Bush's Legacy

[quote]pushharder wrote:
GCF wrote:
pushharder wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:
Never has anyone done so much damage in so little time.

The man will go down as one of the worst presidents in history, and rightfully so… a cheating, lying, whining swine who demolished America.

I didn’t like Bill Clinton either.

Why not? He took care of you in matters of National Defence and fulfilled his obligation to you in that regard didn’t he?

I was being a smart ass with my buddy, Irish, but since you brought it up, no he did not. His failure to deal effectively with Muslim extremism during his term led to a rash of deadly terrorism against U.S. citizens at home (the two World Trade Center attacks) and abroad (too many to mention).

There have been few Americans killed since 9/11 (which occurred a mere eight months into the Bush presidency and arguably too soon in his term for him to have implemented substantial deterrence) and none on American soil.

So thanks for bringing that up. That was too easy - a lazy fast ball right down the center of the strike zone. Try a slider or curve next time.[/quote]

Really? You are going to blame WTC attacks on Clinton? Because of his ‘failure to deal effectively with Muslim extremism’?

Muslim extremism and terrorist attacks were alive and well before Clinton. To suggest he could have ‘dealt with the problem’ in his two terms is naieve at best.

The attacks happened 9 months into GWBs presidency, at what point does the buck stop here? I’m not blaming GWB for the attacks either, I blame the terrorists but since those attacks terrorism and anti american sentiment has spread like wildfire around the world. If GWBs only legitimate responsibility is to protect American people why have so many soldiers lost their lives or been wounded occupying a country they shouldn’t be in, with substandard equipment?

Do you really feel safer in the U.S. since GWB took power?

Substandard weapons? Yes there are better weapons out there but by far we have better equipment, training, Intel, and any other thing except them not being uniformed. And for every single soldier, marine, sailor, and or airmen who loses there life has joined knowing there was a war and a very good chance of them going over there.

I would love for no one to die but that�??s not how the world works and I couldn�??t feel any safer walking around in U.S seeing other countries with low law enforcement and even less military involvement where people really get away with anything they want as long as it isn�??t rape or murder.

[quote]GCF wrote:
pushharder wrote:
GCF wrote:
pushharder wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:
Never has anyone done so much damage in so little time.

The man will go down as one of the worst presidents in history, and rightfully so… a cheating, lying, whining swine who demolished America.

I didn’t like Bill Clinton either.

Why not? He took care of you in matters of National Defence and fulfilled his obligation to you in that regard didn’t he?

I was being a smart ass with my buddy, Irish, but since you brought it up, no he did not. His failure to deal effectively with Muslim extremism during his term led to a rash of deadly terrorism against U.S. citizens at home (the two World Trade Center attacks) and abroad (too many to mention).

There have been few Americans killed since 9/11 (which occurred a mere eight months into the Bush presidency and arguably too soon in his term for him to have implemented substantial deterrence) and none on American soil.

So thanks for bringing that up. That was too easy - a lazy fast ball right down the center of the strike zone. Try a slider or curve next time.

Really? You are going to blame WTC attacks on Clinton? Because of his ‘failure to deal effectively with Muslim extremism’?

Muslim extremism and terrorist attacks were alive and well before Clinton. To suggest he could have ‘dealt with the problem’ in his two terms is naieve at best.

The attacks happened 9 months into GWBs presidency, at what point does the buck stop here? I’m not blaming GWB for the attacks either, I blame the terrorists but since those attacks terrorism and anti american sentiment has spread like wildfire around the world. If GWBs only legitimate responsibility is to protect American people why have so many soldiers lost their lives or been wounded occupying a country they shouldn’t be in, with substandard equipment?

Do you really feel safer in the U.S. since GWB took power?

He had his shot to take out bin lauden and refused to pull the trigger.

The problem with a legacy. Is that knowing what is going to stick is a hit and miss deal. It’s not even about facts but more about perception. Look at Jimmy Carter, very smart man, bad legacy.

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
Never has anyone done so much damage in so little time.

The man will go down as one of the worst presidents in history, and rightfully so… a cheating, lying, whining swine who demolished America.


when are you moving out of the country? If it is demolished, as you say, why would you stay?

The only thing Bush ever did during his time in the white house was make himself, his family, and all his buddies at Haliburton a LOT fuckin’ richer.

And made the world a LOT fuckin’ scarier too.

You guys had the chance to get rid of him 4 years ago. Why oh why didn’t you do it?

Bush’s legacy will be interesting. however, it is kind of chilling to see that NONE of his republican “friends” who are running for office want him anywhere near their campaigns.

It is very telling that he had NO role at the RNC convention. If your friends are not willing to sing your praises, then I am concerned about how you are being perceived by others.

[quote]jnd wrote:
Bush’s legacy will be interesting. however, it is kind of chilling to see that NONE of his republican “friends” who are running for office want him anywhere near their campaigns.

It is very telling that he had NO role at the RNC convention. If your friends are not willing to sing your praises, then I am concerned about how you are being perceived by others.[/quote]

You must not have watched the RNC convension.

[quote]BigDug wrote:
The only thing Bush ever did during his time in the white house was make himself, his family, and all his buddies at Haliburton a LOT fuckin’ richer.

And made the world a LOT fuckin’ scarier too.

