Boilerman Wants It All

Squat 5/3/1


I was considering going for broke on the + set but opted against it. I have a feeling my body needs some serious rest. I have been constantly tired all week which isn’t typical for me. I’m usually pretty energized after work and working out. Considering taking a week off next week instead of a deload. Going to post in the 5/3/1 sub about possibly resetting my TM? Kind of a strange situation I’m in.

You got 5 clean reps on the 531 day, and as far as I can tell you had more reps in reserve.
Squat TM is where it’s supposed to be.
DL 1 rep at 335 could suggest that TM was to high, but you got 315x9 on the 3’s week, E1rm 410 so 335x6 should have been in the cards. TM should be fine. (but keep a rep or two in reserve on DL, on the 5 and 3’s week.)
Bench is the same story as DL.

Take the Deload next week, whether it’s a total week out of lifting, a more normal 531 way of deload or a week of DB and body weight exercises isn’t that important.

When you come back, up the TM as you’re supposed to.
You could keep the TM but you should be more than able to get 5 reps on the 531 day.

I hate deloads, but if you don’t mind do a deload after every cycle, it’s part of the OG 531 setup.

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OHP 5/3/1

115x3- these felt much much better than last time. Could’ve gotten 1-2 more for sure
90 3x5

4x5 pullups
4x12 pushups

Nice job. Hope you enjoy your deload/break

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Back at it. Did some shit over the week “off”. Hit my TM on squat bench and dead for 1. Did some barbell rows and a few pullups, nothing crazy. Weather still isn’t quite cooperating, but I’m feeling way better than I previously was. More energy, less tired and even after just a few days off the lifts I did felt so much better.

Bench 5’s

Left 1-2 reps in the tank today. Felt pretty good.

Also did 5x5@115 barbell rows
5x10 pushups
Rode the stationary bike for like 12 mins, trying to get better at it. Quad pump is crazy when riding the bike.

Deadlift 5’s


Totally forgot last workout I’m doing 5’s now for all main work for the time being. I really think for now it will be the best thing for me.

Zercher squat

140 5x5

Did some curls and face pulls after.

Squat 5’s week


4x12 RDL at 165

Bike sprints 15 sec emom for 10 mins. Sweat like mad.

Do you have fixed pedals or something, that’ll allow you to push and pull on the pedals.
Of course dependent on goal, but if you only push the pedals down you’ll never be good at riding the bike.
Try to pedal with only one foot, for 10 - 20 revolutions, then both for 10 - 20 and then the other for 10 - 20 do it 3 times each leg.
Then go on to ride for your 10 - 12 minutes or more. You’ll work your quads, hams, glutes, hips and calves and get a nice blood flow in all the lower body muscles.

EDIT: I think doing 5’s for a couple of cycles will do you good.

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Thanks mortdk, I’ll try that out. Might start doing 10 mins or so of bike sprints on off days and do what you mentioned as well. Never thought about pedaling backwards.

I’m definitely sticking with 5’s for the rest of this cycle. I go on vacation in a couple of weeks and then am going to start a new program. I’ve been all talk when it comes to changing it up and I’ve finally found something that seems exciting to me.

So, started to do a transition into the next program I’ll be running. It was awesome today and I was pretty pumped up for a change of pace. I still did my OHP sets as normal but supersetted with pendlay rows. Trying to find my working weights for the next program.


Superset the first 5 sets with
Pendlay rows 5x12 @95 lb

Moved to incline press 5x12,12,12,8 @105 lb
Superset with Bent over barbell row 5x12,12,12,10 @ 100 lb

Then BW pushups 15,15,13,12
Superset with barbell curls 12,12,10,8 @ 50 lb

Did 10 mins of bike sprints 15 sec emom. 45 seconds forward pedal, Sprint 15 seconds forward, 45 seconds backwards pedal, Sprint 15 seconds forward.

90 seconds rest between all supersets. Haven’t had the heart pounding like that in a long, long time and it felt great to do that much work.

Gonna be a long one. Continuing on with finding working weights for isdatnuttys program

Saturday squats
Back squat 5x8 @ 175lb
Superset with hanging leg raise 5x10

Pause squat 4x12 @ 150 lb
Superset with pull ups 4 sets 5,5,4,4

RDL 4x 12,10,10,8 @ 135lb
Superset with BW lunges 4x25

Did 10 mins of bike sprints

Yesterday was bench
Bench 5x6 @ 145lb
Superset with rows 5x12 @ 100lb

One arm kneeling landmine press 4x10 @ 45lb
Superset pendlay rows 4x12 @ 95lb

Dips BW 12,11,8,8
SS rear felt fly 4x12 @ 10lb each

10 min bike sprints

Today was deadlifts
Deadlift 5x5 @ 265lb
SS hanging leg raise 5x10

Zercher squat 4x8 @ 115lb
SS pull ups 6,4,4,4

Good morning 4x12 @ 95lb
SS lunges holding 25lb plate in each hand 4x15

Did 10 minutes easy ride on the bike.

