Thank you very much the reply KSman. I will definitely post the temperatures in a few days. To answer some of your questions for now, here you go. I answered and/or asked a question beside your original question:
HDL low: fish oil, high potency vit-B complex vit+minerals, should also have 150mgc or more iodine. Many improve total cholesterol. I started taking 6 tablets of Fish Oil a day starting a week ago. Not sure if it’s high potency though. It’s Nature Good brand. I don’t take the vit-B complex but bought Centrum Multivitamins at the store on Wednesday. The pharmacist at Safeway said they were the best. I take it that won’t cut it for vit-B though? If you can recommend a brand that’d be awesome.
TSH=2.0: May be some degree of hypothyroidism. Check how things are functioning by taking waking bod temperature and a few times during the day, record and report back after a few days. Dry skin? Hair falling out? Brittle nails or hair? Feel cold easily?
Dry skin yes, especially face and scalp and I use a dandruff shampoo. Hair falling out; yes, mild receding hairline within past few months. I also have mild scalp acne. Cold easily, yes.
Iodine: Do you use iodized salt? [sea salt does not contain iodine unless iodized]. Eat much sea food? I very rarely add salt to anything but my diet has sucked for awhile. Way too much fast food. Very little sea food except for the occasional can of tuna.
Many symptoms of hypothyroidism are common to hypogonadism. One can contribute to the other.
Read the advice for new guys sticky and come back with more data. And we need symptoms.
Also take 4000-6000iu vit-D3 as oil based caps. Been doing this for a month. I take (4) 2,400IU of Vit D3 a day. Split up 2 in am, 2 in pm. They are softgels in (According to ingredients) pure olive oil (fruit), gelatin, glycerin, purified water. Good Vit D3 choice or should I find a new brand?
Glucose: If this was 12 fasting result - headed for diabetes Yes, was 12 hour fasting. Was probably closer to 14 hours fasting but I did drink a Starbucks soy white mocha on the way to the clinic. It’s a 45 minute drive. I asked the RN before doing so and she said it would be fine, just not food.
How do energy levels vary through the day? My energy is a fricken roller coaster. I get tired as hell about 4-5pm and I could’ve slept 10 hours the night before. I have one cup of coffee in the am with 2 teaspoons of sugar and some cinammon. Occasionally I’ll have a Starbucks white mocha for a pick me up for No Fear energy drink.
Sleep ok? Terrible but I’m on meds from the VA to help with sleep. 1mg of Xanax before bed. I also usually take some melatonin before bed or I just lie away or don’t get tired at all. I usually wake up a few times in the middle of the night for no apparent reason.
How do you react to major stress? Affects you physically? I get edgy and sometimes my chest gets tight like that really bad anxiety feeling but I don’t get violent or want to throw things. I just get moody become a prick for a better choice of words. I take wellbutrin and effexor for depression from the VA but it isn’t really helping.
Hematocrit is getting a little bit low. How much red meat do you eat? Any digestion problems? I don’t eat much red meat. Mostly chicken and hamburger.
Digestion is a crap shoot and I mean that literally. I did a charcoal test that I read on here from John Meadows and it took over 24 hours for my stool to turn black. I’ve started taking Vitamin C (2g/day), Glutamine (7g/day) and I take a good probiotic daily that he recommended.
I definitely have the “Buddha Belly” for fat storage.
Symptoms and what not according to the sticky:
-Definitely have the “not wanting to go out” syndrome. I’d much rather stay in.
-Brain fog, yes sometimes. I used to be sharp and know everything from the top of my head. Now I literally struggle at times.
-low libido, hot women don’t seem so hot anymore. I’m not dating or married.
-morning wood off and on. Somedays yes, somedays no.
-joints ache. Especially hip and wrists.
-zero motivation or reward. I “want” to do stuff just not motivated or care enough to do it.
-Nocturnal erections- these have increased from zero to a few times a week probably over the pat 6 weeks.
-I ALWAYS wake up stuffy and sneeze a few times. This used to never happen.
-I have a 6 year old boy I get most weekends and sometimes more than that and I honestly have zero energy/motivation most days or if I do it only lasts and hour or two and I want to be a better dad for him.
thank you again for all the help & advice everyone.