OK - He seems very enthusiastic last time I saw him, but now my doc hasn’t gotten back to me in a while, so I went ahead and bought some Arimidex myself. My understanding is that I need 1.0 mg per week in divided doses, but how many? Currently, I am dosing the test e3d, should I take the Arimidex at the same time?
I ma also a little cloudy on what my goal number should be. Although this is intensely personal, an how you feel is most important, I am guessing I want E2 @ <25, Total test would be nice to see @ 600+ (I am understanding that this is not the most important factor, though) and free test where? I am under 12 now, but I can’t find a solid range anywhere here on the forum.
Still no evidence that wife can see of shrinkage, or testicle aching. Libido is still quite good, but I seem to be having a little more trouble coming, esp when tired. 2 of last 3 times we stopped because she was getting sore. Obviously, I am glad she’s getting all she wants, but damn. Is this a side effect? My wiener has never been all that obedient