I’ve seen so much conflicting information about pinning Test-C that I’m just confused. Does ED pinning result in lower aromatization of Test-C? I’m currently pinning EOD for 252mg of Test-C per week on average. Obivously, week one is 4 days, week tow is 3 days, and so on and so forth. Does the EOD pinning result in weekly test imbalances? Should I be pinning daily? I don’t take any AI and haven’t experienced any issues at my current BF of 20% (and trending down due to dialing in my diet with a coach). Also, is there a big difference between 250 and 280mg per week as far as effect, assuming nothing else changes and diet remains dialed? Would a small bump result in quicker BF loss or do I risk aromatizing the T at this BF %? Thanks.
It’s lowers the peaks and valleys, but at some point you’re approaching too much pinning for an ester to make a meaningful difference. So yes if you’re injecting every 3 weeks vs ED, no to those injecting 1-2x a week vs ED.
No and no. 1-2x a week is good for 90% of men.
Not likely. You’re already taking far more than true TRT.
No to first, yes but unlikely to second
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Thanks. I know diet drives 90% of the gains, which I am focused on. But would that bump from 250 - 280 make a difference in muscle gain and strength, or no? Thanks again for the replies.
Such a small percentage it’s not worth thinking twice about.
Thanks, blshaw. I appreciate the responses.
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