Best Psychological Thriller Movie

Okay, okay. Here’s another thread for movies. Basically what are some of your favorite movies that are “thrillers”. Not action movies like DieHard or Terminator, but movies that have some sort of psychological aspect to it or are really fast-paced due to the plot, not the visual action going on. They can have a lot of action, but movies that are not driven purely by special effects and so on. Here are some of mine:

The Manchurian Candidate (the original)
Silence of the Lambs
Mulholland Drive
pretty much anything by Alfred Hitchcock, specifically Psycho, Vertigo, Rear Window, Strangers on a Train, Shadow of a Doubt, Dial M for Murder, Notorious, The Man Who Knew Too Much and Rope
Basic Instinct
The Usual Suspects
Play Misty For Me
Touch of Evil

pee-wee’s big adventure.

[quote]biglifter wrote:
pee-wee’s big adventure. [/quote]


Tim Burton at his finest.


Jacobs ladder

Requiem for a Dream by far the most intense psychological thriller I have ever seen…

Psycho (1960)
Requiem for a Dream was really fucked up, I watched it so young. Haven’t watched it since… I need to.

10 non-action bad ass movies with lots of suspense from the top of my head:

Romeo is bleeding
Infernal Affairs
Violent Cop or Hana Bi
Aguirre the Wrath of God
Bad Lieutnant
Ichi the Killer (uncut!)
Paths of Glory
Henry, Portrait of a Serial Killer
Let me also mention Jin Roh, an anime, that totally deserves to be on that list.

Warning: most people will find these completely depressing. Probably no girlfriend compatible material here.


Best psychological thriller ever, and funniest unintentional comedy ever.

A sketch-bag skulks around the apartment of fat chicks with night vision goggles, tries to elicit pity by stumbling to load a couch into a van with a fake cast, lures them in, beats them to unconsciousness with said cast, traps them in a basement well and periodically insists they apply lotion to their skin, under penalty of being doused with a hose…all for the greater purpose of constructing a suit out of their skins!

Frigging hilarious!!

[quote]PimpBot5000 wrote:

Best psychological thriller ever, and funniest unintentional comedy ever.

A sketch-bag skulks around the apartment of fat chicks with night vision goggles, tries to elicit pity by stumbling to load a couch into a van with a fake cast, lures them in, beats them to unconsciousness with said cast, traps them in a basement well and periodically insists they apply lotion to their skin, under penalty of being doused with a hose…all for the greater purpose of constructing a suit out of their skins!

Frigging hilarious!![/quote]

It’s also my favorite romantic comedy.

Big fan of The Usual Suspects. Loved it.

[quote]xandrewx wrote:
Requiem for a Dream by far the most intense psychological thriller I have ever seen…

Requiem for a Dream Trailer - YouTube [/quote]

There’s only one good thing about this movie:

Ass to Ass.


[quote]WolBarret wrote:

There’s only one good thing about this movie:

Ass to Ass.[/quote]

Agreed. That guy should have won, like, 17 Oscars for his 4 second performance.


Memento was awesome, LA Confidential was too. Girl With the Dragon Tattoo is one of the better movies I’ve seen in a while.

The Machinist

[quote]waldo21212 wrote:

and The Game

[quote]Schwarzfahrer wrote:

Paths of Glory

Here are mine…

Magic (1978 Anthony Hopkins)
Primal Fear
Cape Fear (Deniro)
Straw Dogs (Hoffman 71)
Midnite Cowboy
Marathon Man

Catfish 2010. lol. or it seems to be that way.