Why do so many people think that all was right with the world until Bush was president? I’m not a big fan of the guy but I know that not ALL of the probelems that we have now are his fault. As a matter of fact most of them started before he was in office.
[quote]jawara wrote:
Why do so many people think that all was right with the world until Bush was president?[/quote]
Name one person who thinks all was right until Bush became president.
Was he too liberal or something?
[quote]Gael wrote:
jawara wrote:
Why do so many people think that all was right with the world until Bush was president?
Name one person who thinks all was right until Bush became president.
I’m not a big fan of the guy.
Was he too liberal or something?
Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer.
[quote]jawara wrote:
As a matter of fact most of them started before he was in office.[/quote]
Oh oh. This will get you in trouble when people use it to indict Bush for issues that get noticed on Barack’s watch.
I wonder what is going to happen to that guy who threw shoes at him today…
They probably threw him a parade as Bush’s plane was taking off.
“This is a farewell kiss, you dog!”
And they’re examining the shoes to figure out why neither one went off.
[quote]Standard Donkey wrote:
I wonder what is going to happen to that guy who threw shoes at him today…[/quote]
He’s in custody and faces 2 years of jail. As of today, more than 200 lawyers (Americans included) offered to represent him free of charge.
Good to have you back Lixy, it was getting boring around here. I was just watching some Boondocks too.
People blame Bush for a lot of things that aren’t his fault. They also think a lot of things that ARE his fault (our ‘poor’ international standing) are worse than they are.
To be honest, I think history will look upon Bush as a mediocre President. He was an average guy put up against some pretty shitty situations and he made due as best he could. He didn’t do WELL, and he had a few fuck ups, but he wasn’t the national disaster a lot of people like to paint him as.
[quote]Beowolf wrote:
Good to have you back Lixy, it was getting boring around here. I was just watching some Boondocks too.
People blame Bush for a lot of things that aren’t his fault. They also think a lot of things that ARE his fault (our ‘poor’ international standing) are worse than they are.
To be honest, I think history will look upon Bush as a mediocre President. He was an average guy put up against some pretty shitty situations and he made due as best he could. He didn’t do WELL, and he had a few fuck ups, but he wasn’t the national disaster a lot of people like to paint him as.
Depends on who writes that history book.
I feel the same way though.
[quote]Beowolf wrote:
Good to have you back Lixy, it was getting boring around here. I was just watching some Boondocks too.
People blame Bush for a lot of things that aren’t his fault. They also think a lot of things that ARE his fault (our ‘poor’ international standing) are worse than they are.
To be honest, I think history will look upon Bush as a mediocre President. He was an average guy put up against some pretty shitty situations and he made due as best he could. He didn’t do WELL, and he had a few fuck ups, but he wasn’t the national disaster a lot of people like to paint him as.
That’s enormously charitable, given that we fought a war of choice at his insistence that has been a virtually unmitigated disaster. Even if we leave the country in semi-decent shape in 2011, it will be very hard to say it was worth, at an absolute minimum, $1 trillion.
Never mind all of his other mistakes.
[quote]GDollars37 wrote:
Beowolf wrote:
Good to have you back Lixy, it was getting boring around here. I was just watching some Boondocks too.
People blame Bush for a lot of things that aren’t his fault. They also think a lot of things that ARE his fault (our ‘poor’ international standing) are worse than they are.
To be honest, I think history will look upon Bush as a mediocre President. He was an average guy put up against some pretty shitty situations and he made due as best he could. He didn’t do WELL, and he had a few fuck ups, but he wasn’t the national disaster a lot of people like to paint him as.
That’s enormously charitable, given that we fought a war of choice at his insistence that has been a virtually unmitigated disaster. Even if we leave the country in semi-decent shape in 2011, it will be very hard to say it was worth, at an absolute minimum, $1 trillion.
Never mind all of his other mistakes.[/quote]
You must have spent a lot of time in the dirt? Ya we didn’t make a difference at all
[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
GDollars37 wrote:
Beowolf wrote:
Good to have you back Lixy, it was getting boring around here. I was just watching some Boondocks too.
People blame Bush for a lot of things that aren’t his fault. They also think a lot of things that ARE his fault (our ‘poor’ international standing) are worse than they are.
To be honest, I think history will look upon Bush as a mediocre President. He was an average guy put up against some pretty shitty situations and he made due as best he could. He didn’t do WELL, and he had a few fuck ups, but he wasn’t the national disaster a lot of people like to paint him as.
That’s enormously charitable, given that we fought a war of choice at his insistence that has been a virtually unmitigated disaster. Even if we leave the country in semi-decent shape in 2011, it will be very hard to say it was worth, at an absolute minimum, $1 trillion.
Never mind all of his other mistakes.
You must have spent a lot of time in the dirt? Ya we didn’t make a difference at all
Huh? “We made a difference.” No one is denying that things are certainly different. Saddam is gone. That’s great. We spent between one and three trillion dollars, lost over 4,000 Americans, and when we leave Iraq it will be something between a failed state and a bigger Lebanon with oil (not great). As for the number of Iraqis dead due to the war, 100,000 is probably a low estimate. We didn’t kill the vast majority of them, but they died due to the war.
Was it worth it? I seriously doubt it.
And as for the rest: Constitution shredded (FISA, habeas corpus), prescription drug plan, Afghanistan a mess, national debt has EXPLODED (doubled in eight years I believe, check yourself), America’s reputation in tatters (torture, see bipartisan Senate report last week if you care)…And that’s not to mention all the minor league screw-ups like Harriett Miers. Nor the economy, for which Bush bears little blame, but also did little to help.
Worst president ever? Probably not, but in the running.
[quote]lixy wrote:
Standard Donkey wrote:
I wonder what is going to happen to that guy who threw shoes at him today…
He’s in custody and faces 2 years of jail. As of today, more than 200 lawyers (Americans included) offered to represent him free of charge.[/quote]
Not exactly a man of your word. Big suprise.
[quote]Beowolf wrote:
Good to have you back Lixy, it was getting boring around here. I was just watching some Boondocks too.
No it’s not. I prefer boring.