Box Squats for the Raw Powerlifter

Mike H. banned? He just came back!? What did he do?

I suppose, but you could also widen your stance. I see you squat high bar, that makes it easier to squat deeper, switching to low bar with a slightly wider stance would decrease depth. Cutting depth higher with the same stance and bar position doesnā€™t seem like a good idea because you will lose the benefit of the stretch reflex. There are some people who squat more high bar but itā€™s definitely worth trying low bar to see how that works for you.

I have absolutely nothing against Mark Bell. I have addressed this in at least one other thread, the IPF is hypocritical for banning their lifters from attending Ed Coan seminars (and possibly working with Louie Simmons as gaelic has suggested) because according to their own rules Mark Bell and Arnold Schwarzenneger are ineligible to participate in IPF-sanctioned events in any capacity due to the fact that they have admitted to steroid use. I have no problem with any of these people, I have a problem with hypocrisy and arbitrary enforcement of rules. Either donā€™t deal with Arnold and Mark or let people associate with whoever they want, one or the other. I think they make an exception for Arnold and Mark due to the fact that they bring a lot of money and attention to the IPF and USAPL.


I think he got banned again under his new name once they figured out who he was, I assume so since he hasnā€™t been heard from lately. I look at his facebook page once in a while since he posts some interesting stuff, apparently he had an argument on FB over one of Tim Henriquesā€™ articles on arching in the bench press. I donā€™t agree with Tim that you shouldnā€™t arch in training or anything like that, although no-arch bench is useful in a way similar to deficit deadlift. Perhaps Mike went too far, I never saw the discussion.

Are you talking about an IPF-affiliated fed or what?

Misinterpreted Information

  1. I never designated the height of the Box.

  2. I stated Box Squats as Pause Squat are good Auxiliary Exercise for Raw Strength.

Greater Exposure to Training Method

You need to expose yourself to more information on training to grasp some of these concepts.


At this point, you have a resistance to learning or considering anything if is counter your belief. Nothing will happen until that changes. It all up to you at this point.

Kenny Croxdale

I think theyā€™re under some misguided belief that if the IOC finally got sick and tired of banning half of the weightlifters each games that theyā€™ll throw it out of the Olympics. Then the natural replacement is powerlifting if they can show they are super squeaky clean.

The thing is, powerlifting hasnā€™t even been an demonstration sport. Plus the media will conflate tested and non-tested powerlifters, regardless of if it is a different federation.

If Oly lifting goes, chances are it is being replaced with karate or roller skating or something.

I donā€™t really see a reason for PL to not be an Olympic sport, they have stuff like synchronized swimming which I wouldnā€™t even consider to be a sport at all. At this point I donā€™t actually want it to get into the Olympics because then it will empower the IPF even more. When I first got into this sport I didnā€™t understand why so many people donā€™t like the IPF, I figured it was because they wanted to take steroids and cut their squats high. Now that I have seen and heard enough things I want nothing to do with them, at least not in their current state. IPL, and USPA in particular, is the fed that looks to be their biggest competition this time and they are smart enough to have an untested division. Unfortunately the IPL affiliate that operates in Eastern Canada only has one meet scheduled this year, the guy who was running things had to drop out due to personal issues and not much is happening.

There is also the cpf which definitely canā€™t compete with the ipf or ipl but it has some local meets around Canada I think. I live in Ontario and have it a bit of thought

Iā€™m doing a CPF meet at the end of April. CPF is the Canadian WPC affiliate, they have been around for a while and exist in other countries, I think they are bigger in Russia. They had a meet call Tournament of Champions with cash prizes over $1000. WRPF, the fed that Kirill Sarychev runs, has a Canadian affiliate now. They had one meet so far in Quebec City, $1000 prizes again, and they have another meet coming up somewhere east of there. RPS also has a couple meets here and there. So the IPF/CPU definitely have some competition now, and at the moment they look like the worst option if you ask me.

I didnā€™t even realize it was part of such a large organization. Thatā€™s awesome, thanks for letting me know!

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No, I think it was the GPC Federation. Itā€™s been a long time.

You are wrong, I only believe in relevant studies and results from many years of experience. This is a fairly rational approach.

They were modding the shit out of his posts is what I thought he said on another site.

Great. This bring up back to exposing yourself (reading more of them). to gain a better perspective; rather than limiting yourself.

You lack the years of experience for the practical experience; that based youā€™re personal information.

The a more definitive rational approach is to invest more time in doing you home work. Until then, you only have a snapshot of what you need to know.

Kenny Croxdale

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The context was meant to in training methods that are proven by many years of practice or years of experience.

The issue is that you personally have not been around long enough to have gathered practical experience with the various methods to know. You have a limited understanding and knowledge.

Thus, when introduced to some anything new that you donā€™t know or understand, your Initial emotional reaction is ridicule followed by opposition. That is understandable.

However, rather than taking the time to explore and expand you knowledge and discover the validity of it, you stop; continuing to oppose something you have very little knowledge about.

You have some knowledge that you can build on or remain where you are.

Kenny Croxdale

I have sufficient knowledge to determine what is good and what is useless.

Itā€™s always better to think over the context and not be ā€œblindā€, Kenny.

Nice day

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you are a self proclaimed genius who is omniscient.

Thanks for the clarification. I though you were selling Amway. :slight_smile:

Kenny Croxdale



What if I had some Issue with my hips. Like I have no strength with my feet wide.

Can I squat with a wide stance to Target my hips, but use the box to limit ROM so I donā€™t hurt my hips? Then, work the box down, as I keep my feet out, to further develop strength and Range of Motion in my hips?

If I had this problem, and used this exercise, would I be Conjugating the Training to my Body?