Carbolin 19, Red Kat

I was wondering with the Carbolin 19 why was the Carbonate Ester attached, or could someone make a comparison to why this is better than regular Forskolin.

For the RED KAT two of the ingredients I don’t what they are the first is…


and the second…

Lauroyl macrogol-32 glycerides, propylene glycol monocaprylate

For both of these products is there any extract ratio or percentage? Thanks.

Also I was thinking of Stacking Alpha Male, RED KAT, and Carbolin 19 all together for 5 weeks.

I’m stacking RED KAT with some tribulus right now.

You can google or use the search function for more info on sclaremax, the other ingredient something tells me has to do with the packaging of the capsule or the release of the ingredients into your bloodstream, but i could be wrong.

What I can tell you is the stack you are thinking about doing may be overkill. Alpha Male has RED KAT in it minus the sclaremax. Alpha Male also has a dose of Carbolin 19. So you may want to use either Alpha Male or RED KAT. Then you could use Carbolin 19 on the days off of Alpha Male or if you go with RED KAT you could add the Carbolin 19, but in that case maybe you should look into HOT-ROX Extreme which has sclaremax and Carbolin 19 in it but is more for fat loss vs. boosting testosterone.

I’m pretty sure Alpha Male already contains eurycoma longifolia, so there’s not point in using RED KAT with it.

As for Carbolin 19, did you read the product thread on it? I’m pretty sure it answers your question.

HRX doesn’t contain sclaremax. Sclaremax and Carbolin 19 both are vasodilators. Taking both at the same time are not recommended.

Yeah got a email from a mod the same LJ in RED KAT is the same used in Alpha Male. Thanks.

I think Alpha Male has a full dose of Carbolin 19 in it as well. Keep the Carbolin 19 and take it after the Alpha Male runs out to continue the effects.

I know the dose for 95% forskolin is 25mg twice per day, I believe in the study this is what was used.

madman2 why is it bad to take HOT-ROX (old type) and Carbolin 19 together?

Because of Sclaremax and Carbolin 19 being vasodilators. According to either Tim Patterson or Cy Willson:

These are just two effects. Google and Pub Med can likely provide more. Search on Negative Vasodilation Effects or similar terminology.