Okay I have a question. Why in the past 2-3 months has President Bush not said one word about Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawhri( the doctor). It’s a known fact that the 2 of them pose a great threat to our country and the world, yet out president has said nothing. What has been said and this applies to Kerry too. They both talk about, well shit everyone talks about terrorism and how it should be curbed. No one seems to know how to stop terrorism no one. I haven’t met one person who can give a solution to how to locate and identify bin Ladens or anyone’s else’s exact whereabouts. He’s in the Northwest Frontier aka The Tribal Areas. That’s as far as anyone can guess. Im looking forward to your responses and I will respond to what you say to.
What would you want him to say? Back in WW2 they had a saying loose lips sink ships. I’m sure people are working on it nuff said. For all we know they are looking in a totally different part of the world and what has been announced is tactical disinformation. For all we know they have him located and are watching who comes and goes. Osama is one man, Alqaeda is thousands, as much as getting him will satisfy our thirst for revenge on him, I think we should consider what happens after that. It might be best to prune the organization under him while they expend resources to keep him safe. When he goes you could see alqeada splinter off into lots of groups all competing for attention. Things could get real messy with him gone. Not getting him first might deny us a CNN moment, but it might be good strategy to deal with alqeada as a whole unified entity. Sometimes in a fight you want to work the body before you go to the head. I’m sure the people at the cia and pentagon who are developing strategy are smart and have thought things through a little bit furthur than the average Joe who is only thinking we’ve got to get payback on Osama.
“The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him.”
- G.W. Bush, 9/13/01
“I want justice…There’s an old poster out West, as I recall, that said, ‘Wanted: Dead or Alive,’”
- G.W. Bush, 9/17/01, UPI
“…Secondly, he is not escaping us. This is a guy, who, three months ago, was in control of a county [sic]. Now he’s maybe in control of a cave. He’s on the run. Listen, a while ago I said to the American people, our objective is more than bin Laden. But one of the things for certain is we’re going to get him running and keep him running, and bring him to justice. And that’s what’s happening. He’s on the run, if he’s running at all. So we don’t know whether he’s in cave with the door shut, or a cave with the door open – we just don’t know…”
- Bush, in remarks in a Press Availablity with the Press Travel Pool,
The Prairie Chapel Ranch, Crawford TX, 12/28/01, as reported on
official White House site
“I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.”
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02
“I am truly not that concerned about him.”
- G.W. Bush, repsonding to a question about bin Laden’s whereabouts,
3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)