- Stupid Shit

[quote]countingbeans wrote:
Okay… So you haven’t been doing it for 5 years. That Makes sense.

But yeah,I weighed just over 260 lean(ish) at my peak

coughBullshitcough. In Highschool I benched 650 and ran a 4.25. But ya know I just fell on hard times.

Not everyone is on here to get frickin’ huge.When I do bulk up,I tend to look more like a powerlifter than a symettrical,aesthetically pleasing BB’er.Some people like that look,I don’t.

Then WHY THE FUCK DO YOU POST ON A BODYBUILDING FORUM? Fuck people like you are the dumbest fucks on earth.

I’m going to start posting on Hip Hop boards how they aren’t musicians because they just spin records. And I don’t want to rhyme or spin, because not everyone wants to have super hot flow.

Where I am now is trying to find a good balance.

I don’t put pics up for the same reason some others don’t-I don’t get anything out of it,pictures are extremely deceptive,and I am a Personal Trainer who likes to project a professional image.

Because of my field of work,I know there are many people in my professional circle who use this site-the odds are high of me being discovered if I use even a discreet photo.

I wouldn’t want to be identified,as I have a code of conduct to follow and confidentiality issues with employers,clients,co-workers,etc. and I like that I can speak openly on here.
It’s easy to just say whatever you want if you work in a store or office or something.

Lol, dumbshit. I speak to & work with people who have enough money to buy the gym you work in, the building next door, your mom’s house, and apparently your ass too, 5 days a week. I also have a code of conduct you self righteous prick.

One of my clients comes to this site, one of my clients is a state senator, one of my clients lives on Park Ave. in a 4 million dollar apartment. That is why I only have pictures of my back. Don’t act like you are someone special, you are not an individual snow flake, you are not special.

But whatever, it is just an excuse anyway.

If you are going to talk shit, which you want to, I suggest you put up proof of your superior progress. Otherwise feel free to STFU.

Your just a troll that will go away soon anyway.

What I meant was I tend to look like a POWERLIFTER,which I DON’T like,rather than an aesthetically pleasing,assymetrical bodybuilder,which I am now striving for.Sorry,reading it again I understand how that got confused,the way I typed it.
I don’t give a shit whether you believe me or not.

I don’t post photos or lifting stats to have my ego stroked or performance rated.I do it for me,I know what I’ve been through and come from,You do not.
I do not have pics of me at 260,shit I don’t even have pics of me oiled up and naked now.

What’s the obsession with money? I don’t know what that has to do with anything,but,‘Could buy the gym I work in?’ Buddy,the health club I work for has several hundred clubs in many different coumtries.4 million dollar apartment? whats that? 2.5 million pounds? just our venues turnover is more than that,nevermind the whole chain.

The PT revenue,for just our venue,is almost a million pounds (almost 2 million dollars) a year alone,thats not total revenue and memberships,JUST PT.
Buy the building next door too? and my mums house? mine too? are you up to date on London property prices? the surrounding buildings go for upwards of 10 million,thats almost 20 million dollars,one recently went for 50 million pounds,thats almost 100 million dollars.

my mums house,and mine? thats £800k,thats almost 1.6 million dollars.

I have distinctive markings on my body that could give me away.

I don’t feel the need to prove shit,you started this shit.

[quote]Ripsaw3689 wrote:
When i started lifting thats where I would read articles from. I was too worried about over training and all that retarded shit. Then I read T-Nation, and enjoyed the shut the fuck up and lift attitude and I finally started seeing real results for the first time.

Also I used to post on the forums, but I just couldn’t seem to take credible advice from all the skinny ass 150 lb kids on there that “can’t gain weight.” [/quote]

yey my situation was pretty similar,I just BURNED my first months of training (maybe 5-6 months)…pff.And only after I got to read T-Nation I started to SHUT UP AND LIFT and actually get stronger and build muscle.

[quote]Ace Rimmer wrote:
B.L.U. Ninja wrote:
Yeap. You either put up or shut up.

If you’re gonna brag about your HAWT 260 lean physique at least post a pic so you don’t sound like a dick.
I’m not saying I don’t believe you but, wait…what?

