I don’t feel comfortable specifying this as I wouldn’t want to incriminate anyone… specifying exact specifics in this country could make someone “compliant” if god forbid anything happens to me… if anyone was aware of it they wouldn’t condone it by outright saying it was okay… it’s seen differently to that of recreational drug use (for which I’d be kicked out of the house if ever found with something harder than cannabis in my room or something… but I’m safe there). I’m moving out next year for university… I fight quite a lot with my father unrelated to this, we have dramatically differing views on various subjects (geopolitical conflicts, morals/values to abide by, whether you should discriminate based on something retarded like what religion someone is)… so there’s always quite a bit of tension in the household lol
Granted I don’t actually cycle, I run mildly pharmacological dosages year round, say 200-250mg, there’s a certain therapeutic effect I receive from this (it’s complicated, but relates to the amount of pain I live in on a daily basis)… I’ve experimented with orals before… very low dose for 1-2 weeks at a time
As to a career in the sciences, I’ve been accepted and enrolled into biomedical science… Will see where that takes me
For instance, we are Jewish. One day my brother started expressing that he had feelings for his friend, a Muslim girl (wonderful girl) my father freaked the fuck out, emergency call for the rabbi to come over to the house blablabla… of course I blew up over this as I saw it as overt Islamophobia/discrimination… keep in mind my father supports trump, has many right wing ideologies, so yes… we fight a lot… both my parents were like “you can’t date her” I was understandably pissed off… they don’t see it as discrimination, it’s “preserving the culture” or some bullshit like that… I’m all for the familial tradition/gatherings that come with religion, but I’m NOT for the preaching of hate or outdated ideology that restricts what someone can/can’t do so long as it doesn’t harm anyone else
My parents aren’t bad/unloving at all… but my god do they harbour some outdated ideologies… I’ve been told “only individuals of lower socioeconomic status get tattoos, you can’t get a job with one thus you can’t get one… also the Torah prohibits it”… I’ve wanted a black sabbath/Motörhead tattoo since I was about 12… I’ve tried explaining it’s not something people discrimitate against anymore… but given that much of my family is rather old school modern orthodox they all back up the opinionated beliefs of my parents… moreso my father
I’ve been (to my face… which is fine I guess) called the “black sheep” of the family given that I’ve completely broken out, engrained myself within a different community…
I’m certainly not a sheep, if I disagree with someone’s ideology, even if I’m one of of the mass, I’ll openly express that (unless I have the potential to get hurt, then I’ll keep my moth shut)
I should say regarding my family in general (entire family)… it’s shocking how conservative they are with some issues yet SO progressive in others… I suppose the political spectrum isn’t fixed in that someone is purely right or left, one can have beliefs stemming from both sides of the spectrum