Can Anabolic Steroids Cause Diarrhea?

Bit of an odd one lol, but ever since I started my blast of 700mg Test P, 700mg Tren A I have had the shits after most meals! Not fun!

I have eaten the same foods for ages, nothing seems to change it! And even more odd is that I experienced quite bad tren cough earlier today, now my belly is pretty bad aswell!?

I have ran these compounds at similar levels before but just cant figure it out…

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way more likely to be your diet, mate.

Eating the same shit everyday can cause you to develop intolerances.

What’s your diet look like in a day?

The usual;

Eggs, Chicken, Beef, White Fish and Whey Protien.

Oats, Rice, Maltodextrin.

Peanut Butter, Fish Oils.

Multi Vit, Green Veg.

Since starting blast I have upped fish oils and eggs by a few for a total of 12 eggs whites for breakfast… My post workout shake also has egg white protein in it… I have tried a few days cutting out the eggs but I might go buy some whey isolate now and try replacing eggs and p/w shake with that… Fucking better be the eggs!

could be eggs, could be the whey, could be the oats. All of those are quite common allergens.

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I think its me adding Creatine Monohydrate to all of my shakes!!! Apar quite a comon side effect to too much of the stuff!

If you inject in your ass, yes it’s a common side effect.

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Yup same mate, Trenbolone (long/short ester) in particular is one of only steroid apart from test isocaproate creates major bowel irritation/diarrhoea in me! 6hrs (short esters) over 24 hours (Long Esters) after. Very bad right before bed, and especially early morning can be in toilet with constant wind and diarrea, I actually had to give Tren up because of this! Very profound effects on bowel regardless of foods!

Anadrol fucked up my stomach for the first 2-3 days but it passed. So … yes?