I’ m looking for some realistic expectations when I up my T. Unless someone wants or needs a life story, I will keep it short. A boat load of years in the gym, started TRT about 3 years ago, feel great now but now looking to put some additional size on and move some iron. My availability to pharmaceutical are limited. My test is by prescription and my AI is from a research lab (P.S.). I have had labs done and everything was in order. I read the sticky for new guys and think I am headed in the right direction.
Up to 3 weeks ago, 200 mg of Test Cyp. a week, no AI. 3 weeks ago I added Anastrozole 1 mg per week when I pinned once a week. Last week I upped to 300 mg Test Cyp 1 mg Anastrozole. I want to up my Test to 400 mg and my AI to 2 mg. I understand this is no longer TRT and I am turning to the dark side. What do you think ow Darth Vader?
Thanks for your time!
what the fuck?
do you think you could ask the same question, but in a less retarded way?
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
what the fuck?
do you think you could ask the same question, but in a less retarded way?[/quote]
Ow, you’re a lot of help. Nice English, run along now. Shoo shoo.
[quote]doublelung84 wrote:
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
what the fuck?
do you think you could ask the same question, but in a less retarded way?[/quote]
Ow, you’re a lot of help. Nice English, run along now. Shoo shoo.[/quote]
Lmao, you just told one of the most senior and well respected guys on the forum to fuck off. Good luck getting any advice after that. His bed side manner might not be to your standards but his breadth of knowledge makes up for it.
Good luck man.
ill give it a shot anyways…
so you want to pin 400mg pharmacy grade testosterone, and increase your adex dose to 2mg a week?
this should be fine, you will want to dose the adex .25mg ED or .5mg EOD and pin the cyp 2x a week at the very least
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
so you want to pin 400mg pharmacy grade testosterone, and increase your adex dose to 2mg a week?
this should be fine, you will want to dose the adex .25mg ED or .5mg EOD and pin the cyp 2x a week at the very least[/quote]
Now you have my attention, and my gratitude. I assume your approach has a steadier feed. Doc does keep an eye on the needles but I’ll figure something out.
[quote]doublelung84 wrote:
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
so you want to pin 400mg pharmacy grade testosterone, and increase your adex dose to 2mg a week?
this should be fine, you will want to dose the adex .25mg ED or .5mg EOD and pin the cyp 2x a week at the very least[/quote]
Now you have my attention, and my gratitude. I assume your approach has a steadier feed. Doc does keep an eye on the needles but I’ll figure something out.[/quote]
syringes are legal to buy, you can easily find them on medical supply websites
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
syringes are legal to buy, you can easily find them on medical supply websites[/quote]
Thanks, will look into it.
Can I realistically expect some gains over the next 8 weeks?
if your diet and training are on point then yes
I know this is a litle shady but if your looking to just ad size & strength why wouldnt you just hold back on your juice untill you have enough stock pilled to run hard for 12 weeks? If you are getting 300mg a week perscribed to you just run 100mg untill you have 500-600mg saved for a full 10-12 week blast. Sure your labs will look like shit for a awhile but you know you are low dosing. How often does your doc run labs?
If its every 90 days or more sweet if not you will have to be creative. 400Mg for life may not be so great for health and if you just want size 12 weeks at 600mg should help. Also you may want to get some HCG or clomid so your nuts dont turn to raisens.
Would low dosing for awhile and having test levels on labs come back low possibly cause the Doc to up the dosage? You could then go back to your originally prescribed 200/wk and save up the extra to do an occasional blast. I have no experience on this area. This is a question. Not a recommendation
[quote]installglass wrote:
Would low dosing for awhile and having test levels on labs come back low possibly cause the Doc to up the dosage? You could then go back to your originally prescribed 200/wk and save up the extra to do an occasional blast. I have no experience on this area. This is a question. Not a recommendation[/quote]
So what if he does your just back stocking it to run cycles later so thats not a big deal. Especially if insurance is paying
If labs are low they will just ask you how you feel as TRT is about how you feel. They wont know your not taking your meds onless your dumb enough to tell them.
