Best Revenge You've Ever Taken

Just kidding dude. Cheaters are scum, and the fuck totally deserved to have his shit found out.

Best revenge I’ve ever had? This one dude jacked my bunk at a Singaporean Hostel. SO I jacked his cell phone, set it to blare loudly early in the morning, and put it next to a half-empty can of coke so he’d blearily knock liquid all over it and hopefully ruin it.

Time before that was when my ex-girlfriend broke up with me because she had to go through some personal shit and couldn’t do it if she was in a relationship. About six months later, she starts dating my best friend. I now no longer talk to either of them. Hopefully, this will show them the error of their ways.

Hey RSGZ! You know Sun City?

Ja, it was taken at Sun City in the Christmas of 2007.

[quote]shaun1rsa wrote:
Hey RSGZ! You know Sun City?

Ja, it was taken at Sun City in the Christmas of 2007.[/quote]

Yup, I’m from Joburg so I go back every year (and visit Sun City too).

Yup, I’m from Joburg so I go back every year (and visit Sun City too).[/quote]

If it wasn’t for the fucking crime, this would still be the best country in the world.

I also live in Joeys. North Riding.

[quote]shaun1rsa wrote:

Yup, I’m from Joburg so I go back every year (and visit Sun City too).

If it wasn’t for the fucking crime, this would still be the best country in the world.

I also live in Joeys. North Riding.


I sent you a message to avoid hijacking this thread any more.

[quote]shaun1rsa wrote:
Heh, heh. I just love these revenge stories.

A few years ago my wife worked with an extremely ruthless and ambitious woman, who would stop at nothing to claw her way to the top.

Anyway, this bitch nearly destroyed my wife’s career. She saw my wife as a threat and falsely accused my missus of all sorts of shit. Total lies.

This led to official inquiries at the office, which were very embarrassing and stressful for us. Although my wife was eventually fully exonerated, I decided I would hurt this bitch if it was the last thing I ever did.

It was also an open secret at the office, that the bitch, (who was married with 2 kids) was screwing one of the young salesman in her dept.

I got a girl friend of mine to phone the bitch’s husband and pretend to be the very pissed-off girlfriend of this salesman. She told the husband how angry she was that his wife was screwing “her fiance”, and that she was going to “kill the bitch” if she didn’t stop. She really laid it on thick.

The husband then did some instant snooping around and found out the truth.

He divorced the bitch, got custody of the kids, and a small fortune in the settlement.

A year later we were at a function and I saw the cow. I walked straight up to her and told her exactly what I had done. The look of shock, followed by utter hatred is the sweetest thing I ever saw.

I still think about it and smile.[/quote]

that’s just great…well done.

When I was about 9 years old I wanted to be the first one in my grade to have pubes. So, being naive, I bought some off this older kid only to be made fun of by my friends. I tried to get my money back, but the kid, Scott, just wouldn’t give me back my money. I tried a couple times to trick him into giving me my money back but he just wouldn’t take the bait.

So, I decided to invite his favorite band out by telling them that he was dying from cancer of the ass. Then I was going to make him cry in front of them and they would think that he was not cool thus declaring me the victor.

To lure him out, I told Scott that we would settle our differences with a chili cook off knowing that he would try to humiliate me by putting pubes in his chili, I had to one up him. I had his parents killed by the local pony farmer and their bodies ground into meat and put into my chili.

Thus, when he sprung his joke on me I was unfazed, knowing I had the upper hand. When I told him what I had done, his favorite band showed up moments later to see him sobbing like a little girl. This was my greatest revenge story EVER!

Or it might have been on South Park. I’m not sure.

cant say he didnt deserve to be thrown out of school…

[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
When I was like 8 years old there was this awesome mini-blizzard and we got out of school for 2 days. My brother and I went over to our friends house right across the street to play in the snow. This friend had an older brother (13) named Andy.

