Not much for introductions so I’ll jump straight into the lifting.
Currently running SS.
Day A
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5 x 3 usually do high bar so I tried low bar at lower weight, they felt horrible
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
285 x 5 these felt real easy so I added another 10lbs setting 20lb pr this session
295 x 5
135 x 5
165 x 5
185 x 5 x 3 not too bad had to do the last couple of reps fast or I wouldn’t have got em up
Not too bad of a day. Excited about deadlifts definitely good for another 10lbs next session. Squats are kinda frustrating me, I’m going to switch back to high bar and close in my stance a bit. Bench is going to be tough to raise since the new gym I’m going to doesnt have 2.5lb weights. We’ll see if I can’t rig something up.
Hopefully next session I’ll have videos of my work set.
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5 x 3 pretty difficult, swapped back to hi bar so I took a few lbs off
45 x 5
95 x 5
135 x 4 …fuck my pr is 145 x 5
BB rows:
135 x 10
175 x 5
135 x 5
175 x 5
Pretty bad day overall, every thing was extremely heavy far away from any prs and was still sore from my last A day. Thinking about maxing squat and bench and running shieko for those 2 lifts and just do SS deadlifts til they stall.
135 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
305 x 5 !!! 10lbs over last week these were still easy
365 x 5 !!! havent maxed since my max was 315 I got this up pretty easy too without a belt. i feel im getting close to a 400lb pull
I’ll be taking two days off and starting Shieko except on Wednesdays I’ll be adding 10lbs a week to my DL on a SS/MC basis.
Going to start logging here. Keep getting banned from
Latest prs are:
Squats(sleeves and belt only): 520x3
Bench: 285x4 295x3
Sumo Deadlift 550x2
A lot stronger than when I used to post here haha. BW is sitting at 186-190 atm. Have a meet on June 6th so i’m just focusing on volume currently. So heres my last two sessions.
[quote]HeavyTriple wrote:
Haha, what got you banned?[/quote]
I made a reference to strong vitamins and the bearded bastard banned me.[/quote]
That guy strikes me as a giant chode. I cringe at all the people who gargle his balls because he’s a mod.
^^completely agree. It’s funny you can look up steroid related topics and find discussions on from earlier. I guess they recently banned it? Why not remove all related post from the archives?
Comp Squats
405x3 @ 7
455x3 @ 8
495x3 @ 8.5
470x3 @ 8
470x3 @ 8
470x6 @ 9
PR on 495x3 @ 8.5 and 470x6 a 5 and 6RM I think
Paused Sumo Deadlift
365x3 @ 7
405x3 @ 8
got some work in here but didnt want to push it due to torn callous
Wrapped Squats
455x3 @ 7
505x3 @ 8
555x3 @ 9
das it
Straight arm pulldowns
Face pulls
Standing cable rows
Lat pulldown
Alternating DB curls
Leg extensions
Hamstring curl
Calf raises
bw 189
felt pretty shit. still managed to pull 505 with a jacked up hand. should be good to go next week. 555x3 is like a 10-20lb pr at a lower RPE. i’ll take it.
Comp Bench
240x4 - changed back to close grip. fuck pinky on rings
240x10 - PR
Yeah…so much stronger close grip. Probably breeze through this program now that im back to my normal grip. Oh wells, all this volume is going to strengthen me. If I can manage i’ll test at around a 9 rpe then run another smolov jr leading into my peaking for the meet.