Big Swole and The Dragon Training Log

I’ve recently started lifting with my co-worker who is a men’s physique competitor. I wanted to document our training here. He has a national competition this Labor Day weekend so he is pretty close to his contest. I am currently working on fat loss.

BW- 247 (I started at 254 on this diet)
Cardio- 25 minutes

Chest and Abs- 35 total sets
DB Incline- 15x30’s, 15x65’s, 10x75’s, 8x80’s
Smith Incline- 15x105, 15x125, 10x135, 10x135
supersetted with:
High Cable Fly- 4x15x25
Chest Press Machine- 4x16x105,120,135,150
Cable Press- 4x20x20
Fly Machine- 4x15x60
3-Way Cable Fly- 2x30x#4, #3
Standing Rope Crunch- 3x25x#12
Kneeling Rope Crunch- 3x20x#14
Bench Knee-ups- 3x20

BW- 245
Cardio- 25 minutes

Back and Abs- 28 total sets
Wide Neutral Grip Pulldowns- 15x150, 12x165, 10x180, 8x200
supersetted with:
Wide Straight Arm Pulldowns- 4x15x45
V-Bar Stretchers- 4x10x120
Underhand Cable Row- 4x20x80
One Arm Pulldowns- 4x12x40,50,60,60
DB Row 8/8/8- 35’s-50’s
Crunch Machine/Decline Knee Raises- 2x20

BW- 244
Cardio- 25 minutes

Legs- 20 sets total
Leg Curls- 15x195, 15x210, 15x280, 25x195
Good Mornings- 4x12x95,105,115,115
Cable One Leg Curls- 4x15x#6-#9
Hamstring Press- 4x20xStack
Leg Extensions- 4x20x90

BW- 242
Cardio- 25 minutes

Chest- 15 sets total
DB Press and Twist- 5x10x40’s
Slingshot BB Bench- 5x10x135,155,185,205,225
BB Incline- 5x10x135

Cardio- 25 minutes
20 sets back

Cardio- 25 minutes
20 sets arms

BW- 245
Cardio- 25 min

Shoulders and Abs- 33 sets
Calf Press- 5x20x240
Seated DB Military- 15x40’s, 15x55’s, 8x65’s, 8x70’s
One Arm Side Raises- 4x15x25’s
Smith Military (Half/Half/Full) 15x85, 105x8,8, 9+15 partials
Dual Cable Rear Delt Row- 4x20x35
V-Handle Upright Rows- 4x15x#10-#16
DB Shrugs- 4x15x100’s
Rear Delt Destroyer Set- 30x60’s, 20x30’s, 15x15’s
Crunch machine- 3x20

BW- 244
Cardio- 25 min

Legs and Abs- 30 sets
Leg Curls- 20x150, 15x180, 12x210, 10x240, Drop Set 10+10+10+25 partials
DB Stiff legs- 4x12x60’s
Smith Squats- 4x10x135,155,185,225+ 10 rep drop to 135
Leg Press- 50,40,30,20,10 x 225
Leg Extensions- 4x15x110 + drop on last set
Abs- 8 sets

BW- 244
Cardio- 25 min

Chest- 32 sets
Calf Press- 5x20x245
High Cable Fly- 3x15x#4
BB Incline- 15x135, 13x165, 8x185, 4x225
Incline Cable Fly Press- 20x20, 15x25, 13x30, 12x35
DB Flat- 20x35’s, 20x50’s, 12x60’s, 11x70’s
Chest Press- 3x20x105
supersetted with:
Chair fly- 3x15x20
Chair Press- 3x24x25
supersetted with:
DB Standing Fly- 3x12x15’s

BW- 240
Cardio- 25 minutes

Back- 25 sets
Meadows Rows- 4x8x50,75,100,125
One Arm BB Row- 4x10x75
Underhand Pulldowns- 4x15x135-180
supersetted with:
V-Bar Straight Arm Pulldowns- 4x12x70
Heavy Partial Pulldowns- 4x12x200
Rack Pulls- 5x5x225

