Blood Pressure and Cuff Size Feedback

*This is not intended to replace medical advice. Simply to see others perspectives.

Age 38
Weight 228 lbs
*On two pumps androgel daily, average T levels around 600.

I have 2 name brand, quality blood pressure machines, one with a cuff size 9-17 inch and one with a cuff since 13-21 inches. My arm, unflexed, is 15.5 inches and should technically fit both of these cuffs. I don’t look massive, but do lift and have lifted since I was 16. I mostly run and swim now a days, but lift weights on the weekends.

However, I am seeing an average of 5-6 points lower systolic and diastolic numbers on the larger cuff. It sounds small, but sometimes can range up to 10 points in difference.

For example, after being seated, legs not crossed, etc. I just had a 130/80 with the smaller cuff and then directly after this a 118/72 with the larger cuff.

I plan to ask my doc tomorrow, but I am wondering if anyone else has tried two cuff sizes? I am really just unsure of if I am getting a false high reading, or a false low reading.

Averages after 1 month of daily measurements:

*Average AM blood pressure: 118/78
*Average mid-day blood pressure: 130/80 to 135/80
*Average night time blood pressure: 125/80

I have coffee in the AM, two shots espresso mid-day day, and usually a half cup of coffee in the early evening. All of these are black, I don’t add sugars to it.

Was debating asking for low dose telimasartan to be proactive, but don’t want to jump on meds for no real reason either.

Interesting that you see a trend in your BP that looks like it correlates with your coffee intake and your not thinking should I cut back on the coffee, but should I medicate?

I had similar BP readings and cut back my caffeine intake (improved diet and dropped nicotine) my BP dropped. I would personally try cutting back in the coffee first (switching everything past the first morning coffee out for decaf - it’s not that bad) and see how it looks in a month.

RE the cuff, I’d guess the larger cuff is more accurate, but have nothing to back that claim up.

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I would work on daily fasted cardio and get my bf to below 15% minimum before I added a drug to counter act the side effects of the drug I am taking.

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Good feedback I appreciate it. I have been having some luck adding in running. My doc recently told me my numbers are nothing that would require meds, but I still like to get as close to 120/80 as I can. I’m mostly into fitness for the feel of it, relaxation, and overall energy. So, if I lose some gains with cardio that’s alright with me, might even help my golf game a little.

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