Blood Tests. High SHBG

**Forgot to mention. I am not on TRT and have never used PED’s

I recently had some blood tests due to some concerns with temperature regulation and anxiety in the afternoon. When in stuffy or warm rooms I easily start overheating and feeling a bit anxious. In the afternoon on warmer days like clockwork, I start getting warm and my face starts flushing and then I feel anxious which can make the flushing worse. Almost like a hot flash.

This could be a mild form of erythema rosacea or skin sensitivity but, I wanted to have blood work especially since there was anxiety involved.

It was suggested I test:

  • Testosterone Panel.
  • Thyroid Panel (TSH, Free T3, Free T4).
  • Cortisol AM.
  • Estradiol.
  • Prolactin.

Funny thing is I was not even going to test SHBG but, I figured I would add it last minute.

I am in my 30’s, lean and active. Perhaps too much as fatigue has been an issue in the past.

Recently reduced training to 4x a week with a couple 2 mile runs. A few weeks ago, started taking Zinc, Magnesium, Potassium, Vitamin D with K2.

Libido is still high most days but, erection strength can be weak at times. However, the weakness may be more from frequency.

Everything is in good range, but the SHBG is really high. What could be the causes? How can I fix it?

I read Boron may help.

You don’t need to lower your SHBG. It’s not your issue since your hormone levels are fine. Thyroid issues, you don’t have, or liver issues are a cause for higher SHBG in addition to they typically raise with aging men.


There would be no benefits, or may it cause other issues? No point in taking Boron?

No benefits. No Boron is not proven effective although some anecdotally say it works. However, these are people trying to increase their FT and it doesn’t work that way anyway. Things that could cause your issues hormone wise would by Thyroid, T levels, and E2 levels. All yours are normal.

Feeling warm is a natural reaction to moments of anxiety and panic. You may want to go the psychiatrist route.

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I’m the same way (warm, flushed). I’m a cold weather animal. Derm diagnosed me with mild rosacea. Meh. You can do stuff about that or just join the rest of us Irishman (my grandgather was). Agree with blshaw. You can check labs but for me its managing my overly active sympathetic nervous system. BTW, I statred on TRT 9 months ago. Stable at 100 mg per week. No change in the "flushing " just feel generally better overall.


What do you do?

Lot’s of deep breathing, refocusing. I’ve worked in healthcare going on 21 years but I was designed for a different lifestyle (firefighting suited me better in a way).

Small doses of l-theanine (50-100 mg) are helpful during the day. I try to get up and move, stretch between patients.

I stay very fit, active. I keep my life as calm as possible. Nothing new.

It’s what many of us deal with in this life of ancient tech (our DNA) meeting up against modern lifestyle.

It’s more of a conscious realization and acceptance that the 4 lbs of anxiety meat between my ears is misfiring in its response to everyday, non-life threatening events.