Building a Back

Delts seem to be growing,

If I could suggest one thing it would be a favorite of Thibaudeauā€™s: snatch grip high pulls. That would amp your yoke, also straight up military press would really put on some mass. Or seated slightly inclined, another Thibaudeau lift. You look like you already have a solid core and definitely are on the right track, those are just a few suggestions I could see for your overall development if you wanted to compete in physique.

Hey, thanks. Iā€™ve been doing behind neck barbell presses and Clean and press, but really just started to put focus on them. Will give the snatch pulls a go for sure. Thanks again.

Let me know how the snatch pulls work for you. I have never really done pulls with a snatch grip. Iā€™m curious what others think.

Well, on my 2nd week trying these . First week kinda just finding what weight to use. You can go heavier than you may think. With clean and press and upright rows I use a medium grip, with these itā€™s quite wide. Watch your chin lol. But my traps are sore man, even to touch haha. Gotta work on form first but even with my feebleness I can see how it would work.

Hereā€™s an update


Calves are exploding

Been working on developing upper chest for about 8 weeks

Great job buddy. I think that you are on the right track.

[quote]Handsome Rob 84 wrote:
Great job buddy. I think that you are on the right track.
Thanks man!

I donā€™t know if anyone has mentioned them yet, but high volume kroc rows are great upper back builders

[quote]kleinhound wrote:
I donā€™t know if anyone has mentioned them yet, but high volume kroc rows are great upper back builders[/quote]

No they havenā€™t been mentioned, but they are something I throw in every cpl weeks. Thanks!

3 weeks out from my 1 st physique comp

1st of well done. i know it takes alot of work to get to where you are. only thing iā€™d say is keep focusing hard on shoulders and chest.

I respond really well to the snatch grip high pulls and love them. 4-5sets of 8-12 reps really helped meā€¦ im still working on my chest as well.