OHP day before vacation… have a pretty nasty head cold right now.

OHP 90lb 5x6
SS Pendlay row 95lb 5x12

Incline press 105lb 5x12
SS Barbell row 100 5x12

BW pushups 14, 13, 13, 12
SS Barbell curl 50 lb 12, 12, 12, 10

Ended up doing 11 minutes of bike sprints. Everything felt good today, ready for vacation though. It’s going to be nice not having to think about work for a week.

I’m back from vacation, started my true day 1 on @isdatnutty beginner program. Started with bench because that’s just what I’m used to on Mondays.

Bench 165lb 5x 6, 6, 6, 4, 4
SS Bent over row 105lb 5x12

Kneeling landmine press 50lb 4x12
SS Pendlay row 105lb 12, 12, 9, 9

Dips 4x max 17, 12, 10, 10
SS rear delt fly 10lb 4x12

Did 11 min sprints on the bike, 15 sec Sprint emom. Gruesome. Finding I get almost anxious before the cardio portion because it’s pretty brutal, in a good way though.

Probably didn’t do as well as I could have today. One week on the beach drinking beer all day and running around catching waves. Ended up losing 4 lbs… down to 193 after work today. Not sure if it is because I am dehydrated or if I just under-ate all week (more than likely a bit of both). I did get a day pass at a gym near where we stayed and got to try out all the fancy machines. Really dug the leg press one.

Excited to be back on a schedule though. It’s so much easier to get the food prepped and eaten when I do the same shit every day.


Awesome work man! So the only thing I would advise is go heavier on one of the rows you choose. So whatever Row your super set with bench I’d do 5x6-8. Give you a better overall stimulus I think.

Bench 165 (ss bb Row 135 5x6-8) or something like that.

How’d the workout pace feel for you? 11 bike sprints sounds fun lol.


Cool man I’ll do that next week. Is that typically what you would do with each superset of the main sets (bench, dl, squat, ohp)?

Pace is fast but definitely do-able. Gets the heart pumping real fast and sweat everywhere haha. I like how it feels like it’s near constant work. It’s like cardio but not as torturous. There is something i was going to ask you about-might do it in your thread so it’s there for everyone to see.

Great to see someone use Nuttys program.

I was unclear about the pedalling, I didn’t mean you should pedal backwards, you could do that, as something different.
BUT I meant that you pedal forward all the time, if you’re only using one leg you’re forced to push and pull on the pedal all the time. Goal is to do it smooth all the way around.

sprints on bike are really hard and efficient cardio.

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I understand now haha. I will give that a shot on one of my days this week. Thanks mortdk!

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Deadlift day

DL 5x5 @ 275lb
SS hanging leg raise 5x10

Zercher squat 4x8 @ 125lb
SS pullups 7,4,3,3

Good morning 4x12 @ 95lb
SS walking weighted lunges 4x15 @ 25lb plate each hand

11 mins bike sprints

Deadlift day is intense as fuck. Feel awesome after this workout though. I can tell my back, quads and hamstrings are going to get big from this program. Chest and shoulders are sore from yesterday still too. Usually don’t get DOMS but after a week off I knew it was inevitable.

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OHP day

OHP 5x6 @ 90lb
SS Pendlay row 5x6 @ 135lb

Incline press 12, 10, 6, 6 @ 120 lb
SS Bent over row 4x12 @ 105lb

BW pushups 17, 15, 12, 12
BB curl 12, 12, 10, 10 @ 55lb

11 min bike sprints

I love ohp day. Shoulders were so pumped I had a hard time reaching up to get my shirt off before bike sprints. Kind of a cool feeling haha.

Planning on upping ohp weight to 95lb next week and 12 rep bent over rows to 110 lb. Keeping 5-6 rep pendlay and bent over rows at 135 I think. Might shoot for 140 on bent over rows because I’m a lot more comfortable with that movement.

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Nice sessions mate.

about the rows, if form is good you can go as heavy as you like. I think that you should be able to hold the contraction on the top for a second and control the weight down is a good indicator that the weight isn’t going to be to heavy.

Anyways awesome job, and you comment on DL day about it being intense, it should be some big movements there. I love DL as well.

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