Results from second bloodwork came back today. Endocrinologist said that while my Testosterone is low, he would expect my LH and FSH to be higher for a classic case of primary hypogonadism. He said mine is an unusual case and he will present my results to his colleagues tomorrow to see what their opinion is??
Do my results look that out of the ordinary??
In summary:
Testosterone still low at 7.09 (8.6-29 nmol/l)
Prolactin still high at 21.3 (4.0-15.2 ug/l)
Annoyingly, looks like he didn’t test E2 this time however one could assume it’s still elevated from last time given high prolactin
He didn’t test SHBG this time either???
LH and FSH seem elevated
LH: 6.9 (1.7-8.6 IU / L)
FSH: 12 (1.5-12.4 IU / l)
Thyroid function “perfectly fine” according to Dr
TSH: 1.79 (0:30 to 3:18 mu/l)
FT3 (triiodothyronine, free): 4.3 (4.1-6.7 pmol/l)
FT4 (thyroxine, free): 16.3 (12.3-20.2 pmol/l)
HGH and IGF seem high and Cortisol seems very high
Neutrophils low and Lymphocytes high?? (I hope this is due to the fact i had a cold the week before and nothing more serious?)
Vit D, B12 etc all seem ok
Full Results (I had to run this through Google Translate so apologies if some things don’t make sense):
Sex hormones
LH: 6.9 (1.7-8.6 IU / L)
FSH: 12 (1.5-12.4 IU / l)
Prolactin: 21.3 (4.0-15.2 ug / l) *** *** HIGH
Testosterone: 7:09 (8.6-29 nmol / l) *** *** LOW
TSH: 1.79 (0:30 to 3:18 mu / l)
FT3 (triiodothyronine, free): 4.3 (4.1-6.7 pmol / l)
FT4 (thyroxine, free): 16.3 (12.3-20.2 pmol / l)
Insulin and growth
HGH: 1.3 (12:02 to 1:23 ug / l)
IGF1: 216.9 (96.4-227.8 ug / l)
Adrenal cortex
ACTH: 36 (<46 ng / l)
Cortisol: 740 (171-536 nmol / l)
Blood Status
H globin: 151 (134-170 g / l)
H matokrit: 0:44 (0400-0500 l / l)
Erythrocytes: 4.74 (4.2-5.7 t / l)
MCV: 92.8 (80-100 fl)
MCH: 31.9 (26-34 pg)
MCHC: 343 (310-360 g / l)
RDW: 13.4 (11.0-14.8%)
Platelets (automatic): 206 (143-400 g / L)
Leukocytes: 3.43 (3.0-9.6 g / l)
Blood count
Neutrophils (automatically): 1:38 (1:40 to 8:00 g / l) *** *** LOW
Monocytes (automatically): 12:26 (0.16-0.95 g / l)
Eosinophils (automatically): 0.07 (0.00-0.70 g / l)
Basophils (automatically): 0.02 (0:00 to 0:15 g / l)
Lymphocytes (automatically): 1.7 (1:50 to 4:00 g / l)
IG abs. (Automatically): 0.01 (0:00 to 0:03 g / l)
IG% (automatically): 0.3 (0.0-0.5%)
NRBC abs. (Automatically): 0 (g / l)
NRBC (automatically): 0 (/ 100 Lc)
Neutrophils Total (mik.): 1.49 (1:40 to 8:00 g / l)
Monocytes (mik.): 00:19 (0.16-0.95 g / l)
Eosinophils (mik.): 0.06 (0.00-0.70 g / l)
Basophils (mik.): 0 (0:00 to 0:15 g / l)
Lymphocytes (mik.): 1.69 (1:50 to 4:00 g / l)
Neutrophils Total (mik.): 43.3 (40.0-74.0%)
Neutrophils Stabker. (Mic.): 3.7 (0.0-20.0%)
Neutrophils Segmentk. (Mic.): 39.6 (30.0-50.0%)
Monocytes (mik.): 5.5 (3.4-9.0%)
Eosinophils (mik.): 1.8 (0.0-7.0%)
Basophils (mik.): 0 (0.0-1.5%)
Lymphocytes (mik.): 49.4 (19.0-48.0%) *** *** HIGH
Plasma cells (MIC.): 0 (0-0.5%)
Blasts (mik.): 0 (0%)
Promyelocytic: 0 (0%)
Myelocytes: 0 (0.0-0.0%)
Metamyelocytes: 0 (0%)
Other (s comment.): 0 (%)
Erythroblasts: 0 (/ 100 Lc)
Global tests
Quick (machine) #: 121 (> 70%)
INR #: 1 (<1.2)
Electrolyte and water balance
Sodium: 143 (136-145 mmol / l)
Potassium: 4.3 (3.3-4.5 mmol / l)
Calcium, total: 2:29 (2:09 to 2:54 mmol / l)
Phosphate: 0.97 (0.87-1.45 mmol / L)
Creatinine: 77 (62-106 pmol / l)
Albumin: 42 (40-49 g / l)
ALT (GPT) Alanine Aminotransf .: 46 (<50 U / l)
Alk phosphatase. 54 (40-129 U / L)
Diabetes and Energy Metabolism
Glucose spontaneously Fluoridpl .: 5.1 (<11.1)
HbA1c n.NGSP: 5.2 (4.4-5.7%)
HbA1c after IFCC: 33 (25-39 mmol / mol)
Lipid metabolism and atherosclerosis
Cholesterol, total: 4.2 (<5.0 mmol / l)
HDL cholesterol: 1:05 (> 1.0 mmol / l)
non-HDL cholesterol: 3.2 (<4.0 mmol / l)
. Chol / HDL cholesterol ratio: 4 (<5.0)
LDL-cholesterol: 2.6 (<3.0 mmol / l)
Triglyceride: 1.31 (<1.7 mmol / l)
Iron metabolism
Ferritin: 324 (30-400 ug / l)
Folic acid: 9.7 (> 4.0 ug / l)
Vitamin B12: 416 (180-914 ng / l)