BW- 241

Arms- 39 sets
Calf Press- 5x20x250

Rope Pushdowns- 4x12x#12-#16
One Arm Cable Curl- 4x12x#6

Dumbbell Skullcrushers 3x8/8/8- 25’s-35’s
BB Curls- 3x16x65

Lying Cable Curls- 3x20x45
Mini Band Pushdowns- 3x20

Overhead Rope Extensions- 17x#10, 12x#12, 10x#12
Rope Hammers- 3x16x#10

Preacher Machine- 4x12x75
Close Grip Chest Press- 4x20x110

BW- 239
Cardio- 25 min
20 sets legs

Cardio- 25 min
20 sets shoulders

BW- 245
AM Cardio- 25 min

Back, Bis, Calves- 45 total sets
Calf Press- 5x20x255
Neutral Wide Grip Pulldowns- 165x15, 180x12, 195x12, 180x12
V-Bar Straight Arm Pulldowns- 4x15x60
BB Bent Rows- 4x12x135-185
DB Row- 4x12x100

Inverted rows- 4x12
supersetted with:
EZ Curls- 4x12x65

4x10 circuit of:
CSr- 210
DB Hammers- 30’s
Close grip pulldowns- 120
Preacher Machine- 60

BW- 245
AM Cardio- 25 min

Chest and Tris- 40 total sets
DB Incline- 4x8x60’s-90’s
DB Flat- 4x10x75’s
Chest press + mini band- 4x12x135-165
Cable Press- 4x15x30-45

High cable fly- 4x12x25
supersetted with:
Rope Pushdowns- #12-#7

Low cable fly- 4x15x25
supersetted with:
Cable Kickbacks- 4x15x20

Chair Cable Fly- 4x20x20
supersetted with:
Reverse Pushdowns- 4x20x#10

Stayed home with my sick son.

AM Cardio- 50 minutes

Shoulders and Calves- Only completed 21 sets
Calf Press- 5x20x210
Cable Side Delt- 4x15x15
Seated Smith MP- 95x15, 145x13, 165x8, 145x13
Lateral Machine- 4x35x90
Cable Rear Delt- 4x15x15
*Had to stop here and go home. I ended up throwing up and having the same stomach virus my son had.

Rested until 8/10/15

BW- 243
AM Cardio- 25 min

Back, Bis, Calves- 37 total sets
Calf Press- 5x20x270
One Arm BB Row- 4x8x50-100
T-Bar Row- 5x10x145-190
Underhand Pulldowns- 4x10x165-180
Wide Pulldowns- 4x12x165-180
Rack Pulls- 5x5x275
Wide Straight Arm Pulldowns- 5x12x55-75
Rope Hammers- 5x12x50’s

BW- 241
AM Cardio- 25 min

Chest and Tris- 32 total sets
DB Incline- 15x55’s, 12x70’s, 8x85’s, 5x100’s
Smith Flat- 4x12x135-155
Chest Press + 2 mini bands- 4x15x75-105
Circuit of the following:
Cable dips- 4x15x30
Machine Fly- 4x15x60
High Cable Fly- 4x15x#5
V-Bar Pushdowns- 4x15x60

Smith Incline (Half/Half/Full)- 85x16,10,9,10

BW- 239
AM Cardio- 25 min

Legs- 45 total sets
3 exercise circuit:
Calf Press- 275
Adductor- 5x12x120-205
Leg Curls- 5x12x225-240

Swings supersetted with Goblet Squats- 5x15x53

One Leg Press- 5x10x90-135
supersetted with:
Two Leg Press- 5x20x315-400

Leg Extensions- 5x12x110-130
supersetted with:
Back Extensions- 5x12

BW- 239

Shoulders- 32 total sets
Arnold Press- 4x12x35’s-45’s

Cable Side Raises- 4x12x20
supersetted with:
Incline Cable Front Raises- 4x12x#5

Seated DB Cleans- 4x12x30’s
Smith Shrugs- 4x20x225

Face Pulls- 4x20x#10
DB Incline- 4x15x55’s

Lateral Machine- 4x35x70

BW- 237

Arms and Calves- 45 total sets
Calf Press- 5x20x280

Rope Pushdowns- 5x12x#10
DB Tri Extensions- 5x12x25’s

DB Hammers- 5x12x35’s-25’s
EZ Curls- 5x12x55

Bar Pushdowns- 5x15x#10
Standing Rope Extensions- 5x15x#10

Preacher machine hammers- 5x15x50
Cable Curls- 5x15x20

8/15 and 8/16 Rest
BW- Supposedly 236 but I think I was just dehydrated

BW- 242
AM Cardio- 45 min

Back, Calves, Biceps- 45 total sets
Calf Press- 5x20x285
Meadows Rows- 5x8x50-100
T-Bar Rows- 5x8