So the first day we kept building little snow forts. You know get in the middle and build like 3 foot walls all around us. Every time we made one Andy would just sprint through the walls and break them, he did this the entire first day. So we decided we had to take revenge.

On the second day we went over early while Andy was still sleeping, went in the backyard and built a snow fort facing the door. Our plan was to build a wall of rocks and logs facing the door and cover it with snow so he would have no idea.

We stacked a big pile of gardening rocks in front and then like a 3 ft high pile of firewood and covered it with snow. When Andy came out he saw the fort… “I’m going to break down your fort punks!”

And we responded “Andy no! Please don’t! Leave us alone!”

So of course, the bully took the bait. Unsuspectingly he sprinted the 40 yards to our fort and connects full speed with our barricade. I swear he flew like 8 feet in the air lol. He sailed right over our heads and busted his ass. He started crying upon impact. We all made fun of him, pummeled him with snowballs, and then went inside to sip on some nice hot cocoa.

One of the greatest moments of my life.[/quote]


I will put 2 million dollars down if you can a Leprechaun, ET, Smeagol and Jared to fuck. 2 fucking million on the table.

Make that happen and we will all get off high.


Okey, so I have this sick story about two guys from my gym. Both of them really pissed me off.

The first one by saying once ‘Don’t be bothered by the way I train, you don’t have to watch ME, just go on with you training.’ As I if I paid any attention at all.

Or, when I told him that we still have a long way to go, he replied “Have you seen me without my T-shirt on??” Boy, that left me speechless.

The second guy always wore that face of a super-tough guy. When you asked him if you can work in, he would be rude and stuff. His staple exercise being a lateral raise with 15 lbs.

So, during one of my workouts, the first guy, while doing squats, dropped a 250-pound barbell on the second guy’s shin. He just chose some crazy weight for his body mass and dropped the barbell. We had to call ER.

And yeah, I would never wish such things to happen to anybody, but still, it’s like two birds killed with one stone.

To the OP: man, you went too far…
To Dennis: that was, well, a bit nasty :slight_smile:

[quote]spyoptic wrote:
wow thats some sadistic shit…

in rehab, this guy that I didnt get along with was trying to get high off some concoction, I don’t remember what it was but he stashed it in the bathroom. During lunch, I went in the bathroom and blew a huge wad of cum into it, and then sat around and listened to him talk about how it didnt get him high when he ate it.[/quote]

It sounds a little bit gay to me…

You guys are hilarious!!! So much more of a soap opera over here.

[quote]stopngo wrote:
Wondering people’s best revenge stories. Hopefully nonviolent.

Here’s mine:

Back when i was in college, me and this other guy hated each other. Had more than a little something to do with a girl. I really wanted to fuck this guy up in a good and lasting way.

An older college roommate was a tech guy. He hooked me up with this little hardware device that goes between a keyboard and the computer and stores whatever key is hit in a log. I put this gadget on a computer that said dude always used and I ended up getting access to his email.

In his email was evidence of him buying 4 term papers that other people had written for his courses during the previous semester alone. Papers & courses he ended up with As and Bs in. I printed that out & forwarded it electronically to the professors & administration. He was dumped by the university when he only had one more semester left until he graduated.

Last I heard, two other colleges he applied to wouldn’t accept him because of his miserable record. He ended up finishing his degree at a community college. Far fall from a private school. No fingers were ever pointed at me, and to make matters even safer, after flunking the guy moved back to his home state.

I imagined, and relished in, what he told his mother and father, what he told his prospective employers, what he told his girlfriend, what he told other universities in order to explain himself for failing right before he graduated.

In my case: was the girl worth it? No…not in hindsight. But the taste of revenge was sweet.

To me, whacking someone upside the head with a baseball bat: the injuries are only temporary. If you have it out for someone - you took his name and want to watch his head roll - you need to be crafy to do something that is damaging for the long-term. What’s your story?


Dude–you’re seriously fucked up.