I didn’t say I am 260,I said I WAS.[/quote]

I have to say you seem to attack people when they don’t even make direct comments toward you. You did this in this thread a few times when someone defended or said something not too polite about T-Nation…

You’re 31 and you run your mouth like a stuck up high school punk. Please grow up because your shit is weak and I don’t know who would hire a personal trainer that has the stats you boast about. You get very defense, however, the things you get mad about you do yourself. Be polite, and people will take you more seriously.

[quote]Ace Rimmer wrote:

I don’t give a shit whether you believe me or not.[/quote]

Well, I don’t. Especially when you posted you have 16inch arms in another thread. How ridiculous did you look at 6’2" 260 & 16 inch arms?

[quote]I don’t post photos or lifting stats to have my ego stroked or performance rated.I do it for me,I know what I’ve been through and come from,You do not.
I do not have pics of me at 260,shit I don’t even have pics of me oiled up and naked now.[/quote]

Then stop talking shit. DOn’t make me copy and paste the posts which you have made in this thread and your SAMA thread talking shit. You did it, now STFU if you can’t back it up.

[quote]What’s the obsession with money? I don’t know what that has to do with anything,but,‘Could buy the gym I work in?’ Buddy,the health club I work for has several hundred clubs in many different coumtries.4 million dollar apartment? whats that? 2.5 million pounds? just our venues turnover is more than that,nevermind the whole chain.

The PT revenue,for just our venue,is almost a million pounds (almost 2 million dollars) a year alone,thats not total revenue and memberships,JUST PT.
Buy the building next door too? and my mums house? mine too? are you up to date on London property prices? the surrounding buildings go for upwards of 10 million,thats almost 20 million dollars,one recently went for 50 million pounds,thats almost 100 million dollars.

my mums house,and mine? thats �£800k,thats almost 1.6 million dollars.[/quote]

lol that you think any of that is so much money that there aren’t people who couldn’t produce it in less than an hour Monday morning. You need to get out more. (And 2m in revenue is not impressive for a chain that large, by any stretch of the imagination.)


False. Look again at your shit talking about people here in this thread and you’re little gem in SAMA.

I would love to see the responses if some of the authors posted themselves on the Rate My Physique forum.

You live with your mom?

[quote]Ass Rimmer wrote:
I am a Personal Trainer who likes to project a professional image.

Ah, that explains you telling all of us to fuck off earlier.

[quote]Ace Rimmer wrote:
countingbeans wrote:
Okay… So you haven’t been doing it for 5 years. That Makes sense.

But yeah,I weighed just over 260 lean(ish) at my peak

coughBullshitcough. In Highschool I benched 650 and ran a 4.25. But ya know I just fell on hard times.

Not everyone is on here to get frickin’ huge.When I do bulk up,I tend to look more like a powerlifter than a symettrical,aesthetically pleasing BB’er.Some people like that look,I don’t.

Then WHY THE FUCK DO YOU POST ON A BODYBUILDING FORUM? Fuck people like you are the dumbest fucks on earth.

I’m going to start posting on Hip Hop boards how they aren’t musicians because they just spin records. And I don’t want to rhyme or spin, because not everyone wants to have super hot flow.

Where I am now is trying to find a good balance.

I don’t put pics up for the same reason some others don’t-I don’t get anything out of it,pictures are extremely deceptive,and I am a Personal Trainer who likes to project a professional image.

Because of my field of work,I know there are many people in my professional circle who use this site-the odds are high of me being discovered if I use even a discreet photo.

I wouldn’t want to be identified,as I have a code of conduct to follow and confidentiality issues with employers,clients,co-workers,etc. and I like that I can speak openly on here.
It’s easy to just say whatever you want if you work in a store or office or something.

Lol, dumbshit. I speak to & work with people who have enough money to buy the gym you work in, the building next door, your mom’s house, and apparently your ass too, 5 days a week. I also have a code of conduct you self righteous prick.

One of my clients comes to this site, one of my clients is a state senator, one of my clients lives on Park Ave. in a 4 million dollar apartment. That is why I only have pictures of my back. Don’t act like you are someone special, you are not an individual snow flake, you are not special.

But whatever, it is just an excuse anyway.

If you are going to talk shit, which you want to, I suggest you put up proof of your superior progress. Otherwise feel free to STFU.

Your just a troll that will go away soon anyway.

What I meant was I tend to look like a POWERLIFTER,which I DON’T like,rather than an aesthetically pleasing,assymetrical bodybuilder,which I am now striving for.Sorry,reading it again I understand how that got confused,the way I typed it.
I don’t give a shit whether you believe me or not.

