[quote]lothario1132 wrote:
Gregus wrote:
I’m a Catholic from Poland and can tell you that Catholicism has never had a problem with science or any of it’s derivatives or theories.
LOL Tell that to Galileo!!!
It’s firm belief that since we are made in the image of God we have also been given all the attributes for us to pursue. Isn’t it obvious that since we have been given inquisitive minds, the ability to develop math, a sense of humor etc… That those are gifts from God for us to use, pursue and develop to it’s ultimate end.
You see now, that’s just good common sense.
I have no idea, or perhaps some idea why in America the thinking behind religion is soooo simplistic and fundamental in simplicity that it carries a certain shame for me to admit being Catholic.
I can help you here. The reason bible literalists are so loath to let go of their beliefs can be summed up like this:
The bible is the exact word of God.
Once you start chipping away at this one thing, then fundamentalists get upset. For if it can be shown that the bible was wrong or exaggerated in some places, then what’s to stop the stories of the resurrection or of the miracles from being wrong or exaggerations as well?
All of a sudden, the belief system fails. And when you are programmed to not question the belief in Jesus OR YOU GO TO HELL, then emotions get involved too. You see, in order to maintain the fantasy, they HAVE TO remain unsophisticated and simple.
I find the Catholic church’s courage in accepting the truth (somewhat) is encouraging, and bridges the gap, so to speak, between those who possess faith, and those who are empty of it. Maybe this is genuine, maybe it is a survival tactic… maybe they felt their relevance slipping away in this modern age of communication and technology. I don’t know. Maybe it doesn’t matter. Anything that brings us all closer together as a people has my vote.[/quote]
Yea, Galileo poor guy. Same with Coppernicus and many others. Eveyone knows (i thought) that the bible has plenty of word by men in it. Our last Pope has set a precedent for what it means to be a Good Catholic and to Follow Christ. It’s just a simple message of Acceptance and Forgiveness. Once those two things are mastered you’re a true Catholic.
People that do not accept our scientific discoveries and dispute obvious things are the ones without faith IMO. It’s like they believe God creatred man but the moment we discover through our God given intellect how he may have gone about it, it’s immediately blasphemy, lol! God put us here with clues all around for us to go around and discover, like kids learning by diassembling their parents car I feel that this pursuit will bring us closer to God not further. Religion was given to us to further and better us, not hold us back, stagnate us and let live in ignorance.