Last year, I got some great info for detailing my beloved. This year, I’m taking it to the next level - I want to clean the engine. My question is, how can I do this safely?
I’ve done a thorough YouTube and Google search, and think I’ve got good intel. I presume I’m safe if I cover all exposed electronics and wiring. Is there anything else I should watch out for - definite do’s and don’ts?
[quote]skaterhernandez4 wrote:
remove or cover the distributor and coilpack if your car has such. Remove alternator. Plug/cover intake. Cover any breathers the engine might have.
Go to town with the power washer. Keep an eye on all of you vacuum hoses, inspect them before you clean.
FYI I did this a few weeks ago, but I know the engine really well and its less complex than yours.[/quote]
S’up Skater, recognize the handle from the Vortex.
I’d recommend not using a power washer, a garden hose with spray attachment is just fine. Soak the engine (while it’s warm, not hot) with Simple Green and allow that to work. After all is clean, dress hoses and wires with protectant, clean battery terminals with brush and baking soda, clean off grounds if you’re comfortable with that and you should be good.