You guys had the chance to get rid of him 4 years ago. Why oh why didn’t you do it?[/quote]

Because, under Bush, my annual income increased by a factor of about 8.

How is the world so much scarier?

Of course it is!

The war on terror for a start! The only ‘terror’ I can see is Bush and his cronies invading countries for no bloody reason! Well, other than to get rich.

Al Qaeda my arse. The point is, Osama Bin Laden could be taken out tomorrow if “we” wanted it, but it’s much more profitable to keep him alive

[quote]BigDug wrote:
Of course it is!

The war on terror for a start! The only ‘terror’ I can see is Bush and his cronies invading countries for no bloody reason! Well, other than to get rich.

Al Qaeda my arse. The point is, Osama Bin Laden could be taken out tomorrow if “we” wanted it, but it’s much more profitable to keep him alive[/quote]

You are a fucking genious. I think Cheney is paying BL to stay hidden and is tipping him off when our military gets close. I wonder if we’ve paid him yet for taking the blame for 911. I’m not sure if Cheney just picked some random muslims to fly the planes or if it was part of his deal with BL that AQ would supply the pilots. I heard the other day that our troops got too close to BL so Haliburton had to move him to the Bush ranch in Texas. Exxon used one of their tankers to smuggle him into the country in exchage for drilling rights in anwar.

[quote]BigDug wrote:
Of course it is!

The war on terror for a start! The only ‘terror’ I can see is Bush and his cronies invading countries for no bloody reason! Well, other than to get rich.

Al Qaeda my arse. The point is, Osama Bin Laden could be taken out tomorrow if “we” wanted it, but it’s much more profitable to keep him alive[/quote]

We stopped with the bullshit talking points a few years ago.

Try again. That was pathetic.

[quote]dhickey wrote:
BigDug wrote:
Of course it is!

The war on terror for a start! The only ‘terror’ I can see is Bush and his cronies invading countries for no bloody reason! Well, other than to get rich.

Al Qaeda my arse. The point is, Osama Bin Laden could be taken out tomorrow if “we” wanted it, but it’s much more profitable to keep him alive

You are a fucking genious. I think Cheney is paying BL to stay hidden and is tipping him off when our military gets close. I wonder if we’ve paid him yet for taking the blame for 911. I’m not sure if Cheney just picked some random muslims to fly the planes or if it was part of his deal with BL that AQ would supply the pilots. I heard the other day that our troops got too close to BL so Haliburton had to move him to the Bush ranch in Texas. Exxon used one of their tankers to smuggle him into the country in exchage for drilling rights in anwar.[/quote]

Yup, that pretty much sums it up :wink:

The Bin Laden family, minus Osama obviously, WERE staying at Bush’s ranch on 9/11. go figure

[quote]BigDug wrote:
dhickey wrote:
BigDug wrote:
Of course it is!

The war on terror for a start! The only ‘terror’ I can see is Bush and his cronies invading countries for no bloody reason! Well, other than to get rich.

Al Qaeda my arse. The point is, Osama Bin Laden could be taken out tomorrow if “we” wanted it, but it’s much more profitable to keep him alive

You are a fucking genious. I think Cheney is paying BL to stay hidden and is tipping him off when our military gets close. I wonder if we’ve paid him yet for taking the blame for 911. I’m not sure if Cheney just picked some random muslims to fly the planes or if it was part of his deal with BL that AQ would supply the pilots. I heard the other day that our troops got too close to BL so Haliburton had to move him to the Bush ranch in Texas. Exxon used one of their tankers to smuggle him into the country in exchage for drilling rights in anwar.

Yup, that pretty much sums it up :wink:

The Bin Laden family, minus Osama obviously, WERE staying at Bush’s ranch on 9/11. go figure

Edit: They had to be smuggled out of the country for crying out loud!


Case fucking closed.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
BigDug wrote:
Of course it is!

The war on terror for a start! The only ‘terror’ I can see is Bush and his cronies invading countries for no bloody reason! Well, other than to get rich.

Al Qaeda my arse. The point is, Osama Bin Laden could be taken out tomorrow if “we” wanted it, but it’s much more profitable to keep him alive

We stopped with the bullshit talking points a few years ago.

Try again. That was pathetic. [/quote]

Those were pretty dusty talking points. Maybe we need to let the Scotts take the lead on the OBL hunt. Where’s William Wallace when you need him?


[quote]jp_dubya wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:
Never has anyone done so much damage in so little time.

The man will go down as one of the worst presidents in history, and rightfully so… a cheating, lying, whining swine who demolished America.

when are you moving out of the country? If it is demolished, as you say, why would you stay?


To make it better.

Cause god knows fucks like you will never help.

[quote]rainjack wrote:

At least provide the link. You sound as if you are hiding. But that’s okay. Most Nancy’s get their name for a reason.

hahah, that was like, witty and shit. You musta taken you spike today, cause that never happens…


[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
rainjack wrote:

At least provide the link. You sound as if you are hiding. But that’s okay. Most Nancy’s get their name for a reason.

hahah, that was like, witty and shit. You musta taken you spike today, cause that never happens…

http://www.T-Nation.com/free_online_forum/world_news_war/jan_20_2009 [/quote]

When you said “January 20” I thought you were giving me a date - not a thread name. As such, I was also under the impression that you actually made a post containing at least one fact. I should have known better.

But - as I said, your bullshit was soundly debunked, and you were sent packing.