I don’t post photos or lifting stats to have my ego stroked or performance rated.I do it for me,I know what I’ve been through and come from,You do not.
I do not have pics of me at 260,shit I don’t even have pics of me oiled up and naked now.

What’s the obsession with money? I don’t know what that has to do with anything,but,‘Could buy the gym I work in?’ Buddy,the health club I work for has several hundred clubs in many different coumtries.4 million dollar apartment? whats that? 2.5 million pounds? just our venues turnover is more than that,nevermind the whole chain.

The PT revenue,for just our venue,is almost a million pounds (almost 2 million dollars) a year alone,thats not total revenue and memberships,JUST PT.
Buy the building next door too? and my mums house? mine too? are you up to date on London property prices? the surrounding buildings go for upwards of 10 million,thats almost 20 million dollars,one recently went for 50 million pounds,thats almost 100 million dollars.

my mums house,and mine? thats �?�£800k,thats almost 1.6 million dollars.

I have distinctive markings on my body that could give me away.

I don’t feel the need to prove shit,you started this shit.


If you weighed 260 lbs, and looked like a power lifter, at 224 you should look like a body builder. Not 224 with 33 lbs of extra fat.

[quote]austin_bicep wrote:

I have to say you seem to attack people when they don’t even make direct comments toward you. You did this in this thread a few times when someone defended or said something not too polite about T-Nation…

You’re 31 and you run your mouth like a stuck up high school punk. Please grow up because your shit is weak and I don’t know who would hire a personal trainer that has the stats you boast about. You get very defense, however, the things you get mad about you do yourself. Be polite, and people will take you more seriously.[/quote]

Thank you! Very well said, especially the last sentence. :slight_smile:

[quote]Invictica wrote:
any misc brahs up in this thread?[/quote]

I was back in the good old days of being able to post nudes, and the Sauce-Head thread of infinite wisdom with females. The thread has since been deleted, and you can no longer talk about vaginal fisting or call females bitches on the misc forums. I got banned later for saying that the mods were fucks and should fist themselves. LOL I was like 16 though so before I even registered here.

Unfortunately, that still doesn’t stop people from killing themselves.

[quote]Ace Rimmer wrote:
I don’t put pics up for the same reason some others don’t-I don’t get anything out of it,pictures are extremely deceptive,and I am a Personal Trainer who likes to project a professional image.

Because of my field of work,I know there are many people in my professional circle who use this site-the odds are high of me being discovered if I use even a discreet photo.

I wouldn’t want to be identified,as I have a code of conduct to follow and confidentiality issues with employers,clients,co-workers,etc. and I like that I can speak openly on here.
It’s easy to just say whatever you want if you work in a store or office or something.

…and if you were identified your clients would prolly discover all the porno star tribute threads you started in SAMA which I’m sure wouldn’t bother them at all. Completely professional.


Yeah, I used to go there. That’s where I got all the ideas for my bulk/cut cylcles! Articles lead me down the wrong path for 2 years. Screw them… They do got good deals on supps tho…

[quote]Jibster wrote:
Ace Rimmer wrote:
I don’t put pics up for the same reason some others don’t-I don’t get anything out of it,pictures are extremely deceptive,and I am a Personal Trainer who likes to project a professional image.

Because of my field of work,I know there are many people in my professional circle who use this site-the odds are high of me being discovered if I use even a discreet photo.

I wouldn’t want to be identified,as I have a code of conduct to follow and confidentiality issues with employers,clients,co-workers,etc. and I like that I can speak openly on here.
It’s easy to just say whatever you want if you work in a store or office or something.

…and if you were identified your clients would prolly discover all the porno star tribute threads you started in SAMA which I’m sure wouldn’t bother them at all. Completely professional.


OR the fact that if you look at his profile, it’s pretty obvious that one of his main activities on this site is creeping after our attractive female members. Check his friends list.

[quote]Rhino Jockey wrote:
parsley wrote:
I used to go on it all the time. i check back to it sometimes too and i just noticed they had an article on the front page by a 15 year old tlaking about how to grow ur shoulders. His physique was nothing impressive and im pretty sure at 15 theres nohing tht qualifies him to write such an article.

Just found this article. This is the guy writing articles at

What a joke.[/quote]

Yeah exactly the reason why im glad i didn’t keep going to that site for too long. Much more knowledgeable people and more accurate info here.

