Big Daddi Training Log

I have been there and done that in my early 20s. Not doing it again anytime soon at least

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So i scored another deal on the online auction here…a sled with a 50’ (i think) fat rope for 50 bucks. I will put up a picture later

Damn dude I can’t even find a rope for that price!

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I know…as soon as i saw it on there i knew i needed to grab it…too good of a deal

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Early morning workout cause i cant get into my reno job till almost 9 and i was kinda bored haha

Chest and back
Lat attack 1 set t.g. lat pulldown 2 sets bw pullups to failure 1 set t.g. lat pulldown
Chest attack flys super set with chest press x 3 sets
Straight arm pulldown superset with incline chest press x 3 sets

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So I have only just recently started working towards a body recomp of sorts…nothing crazy but need to do a little something. As far as a training plan goes, during the week i am gonna do bbing stuff…and roughly a split like this:


The reason i have it this way is because my delts and arms are weak points. On the days where i am working chest and back, the volume on shoulders, triceps or biceps is not gonna be high, but it will be some solid work still. Then having an arm and delt day will allow for some more focused volume on those weak points.

During the weekend, im gonna be trying to get in my leg training and some strongman type stuff. I love strongman training, and it also serves as some really good conditioning too. How exactly this will be programed i dont know yet but i would take suggestions.

My diet is something im still working on to an extent, but a big part of that has to do with my digestive issues. Im certain that i am at least gluten sensitive, and i have cut out 90% of the gluten i had been eating. I also have issues with certain veggies and beans (kidney beans really upset my stomach for some reason). So what it looks like and how that will go, i will update later.

On a side note…life for us is going well even with the new covid restrictions. I still have plenty of work and a good wage. My old truck has been going down hill for the last while, and i didnt want to put any more money in it anymore. So…we looked at a couple dealerships…couldnt find a used truck that was what i wanted and the right price to go with it, the closest i found was too expensive and the second closest wouldnt have had enough cab space for my son’s car seat. So, i bought an suv instead. Suv’s are my second choice after a truck so its all good. It will be delivered today.

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Today is gonna be a rough one i think. My son wouldnt sleep, wife had migraine and i have been up since 2 a.m. so i could take care of my boy. Hes back in bed, but i am wired…so here i am, 10 to 4 and im drinkin coffee and thinkin about doing a feeder workout because i am bored and can only handle so much time on the internet. Hopefully it will be a few hours before my wife and son get up, if not more so i need something to do lol.

High rep arms
Tricep pushdown 2x25
Rb tricep ext 2x25
T.g. tricep press 2 x 25
Diamond pushup 2x25

Db curl 2x25 reps
T.g. Concentration curl 2x25
Hammer curl 2x25
Rb curls 2x25

Tibia raise 2x25
Calf raise 2x25

For the calf stuff i was trying to focus on controlled reps (no boucing) and double contractions. After those sets i put my calves in a deep stretch and sat there for 30 sec or so. Also supersetted the calf stuff cause i wanted to be done.

Chest shoulders tris

3 sets tg chest press
2 sets tg “converging press”
5 sets flys (they just felt so darn good)
3 sets face pulls
3 sets lateral raise
3 sets tg tricep pushdown
3 sets tricep ext
1 set tg pullovers (was trying to get a good stretch)

So to go along with what i was talking about in my previous post (i deleted it), im gonna jump into the t-ransformation challenge for 2021. I will switch to my meadows program on the 1st and continue to work on my diet. I guess im committing myself to my goal even more lol. Before pic coming soon


So here is my before picture for the t-ransformation. Crappy lighting, no food in me, and a little sick so im not doing myself any favors with this picture.

So i wanted to basically share my story and explain why i decided to jump in to the challenge on a whim. I started training when i was about 13, mostly doing cardio and bw stuff cause thats all the rec center would let me do. Im 28 now, so thats 15 years of training off and on. Mostly on though. Over the years, i have trained in many ways, have been much leaner than i am now, as well as heavier. I have been performance focused at times and physique focused at others.

About a year ago (my 2020 started out crappy) I was out of work. Laid off near the end of dec. I couldnt find any work so we had to sell a bunch of stuff including 90% of my home gym and move in with family. Obviously training and nutrition have been lower priority while we have been rebuilding our lives, but i have been doing the best i can. Over the last few months, i have got more equipment and have been able to work on my diet and training more.

