Canary in a Coal Mine

Your workouts are still better than mine at moment.

Biker, awesome that you made it back that’s a win in itself.

Let my body have a break day…

Incline Tmill 15 min
Stat bike 15min
Foam, mobility, stretchy,

back to DL in the AM. Our daughter turned 22 yesterday… 22??? I turned old but bootyfied!!


Hahahaa… old but bootyfied! My hero!

DL 2x5x210
Pendlay row 3x5x175
Single Arm Motorcycle row 3x12
Incline DB Curl 3x10
EZ Preacher 2x12
Incline BP - worked up to a couple of singles @ 215 paused

they are expecting 12-14 inches of snow this afternoon thru the night…Firewood Check, gas for the generator…check…beer for the bootyfication crew…check…


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For once the weather people got it right… 14 inches of snow…got some work to do…then I’ll check and see if the gym is open…drivers side door frozen… oh this is going to be a real treat…digging out 2 cars and clearing the driveway…time to wake up the kids…they love me !

Ok, they were in fact wrong… we got 17.5 inches…all cleaned up and cleared out

DL 2x5x275
Javelin press 3x10x55
Front plate raise 3x10 w/25lb plate slow
rear delt fly 3x12 did these on the glute ham mach.
Facepull 3x10
Tates 3x12x40s

enjoyable session… happy with today… 2 weeks into HFT and my right elbow where the forearm tendons run…kills…but I think if I flip my grip every other session I can manage it…


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Solid work OG. Play it safe with the elbow.

Thanks Dave

DL 2x5x295
Hip Thrusters 2x10x225 w/3 sec pause…bootylicious style !
Trap Bar (EMOM) 5x2x275, 5x2x295
Back ext 3x12xbw+25
Incline Mountain Climbers …some


DL 2x5x230
CGBP Paused 5x4x225
Single arm Incline DB 2x10sidex60
Tates 12x40s, 2x12x50s
OH ext 2x10


OG, I see GV isn’t only one doing those “sprint” workouts. How much snow cardo are you doing?


That was my first foray into snow cardio this year, but before its all said and done I will log many an hour…unfortunately! Although it rained last night and is 50 today so major melting…gives me more room for the next piles…Its funny I sat down the other night and began mapping out my actual Sprint training for this Spring/Summer…its helps to have something painful to look forward to.

73 degrees here. 16 last Friday night.

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I might be taking this bootyfication thing too far. I barely wedged myself between the arbor and the ladder while ago. If I get stuck before the day is done, and the fire dept has to come get me out, in the news interview I am telling them it’s all your fault! :laughing:

HAHAHA…I can’t wait for the video ! but make sure its the 6 o’clock news…im in bed long before the 11

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Best part of the day is over

DL 2x5x275
Zerchers 5x5x175
Rev BB Lunge 3x8sidex 95,105,115
Seated Calf Raise 3x12

3rd day in a row is always a challenge… I’ll make some adjustments when I do the next cycle.


I think ChickenLittle expects you to try that arbor & ladder exercise.

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As bruised and cut up as I am this morning, I don’t think I should recommend it to anyone. It is one massive grapevine! It was pulling the attice vents off the house :confused:

Fa La la la Day

Incline Tmill 35 min
Foam, mob, stretchy 25 min


DL 2x5x210
CGBP Paused 7x225
OH DB EXT 3x10
Tates 3x12
Javelin Press 3x10side
and some stuff blah, blah, blah


7x225 paused close grip is strong work OG!