Best Multivitamin?

whats the best multi vitamin besides Superfood?

I’m using “NOW Adam” for the moment. Currently I’m writing a series of articles on micro-nutrients, when I’m done I plan to review a number of multivitamin products, but that won’t be done for a number of weeks yet.

Superfood looks like a good product, though I haven’t tried it yet, but it’s not a multi-vitamin replacement, it’s a greens plus type product, despite advertising to the contrary. As an obvious example, there is no mineral content such as Zinc, Selenium, Copper, etc. In addition, the way the labeling is set up there is no way to tell the dosage of the vitamins you would be getting such as Vitamin C.

[quote]blue9steel wrote:
As an obvious example, there is no mineral content such as Zinc, Selenium, Copper, etc. In addition, the way the labeling is set up there is no way to tell the dosage of the vitamins you would be getting such as Vitamin C.[/quote]

First you claim there are no minerals in Superfood, then you state there’s no way of telling the vitamin content. I think you have your wires crossed.

There’s no way of telling the vitamin content of the orange I just ate, but I feel confident I got a healthy dose of vitamin C.

In addition, if you’ve looked at the ingredients, this product seems to share little with Greens+. Most of the ingredients found in one are not found in the other.

I can hardly wait to read your article.

Well if its not a vitamin replacement than why do mostly all of the authors here at T-Nation only use Superfood and dont use a vitamin?

[quote]crod266 wrote:
well if its not a vitamin replacement than why do mostly all of the authors here at T-Nation only use Superfood and dont use a vitamin?[/quote]

b/c most vitamins are pure crap that aren’t digested/absorbed well by the body thus being a big waste of money.

i would say Superfood is more about the antioxidant benefit first and foremost, then vitamin/minerals…

There is no such thing as a “best multivitamin”. All of them have poor absorption due to the sheer number of vitamins and minerals in them. Plus, some synthetic vitamins have been shown to be quite harmful (vitamin A for example).

Your best bet is to get bottles of individual vitamins and minerals, then work out the posology in accordance to what food (or lack thereof) you eat it with.

Cramming 50 vitamins in a pill is a scam that appeals to the lazy.

Multivitamin’s are largely a marketing scandal. Did you know many vitamins and minerals in them can’t be absorbed when consumed with other vitamins and minerals that are in the very same PILL!?!?!??!?!

They don’t tout superfood as a vitamin replacement, if you eat a decently healthy diet which anyone on who is on this site presumably should be doing, though this is not the case, then you don’t even need a so-called multivitamin. Their largely useless in the grand scheme of things.

so basically if my diet is good, which it is I should really only take superfood and not worry about a vitamin?

Superfood is a great addition but I wouldn’t say absolutely necessary for overall health. However, as far as health goes, if you can afford Superfood then yes it’s a great addition to a healthy diet and yes a vitamin is really not needed at all. At least in my opinion, no doubt someone will disagree.

hmm I see, yea I would like to get Superfood, but being a teen with the cost of everything else im pressed for cash

[quote]crod266 wrote:
hmm I see, yea I would like to get superfood, but being a teen with the cost of everything else im pressed for cash

I agree with GetSwole.

With your situation, focus on eating whole foods and staying away from garbage and you’ll be fine. Once you’re a little older with a steady paying job, then splurge and get Superfood. I’m sure a few years without it won’t be a problem. Heck, if you eat decent you’re far ahead of many on these forums as compared to when they were younger.

I know as a teen I lived off Burger King and the like.

yea im really only taking fish oil and protien powder.thats normal if your a teen, but I havent had fast food in around 7 months haha

I’m 18 and it costs me enough to keep my around my Metabolic Drive, my creatine, my Flameout (on my first bottle and I love it!) BCAA’s when I can afford them (which is not currently)…so yeh I won’t be using Superfood in the near future. But hey I’m in college and I keep a close grip on my nutrition, I excercise both lifting weights and cardio all the time…so hey I’m not worried.

Point is, taking a stupid multivitamin will not make the difference one way or another in your health, Superfood can only help you, but again, not nearly as important as just eating solid healthy foods.

Spend your money on basic supplements (extra protein, creatine if desired, fish oil if you can) and on good solid foods. Just that will put you lightyears ahead of our age group.

yea im acually only 1 year behind you, but yea I take Surge, Metabolic Drive, creatine, whey and Flameout and just thats costs alot. But thanks everyone for the advice

Well you take the same supps I do, stick to them…we can get all the Superfood we need when we are poor youngins’ scraping our allowance together to buy extra protein powder and post-workout drinks.

My friend’s call me a loser sometimes when I stay at home on friday nights cuz I have to train Saturday…but their all on my nuts whenever I wear a cut-off shirt ey…

All in all: keep on keepin’ on, focus on your training, and your food intake, that and your basic supplementation will keep you more healthy than probably 90% of the population in today’s world.

haah sounds like a good deal, the same thing happens to me, mostly everyones out doing something and im home cause it matters more. The greatest thing is when I say I dont drink and everyones like dont lie lol