Blood Work - What Does It Mean?!

Can anyone tell me what to watch for liver/Gallbladder function. All the doctor would tell me is that my liver is slightly fatty and enlarged and my Gallbladder walls are 2.9 thick. He was a real dick…

Hepatic Function Panel Urgent Care 12/28 clean 2 weeks(coming off test ent/deca/eq all medimum levels and it was a 22 week cycle, i kept changing the esters) Feel like total shit
Protein, Total 7.3 6.0-8.0 g/dl
Albumin 4.7 3.3-4.9
Globulin 2.6 2.0-3.7
ALB/GLOB ratio 1.8 1.0-2.0
Alkaline Phosphatase 52 39-160 IU/L
ALT 41 2-60
ASt 31 10-50
Bilirubin, Total .8 .2-1.3 mg/dl
Bilirubin, Direct .2 .0-.3

Tore the rib Muscles (hosp still doesnâ??t know whatâ??s wrong though) (on Amoxicillin since 12/28) strep throat turning into Bronchitis. Ultra sound and chest x ray done
WBC (k/cmm) 10.9 4.8-11
RBC (M/cmm) 5.73 4.7-6
HGB (gm/dl) 17.7 14-18
HCT% 52.1 H 43-52
MCV (fl) 90.8 80-100.
MCH (PG) 31 27-32
MCHC % 34.1 32-36
RDW % 15.3 11.9-15.7
PLT (K/CMM) 176 150-450
Segs % 68.6 H 46-66
Lymphs % 18.3 L 24-44
Monos % 7.9 0-10
Eos % 4.2 0-7
Basos 1 0-2
Neut, Absol (k/cmm) 7.5 H 1.5-7.1
Lymph,absol(k/cmm) 2 .8-2.8
Mono,Absol(k/cmm) .5 H 0.0-0.4
Baso,Absol (k/cmm) .1 .0-.1

Sodium (mmol/L) 141 136-145
Potassium (mmol/L) 4.4 3.5-5.1
Chloride (mmol/L) 105 98-107
Co2(mmol/L) 27.4 21-32
Anion 9 6-11
Glucose(mg/dl) 110 H 65-100
BUN(mg/dl) 17 7-18
Creatinine(mg/dl) 1.25 .5-1.3
Calcium(mg/dl) 9.3 8.5-10.1
AST (u/l) 30 15-37
ALT (u/l) 54 30-65
Alk Phos (u/l) 66 50-136
Total Bili (mg/dl) .63 0-1
Prot Total (gm/dl) 7.37 6.5-8.2
Albumin (gm/dl) 3.77 3.6-5.5

Completely tore muscles cant sneeze or cough, now have bronchitis. Also Have tennis elbow. Drowned my sorrows in Alka Seltzer cold, Nyquil, Vicoden and some blue hair smoke. Cat Scan shows 3 ribs screwed…
WBC (k/cmm) 7.7 4.8-11
RBC (M/cmm) 5.69 4.7-6
HGB (gm/dl) 17.8 14-18
HCT% 52.1 H 43-52
MCV (fl) 91.5 80-100.
MCH (PG) 31.3 27-32
MCHC % 34.1 32-36
RDW % 15 11.9-15.7
PLT (K/CMM) 168 150-450
Segs % 67.5 H 46-66
Lymphs % 15.0 L 24-44
Monos % 11.4 H 0-10
Eos % 5.1 0-7
Basos 1 0-2
Neut, Absol (k/cmm) 5.2 1.5-7.1
Lymph,absol(k/cmm) 1.2 .8-2.8
Mono,Absol(k/cmm) .9 0.2-1
Baso,Absol (k/cmm) .4 .0-.4

Sodium (mmol/L) 137 136-145
Potassium (mmol/L) 4.3 3.5-5.1
Chloride (mmol/L) 103 98-107
Co2(mmol/L) 27.3 21-32
Anion 7 6-11
Glucose(mg/dl) 136 H 65-100
BUN(mg/dl) 17 7-18
Creatinine(mg/dl) 1.19 .5-1.3
Calcium(mg/dl) 9.7 8.5-10.1
AST (u/l) 30 15-37
ALT (u/l) 53 30-65
Alk Phos (u/l) 54 50-136
Total Bili (mg/dl) …71 0-1
Prot Total (gm/dl) 7.6 6.5-8.2
Albumin (gm/dl) 3.75 3.6-5.5

The last 6 readings are standard measures of basic liver function (AST down to Albumin). Those numbers look acceptable.

Not sure how he made your diagnosis… I doubt it was from these readings. Did he do any imaging work on your liver? I think the fatty accumulation is often visualized.

Yes, sorry… The size comment was after a $850 Ultra Sound (Middle readings). I thought the fatty comment was after the Urgent Care

52% hematocrit: what is your blood pressure?

You may need to make changes to address some insulin resistance. Did you do a 12 hour fast before the lab work?

Any cholesterol data?

No fast. I actually had my cheat meal of spaghetti and meatballs and about a bottle of Nyquil.

BP was fine
No other data beside a piss test. Will those numbers help?

If you’ve been on for a good long while it might be a good idea to come off if you have fatty liver. Do you drink heavily at all? That can have a more dramatic effect on liver than AAS. You liver values are all looking good so I really don’t know what to make o the fatty liver and bile duct bit.

I was on a 20 some odd week cycle.
I was 3 weeks clean (gear) and ready to start PCT and needed to go back on to help heal an injury (torn muscles). So I started a small (250 per week test and 250 deca) to heal.
I do not drink and smoke a little weed here and there but thats it. I rarely take pills but when I got sick I went crazy with NyQuil, vicoden and flu meds, It was a fuzzy week and a half…

BBB and ALFA F have suggested I look into insulin resistance. I am going to ask my doc about Metformin as all the dietary recommendations, I already follow…

The only thing I haven’t been able to find out is if GH can have this type of reaction… I know it “enlarges organs” but I cant find info on how. The fact most people use insulin with GH makes me believe there should be no connection to a fatty liver by itself but as I stated, info is hard to find.
