurt…and then the rage again. The jumper footage had always bothered me the most but after hearing that call. I don’t know-I feel that rage every time I see any image from that day. Like everyone else I remember every minute of that day from about 9AM on.
Hey Split - since you stated America sometimes does worse than 9-11 do me a favor and tell me when was the last time an American flew a jetliner into a 100%CIVILIAN target like that. How about the last time an American INTENTIONALLY targeted CIVILIANS on a scale like that?
[quote]david dunne wrote:
I’ve never posted before but I feel like I have to. My college roommate was on the upper floor of tower 2 probably within 4 floors of that man. Hearing that call …I mean I can’t tell you the rage…the hurt…and then the rage again. The jumper footage had always bothered me the most but after hearing that call. I don’t know-I feel that rage every time I see any image from that day. Like everyone else I remember every minute of that day from about 9AM on.[/quote]
Dude, that sucks. I’m so sorry.
One of our T-Nation friends lost his father that day. My heart goes out to everyone who lost someone. That totally totally sucks.
Video and music are so easily employed to manipulate the emotions.
Same type of video. Different music. Not a tear-jerker.
Stop the self-pity bullshit. I’m embarrassed for you people. People die. It happens.
The day of 9/11 I saw the images on TV, shrugged with a “well, that was unexpected”, and went to work.
[quote]AlbertaBeef wrote:
Video and music are so easily employed to manipulate the emotions.
Same type of video. Different music. Not a tear-jerker.
Stop the self-pity bullshit. I’m embarrassed for you people. People die. It happens.
The day of 9/11 I saw the images on TV, shrugged with a “well, that was unexpected”, and went to work.
Are you fucking serious? No shit people die, but thousands in a matter of minutes? I’ll acknowledge the fact that you’re Canadian, and maybe this isn’t close to where you live, nor primarily have an impact on anyone you love, but to not have any sympathy is simply disgusting.