Anyway . . .my friend took my car without asking and wrecked it, so I fucked his girlfriend.

[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
When I was like 8 years old there was this awesome mini-blizzard and we got out of school for 2 days. My brother and I went over to our friends house right across the street to play in the snow. This friend had an older brother (13) named Andy.

So the first day we kept building little snow forts. You know get in the middle and build like 3 foot walls all around us. Every time we made one Andy would just sprint through the walls and break them, he did this the entire first day. So we decided we had to take revenge.

On the second day we went over early while Andy was still sleeping, went in the backyard and built a snow fort facing the door. Our plan was to build a wall of rocks and logs facing the door and cover it with snow so he would have no idea.

We stacked a big pile of gardening rocks in front and then like a 3 ft high pile of firewood and covered it with snow. When Andy came out he saw the fort… “I’m going to break down your fort punks!”

And we responded “Andy no! Please don’t! Leave us alone!”

So of course, the bully took the bait. Unsuspectingly he sprinted the 40 yards to our fort and connects full speed with our barricade. I swear he flew like 8 feet in the air lol. He sailed right over our heads and busted his ass. He started crying upon impact. We all made fun of him, pummeled him with snowballs, and then went inside to sip on some nice hot cocoa.

One of the greatest moments of my life.[/quote]

Well played, sir. Probably the best story I heard so far.

if you can whack somebody upside the head with only temporary injuries, you arent fucking doing it right

A “friend” made me walk home one time, kicked me out of his truck. I walked to his truck and pissed all over the door handle.


[quote]brian.m wrote:
if you can whack somebody upside the head with only temporary injuries, you arent fucking doing it right[/quote]


[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
When I was like 8 years old there was this awesome mini-blizzard and we got out of school for 2 days. My brother and I went over to our friends house right across the street to play in the snow. This friend had an older brother (13) named Andy.

So the first day we kept building little snow forts. You know get in the middle and build like 3 foot walls all around us. Every time we made one Andy would just sprint through the walls and break them, he did this the entire first day. So we decided we had to take revenge.

On the second day we went over early while Andy was still sleeping, went in the backyard and built a snow fort facing the door. Our plan was to build a wall of rocks and logs facing the door and cover it with snow so he would have no idea.

We stacked a big pile of gardening rocks in front and then like a 3 ft high pile of firewood and covered it with snow. When Andy came out he saw the fort… “I’m going to break down your fort punks!”

And we responded “Andy no! Please don’t! Leave us alone!”

So of course, the bully took the bait. Unsuspectingly he sprinted the 40 yards to our fort and connects full speed with our barricade. I swear he flew like 8 feet in the air lol. He sailed right over our heads and busted his ass. He started crying upon impact. We all made fun of him, pummeled him with snowballs, and then went inside to sip on some nice hot cocoa.

One of the greatest moments of my life.[/quote]

Thats fucking awesome. the pranks/revenge stories of when people are young are always the best.

The only time I ever went out of my way to get revenge was in retaliation to my older brother. He would always piss me off, and was a lot stronger than me, so whenever I tried to fight him he would kill me. So after I started lifting and he hadn’t realized how strong I had gotten, comparatively, he started pissing me off again. So I lifted him over my head and threw him into our pool,during winter. I think he might have gotten sick because of it. My mom was pissed, but it was worth it.

once upon a time there was this douche at a party i was at!

He was full of himself…trying to talk down to people and be the hard man by downing his beers!he was giving everyone stick throughout the night and everyone had enough of him!

later that night he passed out from trying to down the beers…so me and my buddies taught we should knock him down a peg…

we got a condom,put a bit of toothpaste and a small bit of water in it mix it up and placed it in the back of his pants!

BTW the party was full of random people we didnt know at all…from out of town and where ever you may!

anyways next morning we saw him in town and he was almost in tears…till this day he doesnt know what happened and never will…hes no longer a big douche