Good to know you had a clean MRI. At least you know what it’s not. But since you know it’s an issue going forward maybe you’ll be better able to control it on the next cycle. Still, that’s a real bummer. Caber is a good short term drug, but there are some long term issues with it. Just be careful. Look up DAWS and be terrified.
On a scale? Not actually pinched and measured? I am guessing your bmi to be more around 25% and this all goes back to weigth along with having gyno as a teen.
Did you have the gyno surgically removed? I think this makes you more susceptible to getting gyno again. I would consider getting checked and starting Nolvadex.
I have Nolva on hand. But will tank my e2 further if I start that. I have a visable 6 pack many veins and definition I know for a fact im not 25% haha. The scale is accurate-ish.
Yeah I’ve looked and researched into everything via this forum given me a lot of tips. Just one last thing to sort is the morning glories and erections >.<
Explain how Nolva is going to tank E2? Nolva does not stop the aromatization process just fills the receptors so you dont form bitch tits. It is not for managing high E2 symptoms.
I would suggest you do more research.
I may be mistaken then. I know it isn’t an AI and used more for PCT. If others recommend I start Nolva I can, But my nipples do not feel sensitive really.
Use the Nolva if you get symptoms of gyno. Small doses, 10mg, maybe twice a week. If you need more then you can increase. But if you’re not having any issues now then you can just have it on hand as a “just in case” solution.
Cheers for all replies guys,
Forum wouldn’t let me reply as I reached my maximum for the day as a new member haha.
I had sex last night and was rock hard throughout. So I’m thinking it was all in my head regarding erections. Morning glories are still not happening though. I’ve lowered my dose of caber and Arimidex and also halfed my HCG.
Two questions:
Morning glories - Whats stopping me
My bloods - Optimum for muscle building?
I’m under the impression low SHBG is good for building muscle and it revolves around the free test in the body.