Better for Strengh Masteron or Tbol?

You guys have any experience with these compounds? Looking too run 1 or the other with Test for a strength cycle, trying to keep bodyweight same but push up my lift numbers.

Is this your first cycle?

Why did you pick these paticular compounds?

3rd cycle. Usually just run Test and amridex. Looking to run a lower dose of test and a non-aromatising to keep bodyweight down but strength up for MMA. Tbol and Mast both seem like likely suspects just looking for some real world experience with them.

I do BJJ/Grappling(Purple Belt) and have been lifting heavy for over 20 years. A couple years back I did my first real cycle with TEST P 70mg/day and MAST P 50mg/day, both for 8 weeks.

It worked quite well and is something of a standard for fighters at least from what I keep getting told. I did gain 11 lbs and kept 8-9 after PCT but I was lifting heavy and eating plenty.

Throwing in Anavar at 50 mg/day for 6 weeks would be another option, assuming you have a reliable source and the money.

I am planning another run this summer and really want to add TREN A at 50 mg/day to the TEST P/MAST P. The MAST supposidly helps combat TREN’s cardio killing ability.

Tbol at 50-70mg/day and 500 mg test/week would be great for MMA style workouts.

Tbol really seems to enhance energy endurance and oxygen delivery.

Same method of action in the body as Dbol for obvious reasons, but while test would take care of the androgen receptor activity binding just fine, more test to further cover activity, or the addition of a more specifically focused type I style drug would be useful.

West’s post on Tbol is spot on.

Another good fighter stack.

Low dose test+ EQ +Mast, and 30mg anavar, total dosage being 500-600mg a week.

This stack will allow faster recovery, strength gains and increases RBC( increases endurance). The low doses will give you “most” of the benefits of the compounds without adding much weight.

Even if you find a way to mitigate tren’s cardio killing side effects you still cant get around high blood pressure. Its best not to mess with it until your at a point where you will not have any matches for a while.

You seem like a fairly experienced guy but at your level (purple) you all have some pretty sick Jitz skills so stay away from winny due to the fact your limbs get cranked on all day.

[quote]tattoo’d’popeye wrote:
West’s post on Tbol is spot on.

Another good fighter stack.

Low dose test+ EQ +Mast, and 30mg anavar, total dosage being 500-600mg a week.

This stack will allow faster recovery, strength gains and increases RBC( increases endurance). The low doses will give you “most” of the benefits of the compounds without adding much weight.

Even if you find a way to mitigate tren’s cardio killing side effects you still cant get around high blood pressure. Its best not to mess with it until your at a point where you will not have any matches for a while.

You seem like a fairly experienced guy but at your level (purple) you all have some pretty sick Jitz skills so stay away from winny due to the fact you limbs get cranked on all day.


I had a good feeling about this thread…

I personally love tbol. It is my favorite oral steroid ever. I got the strength and pumps of dianabol, with no bloat whatsoever. Tbol didn’t mess with my sex drive like masteron did. What type of test are you using? If using propionate, you can keep a rock hard physique. If you’re using enanthate or cypionate you might get bloated depending on the dose. Of course masteron will keep you shredded even if you’re taking enan. or cyp. due to it’s estrogen antagonist effect. For strength my choice would be T-bol, but that’s just me.

Thanks guys. Might try the test + mast + eq. Anavar is so fucking expensive.

Dont need var.

Havoc/epistane is still legal and is just as usable a drug in my opinion as a DHT oral.

Looks like I’m gonna go with Test and EQ. I already take .25mg of Armidex EOD when i run Test. I was reading that EQ can aromatise slightly. Should i bump up the Armidex dose with the added EQ?

[quote]benchaffleck wrote:
I personally love tbol. It is my favorite oral steroid ever. I got the strength and pumps of dianabol, with no bloat whatsoever. Tbol didn’t mess with my sex drive like masteron did. What type of test are you using? If using propionate, you can keep a rock hard physique. If you’re using enanthate or cypionate you might get bloated depending on the dose. Of course masteron will keep you shredded even if you’re taking enan. or cyp. due to it’s estrogen antagonist effect. For strength my choice would be T-bol, but that’s just me.[/quote]

Was this a direct quote from Bro Science Weekly?