V-Bar Pulldowns- 4x10x105
V-Bar Stretchers- 4x10x105

Machine Row- 4x10x215-280

Straight arm pulldowns- 4x15x#11
Cable Curls- 4x15x#8-#11

BW- 244
AM Cardio- 45 minutes

Chest and Tris- 45 total sets
DB Flat- 4x8x55’s-85’s
BB Incline- 135x8, 3x8x185

Fly Machine- 4x10x75-120
Chest Press- 4x10x150

High Cable Fly- 4x12x25
High Cable Press- 4x12x35

Incline Cable Fly- 4x15x20
Incline Cable Press- 4x15x30-20

Chair Cable Fly- 4x20x20
Chair Cable Press- 4x20x20

Reverse Pushdowns- 5x15x#8-#13

BW- 241
AM cardio- 45 min

Legs- 30 total sets
Calf Press- 5x20x290
Standing Calves- 3x15x105
Leg Extensions with squeeze- 20x90, 16x100, 12x110, 10x130
Leg Curls- 20x210, 16x225, 12x240, 10x280
Leg Press- 4x20x400
DB Stiff Legs- 4x15x60’s
Close Stance Smith Box Squat- 4x12x225
Walking Lunges- 2x12x40’s, BW

BW- 241
AM Cardio- 45 min

Shoulders- 40 total sets
DB Seated Press- 4x8x50’s-70’s
BB Standing press- 4x8x115
cable rear delt- 4x10x15-20
Smith Seated Press- 105- 145

Face Pulls- 4x12x#18
Double Cable Seated Press- 4x12x30-45

Lateral Machine- 4x15x130-110
Double Cable Rear Delt rows- 4x15x35-50

Band Pullaparts- 4x20xmin
DB Shrugs- 4x20x100’s

BW- 239
No Cardio

Arms and Calves- 45 minutes
Calves- 5x20x295
EZ Curls- 4x12x65
EZ Tricep Extensions- 4x12x65

