Just to preface, I don’t have high e2 symptoms hardly ever. Sometimes slight ED. And everything else on labs are perfect
Was hoping to blast to 500mg/week test if my recent labs (Monday) came back good. Everything was great except for my e2 (74ng / 275 nmol) my e2 has been high for the last 5 months or so, last lab showed 240 3 months ago. No matter what I do with my protocol it never seems to go down. I don’t have high e2 symptoms aside from slightly weak hardons every now and then. But I take 5mg cialis EOD so can’t say I’ve noticed much of that
Am I good to go as long as I don’t see symptoms of high e2? I have arimidex on hand if I start seeing symptoms but honestly doesn’t seem like arimidex does anything for me based on my last 2 labs
My TRT is
Split twice a week
120 test e
1mg adex
500HCG (dropped from 1000 in the last 3 months to see if my e2 would go down, but it just went up)
Most recent labs were
Total T 690
E2 275 (74ng)
My labs were drawn 4 days exactly following my 60mg injection / .5adex / 250iuhcg
@systemlord I’ve been taking 1mg / week every week for 6 years because my doc has told me to. I’ve never had an e2 reading below 100pmol or come even close to crashing. I’d love to stop using it but if my e2 is already high while using it I’m afraid to remove it.
I would be more afraid to take an AI, because it can alter your lipids and remove mineral from bone. Taking an AI because your doctor told you to isn’t a good enough reason to take it.
Always assume your doctor doesn’t know what the f*** he’s talking about, because they’re only human. Majority of doctors are taught what the pharmaceutical companies want them to know and not what they don’t want them to know.
An example, statins are inferior to dietary, lifestyle changes.
@systemlord how would you recommend I remove it from my protocol? I feel that if I removed it entirely I will def rapidly see e2 sides considering I’m already at 275 while taking it. Especially if my goal is to blast test. Should I taper off?
I don’t disagree with you but I’m having a hard time understanding why coming off of it and having my e2 absolutely skyrocket is a better solution. I’m not educated enough in this area and have been trying to wrap my head around it for weeks
Where did you learn high estrogen was bad for you?
You could taper and assess how you feel on the way down.
My estrogen is high on TRT. I want it high as it increases my muscle mass, lowers fat mass and makes me more sensitive to insulin. It’s great for sexual function too.
Many of the studies on estrogen are seriously flawed! An imbalance of these two hormones are detrimental to your health. In other words, a male with low testosterone and high estrogen is bad for your health, but high testosterone and high estrogen are not bad for you.
Welcome to the world of sex hormones, where the majority of people doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Comparing a low testosterone, high estrogen male to one with high levels of both is hardly a fair comparison.
The normal ranges for estrogen (20-40 pg/mL) we derived for men not on TRT, and with a Total T <500 ng/dL.
In recent studies, low E2 has been associated with low bone density, higher fat mass, worse lipids, and lower libido in men. Anecdotally, men complain of low penile sensitivity with low E2.
Many men on TRT associate water retention with high E2 and ignore the increased TRT-related sodium retention as a cause.
0.3-0.4% of T aromatizes to E2. Those ratios look fine to me.