I’m leaving for Oz tomorrow and will be staying for a few months. Maybe some of you Aussies/Kiwis could answer this.
I noticed that Grow! and Power Drive is available from Biotest NZ and Australia. I’m also aware that it’s not available to retailers in North America. Further, I’m familiar with the shipping costs associated with importing Biotest gear across the border. (But it’s still worth it)
The prices quoted off the Biotest NZ site appear to be somewhat on par with what Grow!, Surge, and Power Drive used to cost from T-Nation before the great price cut a couple years back. My question is:
If I order supplements off T-Nation from Australia, will I be paying the T-Nation price (lower price and in USD)? Would the shipping be free since I assume it would be sent from Biotest Australia? Are there any products that aren’t available over there?
And does anyone know if there are non-pussy gyms in the Central Coast area? I get the impression that it’s all commercial fitness clubs in the region, but there’s gotta be one or two good places to train.
I have found that most local distributors are extremely pricey (not talking about Oz in particular) so I just ordered from T-Nation, had it sent to a friend in the US and then he sent it to me by FedEx (since T-Nation does not ship directly to me). It’s costly but still cheaper then ordering abroad if buying in bulk.
We don’t get any of the stuff you can get in Nz, TRIBEX and that’s about it apart from the items you mentioned, hopefully one day they may ship to Oz but still with the attitude of customs we won’t get much of the range, its got to the point where i travel to the states for 3-4 weeks just so I can stuff myself full of Biotest products.
[quote]aussie486 wrote:
We don’t get any of the stuff you can get in Nz, TRIBEX and that’s about it apart from the items you mentioned, hopefully one day they may ship to Oz but still with the attitude of customs we won’t get much of the range, its got to the point where i travel to the states for 3-4 weeks just so I can stuff myself full of Biotest products.[/quote]
Has anyone tried ordering any of the popular Biotest stuff into Australia from any of the NZ websites that advertise “we ship Biotest products to Australia”???
Have been thinking of ordering some Alpha Male & Carbolin 19 for myself and some Fahrenheit for my girlfriend from one of the NZ websites - but would rather not spend all that money & have it knocked back by Oz customs!!!
You shouldn’t have any problems getting any of the products from Biotest NZ. I have received Carbolin 19, Spike and Alpha Male before and they had been check and released by customs.
You are better off ordering from T-Nation. (I think Mod Shaun knows why I bring it up)
Biotest NZ and Australia charge way more than T-Nation does, even FedEx shipping fee included.
For example, Grow! from Biotest NZ costs $99NZD. Last week I ordered 4 Grow! from T-Nation costing $23USD each, that gave me the total cost = $23x4 + $60(shipping for 8lbs) = $152USD = $223.5NZD.
If I bought that from Biotest NZ that would have costed me $396NZD. That means I saved $176NZD by buying directly from T-nation. That’s a 44% save.
If you are buying supp pills like Spike, the shipping cost would only be smaller, meaning that you would save more.
You are better off ordering from T-Nation. (I think Mod Shaun knows why I bring it up)
Biotest NZ and Australia charge way more than T-Nation does, even FedEx shipping fee included.
For example, Grow! from Biotest NZ costs $99NZD. Last week I ordered 4 Grow! from T-Nation costing $23USD each, that gave me the total cost = $23x4 + $60(shipping for 8lbs) = $152USD = $223.5NZD.
If I bought that from Biotest NZ that would have costed me $396NZD. That means I saved $176NZD by buying directly from T-nation. That’s a 44% save.
If you are buying supp pills like Spike, the shipping cost would only be smaller, meaning that you would save more.
Geek boy[/quote]
Geekboy how do u order from T-Nation i thought they dont ship to australia or NZ
can someone tell me where i can buy stuff online from the US (Surge) and have it shipped to Australia
I still dont understand why aust would have a problem with receiving products like Surge,
I have been able to get it from other stores that use to sell it without any probs.
even the damn Kiwis can get it!! arrrrggg
im sure we can work something out…