So, I’m on Levothyroxine 100mcg/day + TRT.
I did a couple of Testosterone shots 2 months ago, didn’t feel good and stopped. I was in India.
Returned to NYC and asked the US doctor and he gave me a new TRT prescription and protocol:
- 65mg Test twice a week
- HCG 250 iu twice a week
- No Anastrazole for now, only if estrogen goes out of control. Some people don’t need it.
After I got the prescription, I had travel to Colombia. So, I got my prescription and flew to Colombia. That’s where I started my new TRT protocol. Been 4 weeks.
Everytime I take Testosterone shot, I feel extreme tiredness lasting couple of days. I can barely get out of bed. Just extreme fatigue.
I thought body was just getting adjusted to it so I decided to keep patient but after 4 shots (2 weeks) of Testosterone injection and same fatigue after every shot, I got worried.
I spoke to an endocrinilogist here in Colombia and she has no time to see me until Friday. But meanwhile, on the phone, she said: you could have steroid induced Adrenal Suppression Syndrome (aka Addion’s Disease). Try Predinosone 50mg (OTC) for 5 days and then I’ll see you on Friday.
I took it and within an hour, my fatigue disappeared.
Can TRT cause this? Or did I already have this and taking Testosterone increased imbalance between Cortisol and Testosterone and hence the onset of extreme fatigue?
What tests should I get done? She said she’d need to get a comprehensive hormonal panel done including **Thyroid related tests, ACTH, Testosterone, Estrogen related tests, DHEA, igf-1, shbg ** and so on. Plus well as Vitamin/Mineral testing (A, B12, D, Iron, Mg, Calcium, Potasium etc) Anything else I should add to it?