It seems the show “Celebrity Big Brother” in the UK is causing some international stir, as one of the contestants is being singled out and abused because of her ethnicity.
From the article:
Contestant Jackiey Budden – the mother of Jade Goody – referred to Shetty as “the Indian” after not being able to pronounce Shetty’s name correctly. Another contestant, glamor model Danielle Lloyd, said “They eat with their hands in India, don’t they? Or is that China? You don’t know where those hands have been.” Lloyd later commented that Shetty should “f*** off home.”
I’m going to have to call shenanigans on this one, because if I have learned anything from the mainstream media it’s this: The only place in the world where you could take a random handful of people and come up with this high a concentration of ignorance and bigotry is the United States of America. These girls must therefore be faking it.
Shenanigans, I say.