The articles are crap - not disputing that.

Parts of the forums actually aren’t too bad. The Sports forum has a bunch of S&C coaches and knowledgeable guys. Compared to T-Nation which only has the “Strength-Sport” forum which is really just a powerlifting forum.

I actually prefer the crowd to the most part. They are a lot less arrogant and laid back than 90% of the posters here. But the T-Nation articles kick’s by far, no argument.

You should see some of the “personal trainers” at my gym…

[quote]Mod Laurie wrote:
austin_bicep wrote:

I have to say you seem to attack people when they don’t even make direct comments toward you. You did this in this thread a few times when someone defended or said something not too polite about T-Nation…

You’re 31 and you run your mouth like a stuck up high school punk. Please grow up because your shit is weak and I don’t know who would hire a personal trainer that has the stats you boast about. You get very defense, however, the things you get mad about you do yourself. Be polite, and people will take you more seriously.

Thank you! Very well said, especially the last sentence. :)[/quote]

You know you really suck when even the mods chime in.

[quote]Ace Rimmer wrote:
Anyone here who used to go to this site,or who still does?

I used to,before I found T-Nation,soon I was laughing at how amateurish their site and the vast majority of their articles were.

Bad spelling,poor editing,crappy explanations,bad science,shitty photos,gaping holes in their reasoning,random articles…

By comparison to T-Nation,it seems they are writing in the sand with a stick,or at best scrawling on the walls with a crayon.

Post whatever you feel about it if you’ve been there,good or bad -give details,or just keep it short and sweet…[/quote]

Let’s reexamine the original post and see how much ACE exemplifies the “amateurish” characteristics of

Bad spelling? Check.
Poor editing? Big check.
Crappy explanations? Yep.
Gaping holes in reasoning? Yes sir.
Pissy attitude? Check.
Extra sensitive? Check again.

[quote]Stronghold wrote:
Jibster wrote:
Ace Rimmer wrote:
I don’t put pics up for the same reason some others don’t-I don’t get anything out of it,pictures are extremely deceptive,and I am a Personal Trainer who likes to project a professional image.

Because of my field of work,I know there are many people in my professional circle who use this site-the odds are high of me being discovered if I use even a discreet photo.

I wouldn’t want to be identified,as I have a code of conduct to follow and confidentiality issues with employers,clients,co-workers,etc. and I like that I can speak openly on here.
It’s easy to just say whatever you want if you work in a store or office or something.

…and if you were identified your clients would prolly discover all the porno star tribute threads you started in SAMA which I’m sure wouldn’t bother them at all. Completely professional.


OR the fact that if you look at his profile, it’s pretty obvious that one of his main activities on this site is creeping after our attractive female members. Check his friends list.[/quote]

Man, epic triple post, but I just looked at his friends list. Throwing out a wild guess, but I think ACE made the friend requests.

good e-battle. Would read again.

[quote]countingbeans wrote:
Ace Rimmer wrote:

What’s the obsession with money? I don’t know what that has to do with anything,but,‘Could buy the gym I work in?’ Buddy,the health club I work for has several hundred clubs in many different coumtries.4 million dollar apartment? whats that? 2.5 million pounds? just our venues turnover is more than that,nevermind the whole chain.

The PT revenue,for just our venue,is almost a million pounds (almost 2 million dollars) a year alone,thats not total revenue and memberships,JUST PT.

lol that you think any of that is so much money that there aren’t people who couldn’t produce it in less than an hour Monday morning. You need to get out more. (And 2m in revenue is not impressive for a chain that large, by any stretch of the imagination.)

You didn’t readthe post.I didn’t say for the whole chain,I said over 2 million just for that VENUE,that BRANCH,get it?
Of which almost a million was JUST from PT revenue.
If you want profits for the whole CHAIN,I don’t have up-to-date figures,the last public figures I could find were for 2006,where it had a turnover of £260 million (over $520 million dollars) of which over £50 million (just under $100 million dollars) was clear profit.,after tax,etc.
It is believed to have at least doubled since then-that’s math I can’t even do.
It is believed to be poised to be floated on the stock market,valued at £1 BILLION pounds.
Again,you do the math,double it for dollars,you’re the accountant.
Anyway,what was the point of money again? I mentioned professionalism,not wealth.
You can be rich and still be unprofessional.