Bridge ?

I’m winding down a 10 weeker of
1-5 cyp/prop/d-bol/eq
5-8 cyp/prop/winny
8-10 prop
Femara as needed throughought

I’ve been mindfucking myself for WAAAYY too long on what to do PCT. Definites include clomid, nolva, clen/eca, piracetam, PS, creatine, rhodiola rosea, tribex, red-kat, (probably new methoxy). Here’s what I’m thinking after my last week of prop: 100 mg cy week one then 50 mgs after. Time suggestions? Or a 6 week 200 mg a week primo bridge a-la-drago. Or both, which is just my pathetic way of not wanting to come off.

ill leave this one to the experts. i just want to know how the cycle went?

You already know what I think. The decison is yours - to come off or not to come off - its up to you. P-22

Yeah, I know p-22, I know.

I’m going with the test recovery protocol.

I started at a fairly soft 220-225 probably around 12-13% BYDFT. All said and done I got down to 225 at 7.5 % byft and had a pretty decent 8 pack going by the time I was in Cali for spring break. I’ve got a few more days of prop. and as of this morning I’m up to 230 at 10 %. Plan on eating like a beast and training quattro dynamo until mid july. Hope to stay at 230 maybe 240 and keep some abs. Then probably a 6-8 week primo, winny, prop, tren cycle in late july/august. Considering HGH in between with my therapy and while on my next cycle. We’ll see, I need to do ALOT more research on it.