I was saying it could be a good thing. Say 200/wk works for you. You drop to 100/wk and lower lab numbers. Doc ups you to 250-300. You go back to your 200/wk and have 50-100 extra for blasting later. I was saying that I might try to lower my numbers for a lab to get a little extra and not low dose long term to get to blast dosage. Low dosing long term seems like it would make you feel generally bad, but fooling labs could get you the extra without feeling bad for a couple of months every time you want to blast. I’m not on TRT so I was posing a question as to whether this could be a viable possibility.
[quote]thehebrewhero wrote:
I know this is a litle shady but if your looking to just ad size & strength why wouldnt you just hold back on your juice untill you have enough stock pilled to run hard for 12 weeks? If you are getting 300mg a week perscribed to you just run 100mg untill you have 500-600mg saved for a full 10-12 week blast. Sure your labs will look like shit for a awhile but you know you are low dosing. How often does your doc run labs?
If its every 90 days or more sweet if not you will have to be creative. 400Mg for life may not be so great for health and if you just want size 12 weeks at 600mg should help. Also you may want to get some HCG or clomid so your nuts dont turn to raisens.[/quote]
installglass and thehebrewhero,
Good idea guys but I’m already ahead of that, we’re thinking on the same lines. Like a squirrel, I stockpiled some of my nuts. I did some math and I could do a run of 400 mg/week for the next 8 weeks and drop back down to 200 mg/week before I had to go back to the Docs for a refill.
After I was dialed in with my labs at total T of 800, the Doc only runs labs once a year unless I request it. Three months ago I wanted him to give me an AI but he was reluctant. After I pushed, he said we can do some labs and see. He also added prolactin to the blood work. He got the results back and said everything was “IN RANGE” so we’re good (I did see the results). BUT he said my total test was high 1100 and I should cut back, OPPS!
By the way, since he didn’t go along with the AI, I looked into some CRD and got anastrozole. What a difference in the way I feel after 3 weeks.
400 for 8 weeks is kinda light but safe 500 or 600 for 10-12 weeks would probably show better size. 500mg 10-12 weeks is a common T cycle… You should still consider HCG or clomid for your nuts. Big guns + small achey ball = sucks
[quote]thehebrewhero wrote:
400 for 8 weeks is kinda light but safe 500 or 600 for 10-12 weeks would probably show better size. 500mg 10-12 weeks is a common T cycle… You should still consider HCG or clomid for your nuts. Big guns + small achey ball = sucks[/quote]
I notices the boys getting smaller after about 6 months of TRT, that was 2 1/2 years ago. I never had the ache that I’ve heard other guys bitch about. This may be a dumb question but what does it matter if the guys go a little soft, at this point, I’m not relying on them for anything other than looks. The gyno thing has me always thinking my tits are aching. That never was something I thought about at 200ml a week. I did add and AI 3 weeks ago in hopes that it will keep my E down. Blood work had my E on the upper end of normal but never over.
I quess then its a matter of prefrence… If you aint having kids and they dont hurt or dont look like pea’s then its all good. For me on Test I like to keep my boys full and ache free I use 500 units of HCG per week. But mine ache without it… Everyones different 
[quote]thehebrewhero wrote:
If you aint having kids… ;)[/quote]
I’m 47,married with a health sex life and four boys at home. I’ll be working until my dying days, no more kids!
You have any gyno issues on the higher Test?
No on my cruise I only take 200Mg test 500iu hcg and 3iu daily hgh, I only hit the armidex when blasting. I think everyone freeks out about gyno
[quote]thehebrewhero wrote:
No on my cruise I only take 200Mg test 500iu hcg and 3iu daily hgh, I only hit the armidex when blasting. I think everyone freeks out about gyno[/quote]
How prevalent is Gyno? I never personally knew anyone that juiced for any length of time or at high levels. I think like anything else, a genetic predisposition can be a factor. Maybe I am oversimplifying it but it’s like the ladies, some have s big rack and others don’t.
I just started 200 mg twice a week, 400 total. Going Saturday and Wednesday. I inject in the glutes myself and end up sore for a day; can’t notice it with all the other soreness come Sunday.