[quote]phatkins187 wrote:
Hey dude, just stumbled on your log as you referenced it from the Supps/nutrition forum. What’s the winner of the contest get and when does it end? How will they be measuring progress? Seems like you don’t lack the dedication. You doing any cardio? I recently added 40 mins moderate intensity walking post-training and it’s really accelerated my fat loss.
What’s the diet like?
Keep up the good work![/quote]
Hey Phatkins. Thanks for checking in, for the encouragement, and thanks for the tip on the steady state. Everything is going well. I’ve just been too busy to keep up the log. The workouts are going well though! I’ll get some pics up tonight for you guys to see my progress.
To answer your questions:
winner is picked completely subjectively based on photos, so essentially I need to look like a fitness mag cover model to stand a chance. I think I’m on track to look pretty close to that level (not the most elite cover model, I hope to be @7-8%BF, then do some drying out and what not)
the winner of the contest gets $14,500 (which is a random ass number, but from what I understand it’s due to the total prize pool of $50,000 – there are 4 age groups and both a male and female subcategory, so 8 total winners (6 of which are runner up, which works out to 3 male runners up, 3 female runners up and a grand prize for each sex. The runners up get like 2500 each or something like that. The math doesn’t work out, but it’s something along those lines).
Training - Varies day to day (keep in mind this is just the last 4 weeks) - I’ve been doing 3 a days lately (but for the first 6-8 weeks it was almost exclusively heavy lifting how I described earlier in this log with a keto diet and anaconda shakes with some finibars which I guess makes it a targeted keto diet)
AM - early morning cardio (either fasted steady state at ~130 bpm, or 20+ min interval training (MAG-10 pulse if doing the interval training “HIIT”)
Noon - Mix (depending on how I feel) of complexes, HIIT, Heavy lifting (like I described before), finished with steady state for up to 20 minutes
PM - By far my longest and most intense session - BBing split training with the split I mentioned previously, but with some pumping finishing exercises at the end and some heavy bag work and or 20+ min cardio to finish
Like today for example I did upper body push
AM: 45 minutes steady state fasted
Noon: I did cable flies for about 6 sets to warm up, then I did DB incline - ramped to 115sX3 DB incline in about 6-7 sets, then I did decline close grip bench on the Smith machine ramping to 320X3 (assuming the bar is 15#), then I did 4 supersets of pullovers (85X12) and skull crushers (60X15), then I did abs superset 4X - leg raises X20 and cable ab crunches (20X150).
PM: Plan to do shoulders with a lot of laterals and push press supersets and also chest and triceps again, then I’ll finish with 20-30 minutes steady state depending on energy level.
Oh, and this morning I weighed 190 after my cardio (just shorts on), but I was a bit dehydrated, as at my noon workout, I was 197 with clothes on. Just hitting 190 was nice though even if I was a bit dehydrated, because my goal is like 180-185.