Bottom help

Split squats, aka Bulgarian Squats, are done with the rear leg elevated on a box. There is a pic of them in one of Ian King’s “Limping” workouts, as I recall. Handle squats are done by straddling two benches ro boxes, and having a V handle attached to a loading pin full of weight set in between the benches. Sit back, like you would in a squat, and deadlift the weight up. Because the wieght in in between your legs, and since you are standing on benches/boxes, you can really get good depth and work the glutes and hams hard.
Also, while Louie states to relax the hip flexors, he also says to keep the tight arch. That’s where you’re going wrong.
I’m originally from Stony Brook, but live in Boston now.

Thanks sully, i will def try those… gotta get myself a v handle though. Gonna go search for them now.