Preacher Machine Hammers- 4x12x90
Tricep Extension Machine- 4x12x150

V-Bar Pushdowns- 4x15x#14
Bar Cable Curls- 4x15x#10

One Arm Reverse Pushdowns- 4x15x#4-#7
One Arm Rope Extensions- 4x15x#4-#7

BB Reverse Curls- 4x15x45
DB Hammers:- 4x15x30’s

8/22 and 8/23 Rest

BW- 243
AM Cardio- 45 min

Back, Calves, Biceps- 45 total sets
Calf Press- 5x20x300

DB Deadstop Rows- 4x10x100

One Arm Barbell Rows- 4x10x75

One Arm Pulldowns- 4x12x#9
One Arm Cable Row- 4x12x#9

Wide Straight Arm pulldowns- 4x12x#10
Machine Row- 4x10x180

V-Bar Straight arm pulldowns- 4x15x#10
EZ Cable Curls- 4x15x#10

BW- 241
AM Cardio- 45 minutes

Chest and Tris- 40 total sets
DB Incline- 20x55’s, 15x65’s, 12x75’s, 8x85’s

BB Flat- 95x20,15,12,10
BB Incline- 20x115, 15x135, 12x155, 8x175

Chest Press- 4x10+10+10- 135-90

Chair Cable Fly- 4x15x15
Incline Cable Fly- 4x115x15

High Cable Fly- 4x15x15
Incline DB Fly- 4x15x15’s

Reverse Pushdowns- 4x15x#10
Cable Dips- 4x15x25

BW- 239
AM cardio- 45 min

Legs- 45 total sets
Calf Press- 5x20x305

Smith Squats- 4x8x135, 185, 205, 225

Front Smith Squats- 4x8x135

Abductor- 4x12x180
Back Extensions- 4x12

Adductor- 4x15x150
Leg Curls- 4x15x200

One Leg Press- 4x10x105
Two Leg press- 4x20x315

Leg Ext- 4x15x90
Standing Calves- 4x15x135

BW- 239
AM Cardio- 45 min

Shoulders- 40 total sets
DB Seated Press- 20x30’s, 15x40’s, 12x50’s, 10x60’s

Front Plate Raise- 4x15x45

DB laterals- 4x15x25’s-30’s

Rope Pulls- 4x12x75
Narrow Overhand Row- 4x12x#9

Standing BB Press- 20x65, 16x95, 13x95, 12x95

Lateral Machine- 4x25x95

One Arm Cable Rear Delt- 4x15x15

Cable Shoulder Press- 4x10+10+10- 30-15

DB Shrugs- 4x20x100’s

BW- 238
No Cardio

Arms and Calves- 37 sets
Calves- 5x20x310

One Arm Reverse Pushdowns- 5x15x20
Reverse Pushdowns- 5x15x40-60

Rope Hammers- 5x15x#10
EZ Curls- 5x15x55-45

Straight Arm Pulldowns- 5x15x#10
Bar Pushdowns- 5x15x#12

Preacher Machine- 5x15x60
Overhead Double Cable Curls- 5x15x#5-#3

8/29 and 8/30 Rest

*This was the week of Matt’s show so we slowed it down a bit.

BW- 245
Cardio- 25 minutes
Calves- 5x20x315

Back, Bis, Calves- 41 sets
Wide Pulldowns- 4x15x150
Straight Arm Pulldowns- 4x15x50

Underhand Cable Row- 4x15x75

Two Arm Kneeling Row- 4x15x#10

Machine High Row- 4x15x165

DB Row- 4x10x75

T-Bar Row- 6x10x135

DB hammers- 5x12x30’s

Preacher Mahine- 5x12x60

BW- 243
Cardio- 25 minutes
DB Steep Incline- 3x15x55’s

DB Incline- 3x12x60’s

Flat Smith Press- 4x12x135

Chest Press- 4x15x135

Cable Dips- 4x15x30
High Fly- 4x15x20

Chair fly- 4x15x20
Low Fly- 4x15x20

V-Bar Pushdowns- 4x15x#12
Rope Extensions- 4x15x#10

9/2/15- rest

BW- 242
Cardio- 25 min

Shoulders- 20 sets
Cable Rear Delt- 4x15x10
Lateral Machine- 4x15x110

Cable Side Delt- 3x15x10
Face Pulls- 3x15x50

Upright Rows- 3x15x#10
DB Shrugs- 3x15x100’s

Cardio- 25 min

Arms- 20 sets

Rope Pushdowns- 4x20x#10
Rope Hammers- 4x20x#8

Rope Extensions- 3x20x30
Precher Machine- 3x20x40

Reverse Pushdowns- 3x20x#10
Cable Curls- 3x20x#8

25 sets of hamstrings and calves

20 sets of shoulders

Cardio- 25 minutes

*Labor Day at home workout

One Arm BB Row- 5x10

Inverted Row- 5x12

Wide Pulldowns- 5x12x120

Wide Straight Arm pulldowns- 5x15x50

Walk- 20 minutes

*Matt had his show this past weekend so this is an easier training week.
BW- 249
Cardio- 25 minutes
DB Incline Press and Twist- 4x8x55’s, 60’s, 65’s, 70’s

BB Incline- 4x10x155

DB Flat- 4x12x55’s-85’s

Machine Fly- 4x15x90-100
Chest Press- 4x15x120-135

High Fly- 4x15x#5
Low Cable Press- 4x15x30

High cable press- 4x15x30
Cable Dips- 4x15x30

BW- 246
Cardio- 25 minutes

Calf Press- 5x20x300

Leg Curls w/ Squeeze- 4x8x180-210

Walking Lunges- 4x10

DB SLDL0 4x10x70’s

Leg Extensions- 4x12x130

Leg Press- 4x15x315-375

Leg Curls- 4x15x180

BW- 244
Cardio- 25 minutes

DB Side Delt- 4x12x30’s

Cable Side Delt- 4x15x#4.5

Lateral Machine- 4x20x110

Seated Cable Press- 4x15x30-45

Rope Pulls- 4x12x90

Cable Rear Delt- 4x15x15

Bent Over Face Pulls- 4x15x#10

Behind the back Shrugs- 4x20x135

BW- 243
22% BF
Cardio- 25 minutes

Calf Press- 5x20x305

Rope Pushdowns- 5x12x#10-#16
Standing Rope Extensions- 5x15x50
Reverse Pushdowns- 5x20x#10
DB Hammers- 5x12x35’s
EZ Curls- 5x15x65
Preacher machine- 5x20x60

9/12/15 and 9/13/15