Recently switched from powerlifting to bodybuilding and want to improve body composition. Obviously I’m going to change my diet but I’m wondering what’s the best compound for lean gains? I’m trying to stay away from tren due to its mental sides, just makes me very irritable and its extreme toxicity. I was thinking of using test and Masteron. Thoughts?
Primo or EQ with Test would be better for lean gains compared to Mast, if you are trying to stay dry (not bloated). Neither of those are really heavy hitters compared to the 19-nors though.
I’m assuming tren would be best though right?
I guess “best” needs some clarification. How important are these lean gains to you. Could you make money by improving your physique? Are you okay with the trade offs for more lean gains?
Tren is going to do the most mg/mg to give you lean gains and just overall looking awesome. EQ or Primo probably won’t come close unless you use 5X the amount of it. At that point the “milder” drugs aren’t that mild because you are using so much of them.
Do you plan on coming off? Do you plan to cruise? How important is it for you to keep your gains when off or cruising? I don’t see much of a point in being huge and jacked for 4 months to return to normal (what I can hold on 175 mg/wk Test E). So it doesn’t make sense for me to use huge dosages or harsh drugs.
Are you switching to bodybuilding for appearance or competition?
You can improve appearance with any AAS, though some come with more water retention than might be desireable. But diet can suppress some excess water retention.
they all build muscle equally well. lean is going to come down to your diet
I’ve done a few different cycles and tried different diets/dieting techniques. I found the drugs basically do what your diet does. If you want to lean out I’d suggest a form of intermittent fasting but drink homemade veggie juices throughout the day to fight off the hunger and keep valuable nutrients coming into your body, I got shredded doing that while the gyms were closed from Covid, leanest I’ve ever been in my life without even lifting weights, just lots of cardio. Also didn’t use AAS during that period.
Test/tren/eq if experience and brain capacity allows it.