ok you said
I have been taking Surge for about 1 year now. 1/2 during training and 1/2 post training (immediately) per JB’s recommendations. This includes times when I perform cardio right after wieght training. ok so when you do cardio after weight lifting you take your other 1/2 of surge before the cardio or after all is done? I have been taking the whole shake after lifitng then i go jog for 15 mins, but i sometimes get a side ache from the shake when jogging. the carbs shouldnt be used from the shake while jogging should they? they havent had enogh time to break down correct?
I don’t consume the surge until cardio (20-25 min.) has been completed. I only do cardio immediately after training 1x per week so I don’t feel it retards mt progress at all. The other days I take the surge right after weight training.
Unfortunately, your question here has two answers - both of which need an essay to answer.
In my mind, there are three reasons to do cardio after weights. Maintaining/improving cardiovascular fitness, losing fat, and flushing the system with blood (to augment healing).
If you’re intent on losing fat, I think it would be best to do cardio at another time of the day. If you intend to improve fitness or augment healing, I’d suggest consuming some of the carb/prot drink (to blunt cortisol) before you start the cardio training.
i agree, i have noticed that since i started doing some cardio imediatly after lifting i dont get sore, i also take a cold ass shower.
that’s the only reason i do cardio, i’m trying to bulk up. i also take L-glutamine 1/2hr before lifting and again in my post shake.
While we are on the topic of post-workout supplementation, has anybody had experience using MCTs/protein post-workout instead of high carbs/protein?