That takes us to where we are now. I have been wanting to get after a more serious recomp phase to get back in shape, be a little leaner and so forth. Im softer than i want to be, out of shape more than i want to be, and i am ready to get after it. A couple weeks ago i built my own training program and was ready to start it up, with the plan to switch to a john meadows program eventually. But then the other day, i read the t-ransformation post and decided to jump in. I figured if i was gonna do it right, i may as well abandon my program and do his instead.

So…here we are…i am currently 214lbs at 5’9". I will outline my program, food and so forth in another post as well as put up better pics


Glad to see you doing the challenge man, I am too. Similar stats as well - 205 at 5’8". Kick some ass

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Thanks man…you too

Pull day
Warm up - 50 band pull aparts and 25 rear delt raises
Single arm row 1 warm up set @ 12 reps then 3 x 10 at heavier weight. On final set do a drop set…half the weight twice the reps
Lat pull down 2x12 / 1xfailure
Assisted pull up 3x10 focusing on a good stretch amd good contraction
Face pull 3x20
Hammer curl 2x12 1x8 dropset + 10 reps
Strict curl 2 x failure using cluster sets

Post workout: turkey and rice with a smidgen of
gf low cal terriaki sauce, cranberry juice and carrots

I gotta say…my first workout of 2021 and of this program was awesome…best back and bis day that ive had in almost 2 years…no joke. It looks simple on paper, amd while not all of the technique stuff is included here (i dont know how exactly to write it), the way meadows programing is…it just plain delivers. The pump…the stretch, the contractions…its amazing. Way better than what i had come up with.

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I was fully intending on doing a leg day this morning…got up at 430 and had pre workout meal…but i woke up with a bad headache that has gotten worse and has gotten into my eyes a bit…i dont want to end up with a migraine so for now im bowing out of my training. I hope it all gets better so that i can train this afternoon maybe

Push day
Decline press 2x20 (lightish) 3 sets leaving one or two in the tank (heaviest setting) 1x failure (2nd heaviest setting)

Incline press 1x12 (2nd heaviest setting) 2x10 (heaviest setting)

Dips 3 x failure 7/5/5

Kb ohp 3x8

Y raise 2x10 / 1x10 + facepull to failure

Tricep kickback ss w./ pushdown 3 sets
Tricep extention 2 sets bothered elbows

Leg raise x 50 reps

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Well today was an interesting one…i was only at work for 2.5 hrs when my wife called me and said that our son had an accident…he had a fall and hit his head pretty hard and was acting weird/out of it …so i rushed home, we took home to the docs. Seems like he is ok…just need to watch him.

I did manage to do some flexibility work for my whole body today though…both dynamic and static stuff

Unplanned…but tasty

Pull day

  • warm up - neutral grip pullups 3/2/1/8/6/5/5/5
    Single arm row 3x10 on last set do a seth set
    Lat pulldown 2x12 / 1x failure
    Assisted pullup 3x10
    Face pull 2x20
    Hammer curl 3x12
    Strict curl 3x10

So this week has sucked so far. On sunday we found out that an aunt of mine (my extended family is very close) who had been suffering from cancer was moved to palative care, wasnt eating or sleeping. Was expected to pass soon. Even just that news hit me hard…but only a couple hours after we heard that we recieved a call that she had passed away.

Then on monday, we found out that my cousins baby (only 3 months old) had to be rushed to the hospital because they found him not breathing. They had to rescisitate him and so on. We have been very stressed out by this as well. My wife and i are very close to my cousin and her husband, and refer to each other as our kids aunt/uncle, so to see them going through this is hard and i was already messed up a bit.

But on top of that my wife is having some health problems too that we are trying to sort out which of course is stressfull and worrysome. We have no idea what is going on with her…but one of the possibilities due to the symptoms she has is ovarian cancer. So she has been going for tests amd what not so far this week.

I have not been able to train at all this week so far…but i know that my mind needs it. All i want to do is strongman stuff cause its the heaviest training i can do with the equipment i have…so i will try to do that today.

I am not looking for sympathy and im not trying to make excuses…this is all a part of life. Life is hard. Get used to it.

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