I ALWAYS feel hazy like im hungover. Short term memory is crap. Hard to think clearly. Its that feeling you get when hungover. Like cant fully function and want to sleep it off. Idk what to do. I have read can be low pregnolone. So i started hcg at 250iu 2x a week, last week.
Might need to provide a little more context/info. If this is in the context of starting TRT then thyroid → check oral body temps less than 97.7 means there’s an issue.
Your labs etc: https://tnation.T-Nation.com/free_online_forum/sports_training_performance_bodybuilding_trt/trt_with_test_undecanoate
When is the last time you donated blood?
Hematocrit may be causing blood circulation problems in your brain.
High hematocrit can also damage liver and kidneys and lab work showed some abnormal signs.
You should not wait until Dec 3 to do labs, do ASAP and try to dump some blood after the lab work.
Maybe you can find a Halloween vampire to help you out.
You need to take action!
Add these to labs:
AM cortisol - do at 8AM please
fasting glucose [were prior labs fasting?]
fasting cholesterol
“Headaches, lack of concentration and fatigue are common symptoms that occur in patients with polycythemia vera as well.”
Are you taking low dose aspirin now?
[quote]KSman wrote:
Your labs etc: https://tnation.T-Nation.com/free_online_forum/sports_training_performance_bodybuilding_trt/trt_with_test_undecanoate
When is the last time you donated blood?
Hematocrit may be causing blood circulation problems in your brain.
High hematocrit can also damage liver and kidneys and lab work showed some abnormal signs.
You should not wait until Dec 3 to do labs, do ASAP and try to dump some blood after the lab work.
Maybe you can find a Halloween vampire to help you out.
You need to take action!
Add these to labs:
AM cortisol - do at 8AM please
fasting glucose [were prior labs fasting?]
fasting cholesterol
“Headaches, lack of concentration and fatigue are common symptoms that occur in patients with polycythemia vera as well.”
Are you taking low dose aspirin now?
I donated two months ago. Have nov 3 appt to donate again. I have some other bloods, ill attach here. Never had thyroid issues. I do take t4 when blasting high levels of hgh but never has affected this “hangover” feeling. Typically i do fasted bloods but the one i posted was mid day. Never checked dhea-s before. My hdl always is low.
Something is messing with your liver and kidneys.
Thick blood can do this.
KSMan, your thoughts please. My AST and ALT run high just like his above but not nearly that high. Several years ago I had a gastroenterologist run every test he could imagine to determine if there were any liver issues. He did lots of other blood work, even did a CT scan and an MRI with everything clear. The only thing he did not do was a biopsy and he said he could not justify that.
He then wrote a letter for me (for life insurance purposes) that stated he felt that the reason my AST and ALT were elevated was due to heavy weight training, somewhat high protein diet, and my TRT program.
Would you agree?
Yes, heavy resistance training, muscle soreness or muscle bruising/injury can elevate these numbers. That happened with one of my wife’s labs when she had worked several muscle groups to soreness. I don’t recall from Patrick’s other threads if he is a gym rat.