Hey all,
I know I should be posting this on an IT forum, but I figured I’d try the people here at T-Nation before (as there’s some bright IT guy on this board).
I graduated college 2 years ago and took a job as a Web Developer for a small consulting group. I enjoyed the job, but was put on projects I was totally unqualified for and this caused me to not enjoy the job (I did IT in school so I wasn’t very technical). I started getting treated poorly from others and was very worried about my job as one project was going badly. So I found another job as a Web Content Specialist with a bigger company and put in my two weeks. It was described as a mix between marketing and IT and had lots of room for growth. I figured, I might as well try the business E-commerce side of IT while I can.
Now after 5 months at my new job, I’m really regretting my decision. The job is boring. It’s basically data entry and not exactly what they described. I used this job to get my foot in the door as they said you can move around in different positions. I think this is untrue as after my 2nd month here, they had massive layoffs and the VP said there will be no new positions.
I have a “goals” meeting next week and want to ask this question:
- Where do you see me here in 1 and 2 years?
I will then explain that I want a junior developer position and ask what I need accomplish this. If they can’t do this, do you think it’s unreasonable for me to start searching for new jobs (I’d wait a few months to get my Java Cert from Sun I’ve been studying for).