Blast to cruise

I’m back. Been on 500mg test e blast. Past week i dropped 25%. Do you recommend dropping another 25% for a week before settling at 150 cruise? Also I’ve been on .5 arimidex twice a week. Should I continue that or drop that dose as well? Bloodwork is scheduled and hopefully i can get on trt legally. Male, 5’9", 225lbs. Little beer gut but much better than it was and I’ve only had a 6 pack in the past 3 weeks. I’m trying lol

I’d just drop to 150 without any tapering. It’s pointless. And the sooner you start with your intended dose the sooner your body will adjust to that dose.

I’d drop the AI to 0.25x2 a week for the first two weeks and then just .25 once a week.
Make sure to get bloods done, you may not need an ai at all on 150mg of test

Edit: weird autocorrect malfunction


Everything @rusty_hammer said.

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Thanks man really do appreciate it! I’m still learning. So… im assuming i should expect to lose a lot of size and strength when i dtop to trt dose? I’ve never done this. In the past I cycled completely off but on another thread on here i was sort of convinced at 41 yrs old just to cruise. Which brings me to the nxt question. Lets say 2 years from now i say f it im sick of sticking myself. At that point is it too late to reset my natural T? I hear a lot of “trt is for life” . Yall are awesome. No hate when someone is just trying to learn. Im about a week away from bloodwork its already scheduled. It Was suggested for me to get the bloodwork before coming down to trt. Then again about 6 weeks into trt. So…thats the plan. Unless someone convinces me cycle completely off is best.