I am using 2 caps twice per day.
I cant wait to get my hands on some, but the store says it
s out of stock!!
It really does sound like it works real well, I plan on using at least 2 bottles, and then based on results, I may go 2 more.
buy 4 bottles of it and use 3-4 caps per day.
Wait about a month or so, just like TC says, then look for some results.
The results are noticeable after that, at least in me.
I don’t get any specific “feeling” from it as some have mentioned. Some guys claimed they were “on” and all that BS. I highly doubt that, unless they had really low testosterone to start out with.
I still think it’s a lot of money to pay to get results that aren’t up to the original hype. If you don’t have much money, I would still say to skip the Carbolin 19 and come up with a good diet and training program.
If you can afford it, then fine, buy it. It really helped me in a time where my training and diet were less than optimal. I believe I would have 2-3lb less muscle, and 1-2lb more fat if I wouldn’t have taken it for 2 months.